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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Species recognition?


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I really like species recognition.


I know the chiss get a few in the Imperial Agent story, I guess this is because at the time it was one of the few species that could play it so it was given that the time doing it would be worthwhile.


It does get strange in other places such as the Sith Warrior story where they are talking about the purity of humans and you could be playing a Cathar who is favoured by the overseer cause his more human the the near human.

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Chiss Agents get a few lines, I'm not sure about Rattataki.

Rattataki agents get some weird lines.


Example: Agent and Kaliyo meet a guard in the Citadel on DK.

Guard: The Rattataki must wait outside.

The guard does *not* mean the agent.


Example: Companion conversation with Kaliyo. As with Aric Jorgan and a Cathar Trooper, she will tell you things about growing up a Rattataki (specifics on life on Rattatak) as if you wouldn't know.


Example: Companion conversation with Raina Temple, when you first gain her as a guest companion. She asks you about "the Rattataki" as if that couldn't refer to the agent.


Example: Something that happens on Corellia. Someone you don't like insists on something happening to the Rattataki, once more as if that couldn't refer to the agent.


At no time are you offered a wise-guy remark as if you think these references mean *you*.

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On Wookieepedia, that's been wandering the line of canon and noncanon, those kids on The Clone Wars could have just been very young Twi'leks, it was never outright said if they were the clone's kid biologically.


Well the youngest was 3 the oldest was 5 how could they be the clones when the war started a year before the episode?

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As much as I would absolutely adore for the devs to go back into the old content and revise things to allow for the later added species unlocks to be reacted to, I know it'll never happen. Granted I barely know much of anything about coding, what little I do know's enough to wager a guaranteed bet that if they did, it would break plenty within the game and that's not even taking into account the costs of bringing in the VAs for dialog.


With that said, it's still so much missed potential such as a Pureblood Smuggler able to try to bluff they're a Sith to Imperials, Jedi being wary around a Pureblood Jedi, Sith being very wary around Miralukan Sith, Force using Chiss being regarded in surprise, Jorgan not treating a Cathar trooper like they don't know the first thing about their species, or Vette having a potential better cameraderie with a Twi'lek warrior.

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Rattataki agents get some weird lines.


Example: Agent and Kaliyo meet a guard in the Citadel on DK.

Guard: The Rattataki must wait outside.

The guard does *not* mean the agent.


Example: Companion conversation with Kaliyo. As with Aric Jorgan and a Cathar Trooper, she will tell you things about growing up a Rattataki (specifics on life on Rattatak) as if you wouldn't know.


Example: Companion conversation with Raina Temple, when you first gain her as a guest companion. She asks you about "the Rattataki" as if that couldn't refer to the agent.


Example: Something that happens on Corellia. Someone you don't like insists on something happening to the Rattataki, once more as if that couldn't refer to the agent.


At no time are you offered a wise-guy remark as if you think these references mean *you*.


To the point of kaliyo explaining life on rattataki, if you are a rattataki agent, then you grew up in the empire and not on that world, especially given you still have an imperial accent.


As for vette explaining the customs...most twi'lekks barely know ANY of their customs because they are sos pread out and over half the race is enslaved tot he point that their culture has been all but shattered. So it isn't a huge stretch tot hink you wouldn't know about it (this one however is because that species couldn't be a warrior originally)

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Well the youngest was 3 the oldest was 5 how could they be the clones when the war started a year before the episode?


Was that episode a year into the war? The episodes were generally not telling the linear story of the war, but just stories from the war. I was uncertain if that episode was a bit closer to the end of the war or not.

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