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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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If you haven't realized, a major issue at the moment is the lack of player population within servers. This marketing ploy, The Weekend Pass, MAY bring in new players or bring back old players. IF (because I cannot read the future), IF it does work out, we may have an increased number of players to play with/against.


No MMO is fun if you're playing alone. This MAY bring in some players. They have not once discussed the problem with low populations within servers, but this Weekend Pass may be a temporary fix. So yes it very much has to do with our game play. More players = More fun even if the new players are noobs. They'll get up there if they choose to stay.


Yeah sure. However i'm also sure many of us have Scrolls of Ressurection incoming from friends. I have. I've got a Pally on ice for 6 months, but he's seriosuly thinking about going and having a look at the Dragonsoul raid.


What is the population going to look like when you p*ss off all your subscribers and they go back to other MMOs?

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I just woke up early, hoping to get a few hours of play time in before work. Lo and behold, the servers are down, yet again. I really love this game, but I work odd hours. It seems that just about anytime I want to play this game, the servers are down or about to be down. I realize this is a relatively new game, but it seems like this game needs a new patch every 2-3 days. As a new player, this is rather disheartening. I'm loving leveling my characters and the story is awesome and so far I really like the game. However with the constant server maintenance and relatively small server sizes, I may be forced to go back to that other game. Even though, I don't really want to.
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Originally Posted by LordProlapse

Extremely amusing listening to US players give oceanic players advice on what they should be doing on a Friday night. Isn't is approx 1-4am on friday morning there in the US? Great time for winners (unemployed? arts students? live with Mummy? sorry Mommy?) & their action packed lives to be submitting posts...


You just got their attention me thinks ) neatly put!


Its actually backwards. The ones complaining are the working adults who are the mommies and daddies and therefore have a limited window of time to play that maintenance always screws with.


If I was unemployed I wouldn't give a damn when maintenance was because I wouldn't be able to afford to play anyway. And if I was living with my parents this would be 1985 and we wouldn't be having this conversation for obvious reasons...

Edited by TapVallian
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Downloaded the clinet last night. ITS sitting on my PC and i can not play it. That hurts.


did you get the 1 year wow sub? :)) now THAT was a good marketing move... and they didn't need to shut the wow servers for it...

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Neroxides were talking about free time, people trying to say * omg you got nothin better to do on a friday night * well no we somtimes havn't, and yet the same people who are saying this are usually the same people who stay logged in to the website 24/7 posting.if he/she wants to moan about the server time being down in there peak time let them, but oh yea im sure if it was down in your peak time u wouldnt moan right


For me i got work, and i am tired when i get come, so i usally dont play..


I don't mind if they take the server down, like say now:


I am going to work in a few hours, but i wanted to play the game. But its down, well, i cant do much because their fixing the free time for trials. I think that is good, because the faster they do it, we dont need to think about it in the future. Isn'

t it better to get it done now? insteand of having they do it next week? It dosnt matter when they do it, people will complain anyway, there is so much people playing this game, so if they do it at the weekend, they still will complain. The faster they do it, the faster we can play again. And its just a few hours, everyone can survive that, cus we dont got a any choise (bad english)..


But at the time of the day, swtor can do whatever they want, if they feel to patch it now, they can do without any disagreement. Everyone did accept that in the terms, so if nobody like this, stop playing, cus you made an agreeement when you started to play the game, whatever if you like it or not!


IF you didnt read that,


I suggest you to read the terms again before you even start to play a game. I was fully aware that they can do patching whenever they want, remember, THEY HAVE WORK TO DO aswell! They are making the game, they have a big pressure on them to get things sorted, fix aswell. I belive if you was working with them, you would said anything else then just flaming them to speed up!

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did you get the 1 year wow sub? :)) now THAT was a good marketing move... and they didn't need to shut the wow servers for it...



Yes got the annual pass. WOW servers work well with what i need. OFf when i am asleep. But when D3 is out cancel sleep for a week.

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Yeah sure. However i'm also sure many of us have Scrolls of Ressurection incoming from friends. I have. I've got a Pally on ice for 6 months, but he's seriosuly thinking about going and having a look at the Dragonsoul raid.


What is the population going to look like when you p*ss off all your subscribers and they go back to other MMOs?


Subscribers will be angry one way or another. No matter what time they choose to do maintenance, as was stated before, the world is round, so someone somewhere will still miss out, prime time is no longer a set time between specific hours. Prime time is considered ones personal time to play.


Pick an hour, any hour, someone will still be hurt. They SHOULD implement these changes regionally rather than globally but I can't fight the fact that this is how they are doing it now.


I have a Scroll of Resurrection sitting in my e-mail too dude lol. Soooo tempting, but I experienced Dragon Soul, meh, Dragons are getting overplayed. Some of the stuff showcased on MMO-Champion looks reaaaalll interesting though :p.

