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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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I guess if they do this, they have a good reason. If you think about it: They are patching something now instead of in three days time. So they take the bad rep with the players rather than letting the servers run unchecked for another couple of days.


possible reasons:

security of servers / safety of servers

- programming

- location

- databanks

- ...



- duping

- teleporting

- invulnerabilities

- credsgenerating

- ...


you know, stuff that can't wait, because ONE small post on twitter and it's server-armageddon.


I really don't think they do server-shutdowns just to p*ss people off. ;)


^^^ evil BioWare wanted to screw you all by bringing down the servers Primetime. I really think all the crying portrays the real love for the game. It's ok all. :) I want to play too. Oh well. time for real life.

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My issue is this:


last friday, servers down 4 hours RE: Free weekend

Tuesday Servers down 6 hours RE: Free weekend

THIS Friday Servers down for a planned 4 hours, no reasoon given, but I suspect it's RE: Free weekend.


How about you tell the freebie fleabaggers "So sorry, we're having some issues with the freebies, why not buy in instead" and keep your PAYING people playing.


And STOP with the ninja patches. Ok, you say you announce it well ahead of time, and when you shut down the servers, you say "Check the forums for details".


Well, there's NO DETAILS. A Ninja patch is where you don't tell us what you're patching.


And yes, if it's to fix an exploitable bug, just a "We're fixing an exploitable bug" is good enough as a forewarning, without telling us WHAT bug is the exploit.


Please, Bioware, no more ninja patches, and no more kicking us paying customers out so the freebaggers can play.

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Tell me about it. 2nd time this week. Unfortunately like you turds, some of us actually need to work. So the only time we have to play is exactly the time when they decide to have maintenance. If this goes on u're gonna see your oceanic players unsub for sure. Do something about it!


Yeah i work as well, so no "problem" for me here at all. But for me its all about how they treat their customers. They dont contribute anything on these so called patches, thats what i get angry about.

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none of you paid any attention to the patch note on the LAUNCHER,


you just super quick hit the Play button and ignored the downtime warning.



blame yourselves for not knowing ! I knew like 12 hours ago !

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Here is the problem as i see it.


This "patch" is nothing to improve the gameplay for paying customers, this "patch" is for non customers i call them Trials. The last two "patch"-notes is a big frikkin joke, what did they fix on 8h+4h NOTHING for paying customers. The game is full off bugs and they dont patch a thing!


The only thing that keeps folk in this game is the brand Star Wars nothing more. If you take a minute to think you will realize that many many things is broken even big design misses. Take professions for example, the only profession that actually contribute something is biochem. Its so bad design i dont know how to put it really.


I just peeked at RIFT 1.8, they are very very active and always try to fix things for their paying customers. Every "major" patch is a small expantion, they do this every 2-3 month, in the mean time they fix ERRORS. They have maint on the night and not on primetime etc.


I havent seen an actuall fix or improvement in swtor yet, and ive played since start. To me it seems that they are just trying to milk cash and nothing more. I think i will cancel my sub early April if they dont come out with their "miracle"-patch 1.2, and i think many will follow.


To BioWare - Your approach is totally wrong! wait 2-4 month and do a bundlepatch is very bad for your customers, you actually needs to fix stuff in the mean time to make it work like everybody else does in the MMO space. Atm you are worse that F2P games out there. Try to milk you paying customers as much as you can wont work (Age of Conan), ppl aint that stupid.


Here is a very annoying bug and very very frustrating that should be fixed month ago:


If you die on the last boss in Heroic when the boss dies you cant enter the instance to complete daily nor loot the boss. This is a VERY frustrating bug and very mandatory that it should work the correct way. And BioWare focus on Trials .... *** ?!?


BioWare - The only thing you have atm is the name Star Wars nothing more.


/Paying Customer - Soon to leave


Well said.


Checkin out tera cbt4 tomoz

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Pretty poor decision making maintenance at peak periods for oceanic servers.

Why not just schedule it for a time when it's convenient for everyone.

Obviously didn't think it through properly.


Please name a time when it would be convenient for EVERYONE.

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for me it's not so much the times as it is the days....KEEP THE DAMN DAYS CONSISTANT...whether it's a tuesday,wed,sun...dont care just have a regular damn patch day.This hit/miss whenever the wind blows is for the birds...seriously.
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It is pretty disappointing the servers being offline on a Friday evening. You do expect the servers to be running and not in maintenance, isn't that why we have Tuesday's? Then again, being an Aussie server why don't they schedule maintenance outside our main play time? I know this has all been said before and I am not saying anything new, but it is annoying. Getting home from work and logging on for the first time since Monday to find out it is in maintenance....hmm. Anyway time to fine another game to play....
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Yup, what this guy said. I just attempted to log in and downloaded some tiny update then "surprise" servers were still all offline.


