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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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Weekend Pass: They must be scrambling for players already? Ive noticed server population dropping off slowly.


It would of been nice of them if they did the update to the game on maintenance night for this weekend instead of Friday:( I'm a casual player and don't get to go on as often as I would like, so it seems like every time I have a chance to pay this game it's on maintenance

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anyone who plays an MMO should be aware of downtime, its a part of playing the game. The problem everyone is having is this is unscheduled maintenance that, if like the past 2 "patches", are for freeweekenders. So they are hurting their shrinking paying population to cater to people who may not even subscribe anyway.


To be fair, Free weekends are good for the community, but fix your base first, then pull in more people. Youre best source is the people already paying. make them happy first.


take it from the resturant business: The best marketing is solid operations


The point is no matter when they do it... it will always piss someone off. Just like in a resturant there will always be some pain in the rear customer that will just never be happy until you give him a free meal.


The key word to sum up this thread and society in general is....



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The thing that people keep on forgetting is that they CAN'T stagger maint on each of the regional servers, since they all share the SAME CLIENT. There isn't an EU Client and a US client like there is for WoW, for example, which has seperate maint times if i remember correctly.




Rubbish the Launcher is on a different server to all realm servers they are not updating the launcher they are updating the game files so ofcourse they can stagger update times

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Best post so far, if all thats true... Get that feature running dev's cant be too hard. Wouldnt mind a weeks downtime for that feature to be permanent xD


It's 100% true, I'll google the article about them talking about it, and with GW ask anyone who's played Guild Wars. Never once were the servers offline.

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I am a new sub to ToR and having read all the posts I can see certain parts of each complaint and defense that has been posted. I have had more down time with this game than I have with any other I have ever played.


That said, this is a new mmorpg (3 months + new mind you) and issues will need to be dealt with as they pile up :eek: (shocking I know). The down time is there to fix the bugs that people have reported (I being one of them ;) ) that have piled up.


I do think they could change the day though when these happen imo :cool:. I mean a friday / saturday :confused: ....is that really the best time to bring down your entire game? I have seen people post about "times that the server population is low" and "best for the regions around this time"...seriously? It is a friday night in the US and saturday in EU, how can you sit there and say that this is the best time?


Other games I have played they do theirs during the week, anywhere from Tuesday - Thursday, and these are pay and non-pay mmorpgs I am talking about. So I personally think the day could be changed but other than that these downtimes are frequent and annoying but if I want to experience the least amount of bugs it is needed.


So far I can't complain the in game tickets are answered quickly with answers I can accept, the downtimes are short in comparison, and the game is something that I enjoy. I hope all the people that are complaining could just understand it is for the better and maybe they will change the day....but until then it is going to happen frequently due to the infancy of ToR.


Now you can start to tear me apart, but remember it is a new game and if you want the issues corrected it just has to happen this way for a while. ;)

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It is NOT going to take 16 hours for aussies to get access to the game again. It is 4 hours for EVERYONE till they can access the game again, regardless of where they live.


learn to read


the point was they have no idea what time it is in Australia , but thanks for taking notice that i suggested a better time for patching

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the pvp oceanic server i play on is in sydney, i agree, why cant they just take down certain regions leave the aussie server up and take it down around 2am, alot less complaints then i reckon, believe me being friday night i'd love to go out but seeing as i have my kid to look after that aint gunna happen so when he's asleep, i like to relax on here, but looks like im gunna have to wait till around 10pm to do that
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I'm not reading 24 pages of responses but the reason why they don't have maint at different times is because you would have a giant influx of yanks on the EU severs and what not so they can get their fix.
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It's 100% true, I'll google the article about them talking about it, and with GW ask anyone who's played Guild Wars. Never once were the servers offline.


Yo i'd actually like to read that if you can PM it to me or something that would be great thanks :D

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what are they patching for exactly ?. has to be something more then turning on weekenders accounts to last upto 4 hours espec when they have already patched how many times to sort weekenders out already.


this game is starting to have more downtime then a dogdy boxer, not that i dont approve of updating the game if and when required but this aint an emergency patch and yet again its on eu mornings.

Edited by Shingara
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I just can't believe people are defending this unscheduled 'maintenance'. MOST people work, when you're over going 'out' getting drunk, getting into fights and picking up, it's the prime time for doing others things, such as, playing the latest MMO you've just decided to pay money for. So you come home, sink a couple of beers, settle in for a night of playing SWTOR and the servers go down! BIOWARE, you did well, I admit, but crap like this is pushing me back to your superior competition.


