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Utility in PvP


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I've done a decent amount of PvP both as gunnery and medic, depending on how raiding goes that week. I've always done well for K/D ratios and high damage with some clutch heals as gunnery (but then again, ANYONE can do that). Not lacking on button mashing, that's for sure.


My problem though is I can't provide game changing actions. Things like knocking that marauder off my healer after cryo nade is gone. Or stopping an assassin at the goal line.


So, does anyone have some tips to offer and allow me to play more effectively?

Edited by GroogOT
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Your a healer. You keep people alive who in return complete objectives. Your yourself can probably keep 4 enemies occupied by just trying to kill you for a prelong period of time that is your contribution and a damn good one. I routinely hold a node or delay a cap in civil war with just one other player while the team takes a point.


win the war lose the battle

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