PS: I know my chime in might not be warrented due to the fact it's only midnight where i live on the west coast of the "U". S. A (u in quotes because i really don't see any unification)


But I am however returned from the night of bar hoping and, my girl already passed out for the night, so about this time is usually when my drunk *** enjoys a little drinking game i call pvp nightmare ... heal if you can kill if you can win or loose we still booze... iz fun. ok. so im just slaying that it sux when you can't play...


but as i type i remembered i have other games...


hmm...maybe i should just forget about it...

Edited by RemyDMartin
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Here is the problem as i see it.


This "patch" is nothing to improve the gameplay for paying customers, this "patch" is for non customers i call them Trials. The last two "patch"-notes is a big frikkin joke, what did they fix on 8h+4h NOTHING for paying customers. The game is full off bugs and they dont patch a thing!


The only thing that keeps folk in this game is the brand Star Wars nothing more. If you take a minute to think you will realize that many many things is broken even big design misses. Take professions for example, the only profession that actually contribute something is biochem. Its so bad design i dont know how to put it really.


I just peeked at RIFT 1.8, they are very very active and always try to fix things for their paying customers. Every "major" patch is a small expantion, they do this every 2-3 month, in the mean time they fix ERRORS. They have maint on the night and not on primetime etc.


I havent seen an actuall fix or improvement in swtor yet, and ive played since start. To me it seems that they are just trying to milk cash and nothing more. I think i will cancel my sub early April if they dont come out with their "miracle"-patch 1.2, and i think many will follow.


To BioWare - Your approach is totally wrong! wait 2-4 month and do a bundlepatch is very bad for your customers, you actually needs to fix stuff in the mean time to make it work like everybody else does in the MMO space. Atm you are worse that F2P games out there. Try to milk you paying customers as much as you can wont work (Age of Conan), ppl aint that stupid.


Here is a very annoying bug and very very frustrating that should be fixed month ago:


If you die on the last boss in Heroic when the boss dies you cant enter the instance to complete daily nor loot the boss. This is a VERY frustrating bug and very mandatory that it should work the correct way. And BioWare focus on Trials .... *** ?!?


BioWare - The only thing you have atm is the name Star Wars nothing more.


/Paying Customer - Soon to leave



Christ man take a break or even quit... Not like we care, i agree the downtime sucks but stop all the non-sence that we could actually live without... It's a patch and whatever they fix or add dosnt touch me at all... As long as they just fix there times, so people with jobs and family can schedule their play time. What bioware does with there 4 hour tho... I couldnt care less, will just have to see whenever it's back on.

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Seriously...are there people paid by Bioware to sit in these forums and defend this crap? How can anyone who pays be happy about it...and then check the forums and post to defend it? I love the people that say, 'Oh I've known about it for 12 hours!' Get a job! If you purchased ANYTHING else that only worked 60% of the time you tried to use it, you'd get your money back. Aussies who have JOBS can't sit at the computer and play all day everyday, we have windows, this game often doesn't 'work' during those windows so I'll take my money back thanks EB. How do you reckon that'll go?
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I think that it is shocking that they are taking down an Australian server at 5pm on a Friday evening, "its not night its afternoon" I personally was hoping that I could get in a few hours before I went out for the evening... Is Tuesday evening not good enough for Bioware? there taking away my Friday as well? Guess I've got to go back to WoW... bring on the panda!
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The thing that annoys me is the length of the downtime. We're locked out of the game for 4 hours for what, one thing to be fixed? I swear there have been a couple of 4-hour downtimes with no patches.


I'd really like to know why we don't just have 15-min rolling re-starts in these situations like WoW.

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Seriously...are there people paid by Bioware to sit in these forums and defend this crap? How can anyone who pays be happy about it...and then check the forums and post to defend it? I love the people that say, 'Oh I've known about it for 12 hours!' Get a job! If you purchased ANYTHING else that only worked 60% of the time you tried to use it, you'd get your money back. Aussies who have JOBS can't sit at the computer and play all day everyday, we have windows, this game often doesn't 'work' during those windows so I'll take my money back thanks EB. How do you reckon that'll go?


I reckon it would go badly for you at EB. The policy is once you buy a computer game, it's yours. :)

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