This. ^


I have time everynight for entertainment after work starting about 2 hours before these servers shut down. Sure I could read a book or watch tv or a movie... but I choose to entertain myself with swtor. If I wanted to do all that other stuff I wouldn't need or want to play this game in the first place.


Since my work schedule isn't changing and swtor maintenance is the exact same time every week and from 1-3 times per week this is getting to the point where I am thinking about looking for a 2nd game to play a few nights a week... then its a short downhill slide to just not playing at all because I normally don't play 2 games at once. The most entertaining or in this case available game wins.


Some weeks it feels like I don't get any time during the work week, making this a weekend only game.


My kids are grown, my wife has her hobbies that don't require my input and now all I need is a game that is consistenly available when I want to play.


In 2012 that doesn't seem like too much to ask.... since the first MMO I ever played in 2003 was able to accomplish that.

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Its not just america, there is a big continent called europe that would lose out if you moved the maintenance. I do however hope that bioware will soon start seperating server maintenance for different regions soon.


Seperate maintance times for everyone.


Australians got yesterday what we Europeans have been having for past few months.

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This. ^


I have time everynight for entertainment after work starting about 2 hours before these servers shut down. Sure I could read a book or watch tv or a movie... but I choose to entertain myself with swtor. If I wanted to do all that other stuff I wouldn't need or want to play this game in the first place.


Since my work schedule isn't changing and swtor maintenance is the exact same time every week and from 1-3 times per week this is getting to the point where I am thinking about looking for a 2nd game to play a few nights a week... then its a short downhill slide to just not playing at all because I normally don't play 2 games at once. The most entertaining or in this case available game wins.


Some weeks it feels like I don't get any time during the work week, making this a weekend only game.


My kids are grown, my wife has her hobbies that don't require my input and now all I need is a game that is consistenly available when I want to play.


In 2012 that doesn't seem like too much to ask.... since the first MMO I ever played in 2003 was able to accomplish that.


It's ok, the Rapture will happen soon enough. :)

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The point is no matter when they do it... it will always piss someone off. Just like in a resturant there will always be some pain in the rear customer that will just never be happy until you give him a free meal.


The key word to sum up this thread and society in general is....




Entitlement is when you go into a McDonalds and demand they make you Chicken soup, which isn't on the menu.

entitlement is walking into a wal mart, and screaming they don't have playboy magazines.

Entitlement is NOT expecting something you pay for to work.


Let me put it this way.

If you got a telephone call and the operator said your service was going to be interuupted even 1 day a week for 4-8 hours, YOU would cancel the phone service and go with another carrier.

If your credit card company said your money wasn't going to be available because they had to put out a bank software update, you'd go to another company.


ENTITLEMENT IS NOT expecting a game put out in 2012 to use systems in place by other MMORPG's to avoid as much downtime as possible. Even without these systems, 4 hours is still too long. rotating servers, having some test realm servers open, or some other method of making things so we can at least do SOMETHING, instead of sit here waiting.


And ENTITLEMENT is not us who PAY TO PLAY expecting to not be pushed off for so far 14 hours just so "free weekend players" can leech off the game, and make us paying members second class players.

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This. ^


I have time everynight for entertainment after work starting about 2 hours before these servers shut down. Sure I could read a book or watch tv or a movie... but I choose to entertain myself with swtor. If I wanted to do all that other stuff I wouldn't need or want to play this game in the first place.


Since my work schedule isn't changing and swtor maintenance is the exact same time every week and from 1-3 times per week this is getting to the point where I am thinking about looking for a 2nd game to play a few nights a week... then its a short downhill slide to just not playing at all because I normally don't play 2 games at once. The most entertaining or in this case available game wins.


Some weeks it feels like I don't get any time during the work week, making this a weekend only game.


My kids are grown, my wife has her hobbies that don't require my input and now all I need is a game that is consistenly available when I want to play.


In 2012 that doesn't seem like too much to ask.... since the first MMO I ever played in 2003 was able to accomplish that.



Damn ur lucky with your wife.....

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I'm sure they prioritze the times so that the fewest number of people are affected.


I could be totally wrong, but it could very well be possible that more Americans are online on a Thursday late night/morning (i.e., now) than other countries are on a Friday night.


I'm sure it's a simple business decision - to make the fewest possible customers mad.


We'd have to see numbers to be sure of this though, and I doubt we can get our hands on that to know for sure. Just my hypothesis.

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