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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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LMFAO. How cute, you think that complaining to a company doesn't have an effect on their product.


First, remember that TUESDAY is maintenance time. OP probably works around that downtime, so the servers going down in the middle of your pre-planned gaming schedule sucks. Unscheduled maintenance like this is BS anyway. Either it's an emergency or it can wait til Tuesday. Usually random unscheduled maintenance happens when they find a player exploit they missed, so it's not going to down the servers, but it's urgent to BW.


Second, trolls can call it QQ if they want, it doesn't change the fact that you need to speak up if you feel you are being treated unfairly. OP has EVERY RIGHT to be upset -- and in a capitalist society, EVERY RIGHT to complain. Further, complaining to a company is VERY effective. It's just a matter of how many complaints they get. I assume there's more than 1 person in OP's region who plays TOR. I assume they are also unhappy with their prime gaming time being interrupted by unscheduled maintenance.


This forum is specifically for (partly) complaining, so to come in here and say stop complaining means you're a Jack*****.


Third, why am I writing this? I don't care about trolls, they're trolls! Wrote too much to discard but I'll just stop. This is a waste of my time -- just realized it now...



Ok... ok... but what is OP ???? and OP's

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You'll find that many service suppliers, as EA are in this respect, will actually contract out of giving you what most people would consider a reasonable level of service, as if paying for the service was your way of helping them try to supply a service.


It's not about whether than can legally perform maintenance, they need to and most of us understand that, it's the timing. While they have the right to do maintenance, we have the right to discuss it :)


yes now that it has been put into a reasonable way you are making it sound a bit better but i agree they should confine their downtime to days like tuesday or wednesday as players love to use the weekend to level or grind.

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come on guys.. only 1 hour till servers will be up!!

then you can play till AEST Sunday night, when they will bring the servers down to kick off the free weekend players..


Servers are always nice and fresh and fast running after a reboot

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With a game that has global distribution, there does not exist a time that won't piss SOMEBODY off. They choose to do maintenance at a time that is best for America, since that is where they are based, and I'll bet that globally, it is also the time with the lowest server load.


Does this suck for you? Yes. I truly feel for you. But whining about it will accomplish nothing.


There are only two ways to avoid maintenance during SOMEONE's "prime time:"


1) Never do maintenance, and the game will be a broken pile of crap within 2 months.


2) Someone invent a way to patch the servers from outside the time-space continuum. Pick me up a few Phasers and Blasters while you're there. :D


While there are server farms for each region, they are not independent of the main servers in Texas, and staggering the maintenance could have major stability ramifications for the entire network. Do you WANT SWTOR to be as prone to crashes on patch night as WoW? If not, then the way they are doing it is the solution.


In other words, suck it up and deal with it, because it's not going to change.


FYI - the whole reason why Bioware claimed they limited release and excluded Asia/Pacific originally was so that it could set up local servers to not affect the gaming experience. So all the Oz people on US/EU servers, sure, bad luck about maintenance at times inconvenient for them. But it is pretty friggen annoying when local OZ servers are placed on maintenance time schedules based on US times. There is no logic or consistency. If they were going to do that they should have released this game globally from the start and stop the SHAM of having local servers

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No, because I would research the product I am buying if I was worried it would be an issue, and knowing that a foreign car is made in a foreign country. I would expect to want the class and luxury of the car. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a BMW.


erm... rephrase it, it sounds wrong.


Let me lecture you for a bit about those things:


I expect my government to cater for me (and not some oil companies for example that would potentially push us into invading some fictional oil rich lands) because... i pay TAXES. Lots of them.


I expect this game to cater for me because it's being sold in Europe and it has to obey customer rights in Europe - the way they are drafted by Europeans, not by others (because usually sovereign nations do draft their own laws - and yes, Europe is not a nation - i know) and, most importantly, because i PAY for it.


Now. What we "rest of the world" citizens are asking is NOT to put the maintenance time in YOUR prime time, BUT TO split it so that we can also benefit from this SERVICE that we PAY for in our PRIME TIME too, like you do.


I still fail to see why are you so vocal about this - that we're asking for something that would not affect you. But then again i never understood some of you people and your innate desire to impose things on others.

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I'm not really understanding what you're saying, however the same Terms of Services I and everyone else on these forums agreed to before playing this game are the same exact Terms you clicked 'Agree' on. You aren't the special one out. Everyone will get screwed over one way or another, I'm not saying that you should suck it up because the TOS says so, but if you're experienced in MMOs, you should know what to expect.


What i'm saying (and obviously not communicating well) is that the TOS is irrelevant. What matters is what our choices are. I've made a concious decision to sub to this game, and not another (and i imagine many others have too). The state of the art in the other major competitive MMO at the moment is NOT these sort of outages.