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Imagine what would happen to the poor little old Aussie servers (all three of the little buggers) if the EU and US players couldn't reach their hosts?


Mass migration! :eek:


The wait would be so long that it would amount to a complete lockout for not only the time that the EU and US servers were out, but also then any down-time that the AU servers would need.




Our 3 servers rarely go off very heavy as it is.

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Oooooh, they just edited the patch notes to make it not JUST about the free weekend, lol


1.1.5d Patch Notes



Implemented changes to improve overall server stability.



Players will no longer be able to exit the starting area earlier than intended.



I think I just worked out why these take 4+ hours... in the last 30mins it has gone from patch 1.1.5c (with just the changes under 'general'!), to 1.1.5d (now including the small PVP change)... they couldn't seriously be doing agile development during these maintenance windows could they... are they on a 1hr sprint cycle or something? hourly scrums?


(this just gets more insane the more you look... best to avert your eyes I think).


EDIT: Ok... seems like they only just updated the patch notes now - the 1.1.5c was from Tuesday's 'maintenance'... so maybe not quite so extreme, but still think they have the agile development thing going ;)

Edited by Vadz
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Imagine what would happen to the poor little old Aussie servers (all three of the little buggers) if the EU and US players couldn't reach their hosts?


Mass migration! :eek:


The wait would be so long that it would amount to a complete lockout for not only the time that the EU and US servers were out, but also then any down-time that the AU servers would need.




Our 3 servers rarely go off very heavy as it is.


I've said it before, I'll say it again.


Locked regions, post April transfers.


Problem solved.

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Subscribers will be angry one way or another. No matter what time they choose to do maintenance, as was stated before, the world is round, so someone somewhere will still miss out, prime time is no longer a set time between specific hours. Prime time is considered ones personal time to play.


Pick an hour, any hour, someone will still be hurt. They SHOULD implement these changes regionally rather than globally but I can't fight the fact that this is how they are doing it now.


I have a Scroll of Resurrection sitting in my e-mail too dude lol. Soooo tempting, but I experienced Dragon Soul, meh, Dragons are getting overplayed. Some of the stuff showcased on MMO-Champion looks reaaaalll interesting though :p.


What he said... Couldn't have said it better

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Actually the OP isn't complaining about maintenance, or that he'll die because of said maintenance. He's complaining about the time. BW does maintenance in the early AM North American time to impact the least ammount of North American players. That is a smart business decision because you give the most ammount of people access to your game when they want to play (which is generally later in the day) and only impact a small percentage of the playing / paying population.


IMO (and this issue doesn't even impact me since I'm from Canada) if they can do that courtsey to the North American playerbase they should extend that same courtsey to both the Oceanic players and European players. The maintenance on those servers (regardless of where the server physically is) should be at a time that impacts the least ammount of players from those regions.


This. Out for a few hours I can play every day, most of that time is from around 10 - 12. And since nowadays they are taking servers down every 3 - 4 days, I'm getting really annoyed.

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Again BW and EA already had WoW's model to look and learn from so they should have already implemented the traffic shaping and the load balancing





Low population servers? Maybe on the US ones, but it's the easiest fix in the world.


Forced transfers, WoW did it. WoW also did the opposite when a realm became overpopulated.


It'll happen to soon as they figure out the logistics of it for the late-April transfers post 1.2 and legacy conundrum.

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This. Out for a few hours I can play every day, most of that time is from around 10 - 12. And since nowadays they are taking servers down every 3 - 4 days, I'm getting really annoyed.


I belive they wont send the server down for a while. After this patch.


Just take my words on it, i belive the next patch will be in a few weeks, prob at the 5th..

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Being an EU player, playing on the US realms, this maint ends about an hour after I wake up in the morning, right in the middle of my 3 day weekend, so it suits me well (it's 10:26am here right now).


What fits for some doesn't fit for others, remember the game is not region locked, and the world is round, there are many more people than just those in your one time zone.


Also, does anyone know what the patch includes, as it doesn't say maintenance anywhere, it says patch in every post the CS bots have posted.

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Imagine what would happen to the poor little old Aussie servers (all three of the little buggers) if the EU and US players couldn't reach their hosts?


Mass migration! :eek:


The wait would be so long that it would amount to a complete lockout for not only the time that the EU and US servers were out, but also then any down-time that the AU servers would need.




Our 3 servers rarely go off very heavy as it is.


Yes, because so many Europeans or US would be up when the nigh-time maintenance would hit their servers...


There is no flocking ffs - think! If maintenance would be done for each region, in each region's night time there would be few people that would "assault" the online servers (there servers outside that particular region) simply because - gosh darn!!! what a shocker!!! it's friggin' NIGHT TIME for them so most of them SLEEP.

Edited by Urdnaxela
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