I can unsub from this game, and resub to the other. if I sign up for the competitive offer of a 1 year sub, i get Diablo 3 for free, free access to the Beta. I'm not ccoming back to SWTOR if that's the case.


Do you see how the TOR is irrelevant, but my experience is not? I iamgine i'm not alone.

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the TOS IS A LOAD If they want to do a reset and the earse the servers everyone is now lvl 1 Im sure you would be pissed an not quoting the TOS bio would say ey everyone we have the right its in the tos


Nope, it would be within my right to stop playing. Oh wait, it's that way now.

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Post-April transfers. Locked regions.


Problem solved.


Any idea if they're considering or actually going down that route? I did wonder why the Aussie/Asian-Pac region release wasn't zone-locked/coded; the way Warcraft's Euro vs US accounts are, at the moment. Possibly because it's easier to lump AUS/NZ in with USA? /ponders...

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Again, those of us affected DO NOT CARE what is written in the TOS. We have other choices. In fact why am I typing this at all. Bye....


Love how apparently you think your voice speaks for the masses lol. Cute.


However you agreed to the TOS dude so you're subject to them. The worst part is that you said it yourself. You have other choices. As an independent human being with a mind of free will, rather than blame the developer, just walk away.


How unhappy must you be with a service until you call it quits and chase after a gaming experience which better suits you. But instead you stick around, purposely endure a miserable burden but blame the game developer when you can't tell yourself to just walk away.

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Lol tell me about it. A new class is always fun. What I'm excited to see is the Warlock set, warlocks usually have the coolest and most unique sets. Always something to anticipate.





I'm not really understanding what you're saying, however the same Terms of Services I and everyone else on these forums agreed to before playing this game are the same exact Terms you clicked 'Agree' on. You aren't the special one out. Everyone will get screwed over one way or another, I'm not saying that you should suck it up because the TOS says so, but if you're experienced in MMOs, you should know what to expect.



Joined: Sep 2011


except his first post was on the 15th of Feb.


I think he is a biofail imposter.


You have been posting or defending biofail in every post. You have not made any posts "ever" suggesting changes or commenting on changes only defending. Please be gorn or at least not post in green.


Click on his name in the left side of the web post and select "show all posts"

Edited by darkneeds
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I'm not really understanding what you're saying, however the same Terms of Services I and everyone else on these forums agreed to before playing this game are the same exact Terms you clicked 'Agree' on. You aren't the special one out. Everyone will get screwed over one way or another, I'm not saying that you should suck it up because the TOS says so, but if you're experienced in MMOs, you should know what to expect.


What i'm saying (and obviously not communicating well) is that the TOS is irrelevant. What matters is what our choices are. I've made a concious decision to sub to this game, and not another (and i imagine many others have too). The state of the art in the other major competitive MMO at the moment is NOT these sort of outages.


I can unsub from this game, and resub to the other. if I sign up for the competitive offer of a 1 year sub, i get Diablo 3 for free, free access to the Beta. I'm not ccoming back to SWTOR if that's the case.


Do you see how the TOR is irrelevant, but my experience is not? I iamgine i'm not alone.


TOS is irrelevant, not TOR :p I actually like TOR, to bad it's managed by EA... :p

Edited by Urdnaxela
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Uh... no? You should use that time to you know.... get laid? Get friends? Watch a movie? Watch a show? Get a life outside this game?


4 hours out of days of server uptime to play and it's the end of the world. They can take the servers down whenever they please, no matter what they do, no matter what time they choose, there will ALWAYS be that one nerd that will complain.


If they take it down during the day time in the U.S, then the Europeans flaunt their sense of entitlement everywhere like a whip, if they take it down during the night time in Europe, than the Americans will throw fits. And even if they decide to split maintenance according to time zone people will STILL complain. Because there is always that one guy who works all day and plays all night, or that nerd who plays till the break of dawn, so no matter what, someone will be affected.


And what's the worst part about it all? That with all the crying, the nagging, the incessant barrage of rage posts constantly on these forums about the quality of the game, when Bioware decides to do maintenance and patch problems that people complain about, here comes people like the OP.


Might as well just tell Bioware, "hey don't do ****, seriously don't pay attention just leave everything as is." Oh but wait, then you get bored and you want more content because it's getting boring. Well damn we got a conundrum.


So no I don't care if it was me locked out of gaming for a couple hours on a Friday night. Doesn't matter what they're patching, they're trying to create some sort of acceptable gaming environment, but because some people think their time is better than everyone else's, the complaining will never stop.


4 hours out of the day when I can actually play it. I'm only new at this game, haven't had any problems with bugs. Biggets annoyance is the server downtime at times when I can actually play it (ie in the evening, not at work time or sleep time). This is not 1 or 2 people having a moan because it clashes with their shift work. This is prime time for many people here. In the age of server virtualisation I don't understand why there is so much or so long downtime, or why it can;t be done sequentially (like in the GALAXY)

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