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Anyone else go from Aresenal to Pyro Merc....


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And LOVING it? My god man. I need to pay more attention or something. I respeced last night and good lord is it fun. Hell of a lot more mobile, good burst, survivability is less than what my Arsen spec was but no big deal.


Just wondering if any others have had "the second coming" happen to them with great/fun results.


I went from V1-60 as arsenal, then finally respec'd due to TM "hate" a few weeks back. I love Pyro, and Ironically enough I'm far more survivable and LETHAL than I was as Arsenal.

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Arsenal is vastly superior for PVE, I don't even think there is an argument to the contrary there.


PVP depends on your playstyle. If you want mobility and burst pyro is superior. Rocket punch being a knockback has been mentioned, as has the faster cooldown on the push for arsenal. You can also upgrade unload to have a slow.


Your statement for PvE is only true for players who are lazy or otherwise bad.


Pyro is also superior, hands down, to Arsenal in PvP; I've played both ways. With Arsenal if you are left to freecast yes, you will kill a lot of enemies, but how rarely is a Merc left to freecast once the enemy team sees your TM animation? On my server - never.


whereas Pyro in PvP is far more mobile, and capable of producing the SAME amount of DPS while moving.

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Your statement for PvE is only true for players who are lazy or otherwise bad.


i think you are discounting the armor debuff.

it may not be REQUIRED for PvE but it sure as hell helps in those burn fights on hard/nightmare ops.


the armor debuff benefits your whole raid. not sure what pyro brings to the table in an Ops setting. I would assume other than the debuff it is just personal choice and playing proper rotations.

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I have been a Pyro since I started playing. MMO PVE doesn't interest me anymore after years of wasting too many hours in raids.


I can see the arsenal PVE bonus for the raidwide buff, but I struggle to see the advantages of arsenal in PvP against decent players. So long as you keybind/use a Naga etc the overall situational advantage you have as a pyro just cannot be matched by Arsenal.


I haven't spent time on the PTS, but am interested to see how things will change for 1.2. All I see is that Pyro will require greater mobility/situational awareness due to the lack of RS reliance. I don't see any reason to change up though.

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Pyro gave me more scoreboard damage but with Arsenal I am more effective at actually killing things. IMO, heals/cleanse are much more effective against pyro. With Arsenal I can just vaporize people with a few casts and with pyro I burst them down to like 35% and then heal back up/reshield/cleanse and whatever and the dots that are left ticking can't finish them off. I get more kills and more killing blows and fewer deaths with Arsenal. With arsenal I can sometimes burst down a ball carrier with heals on him. Something I can't do with pyro.


edit - typo


I love pyro, but this guy is right.


Cure, shields and heals are your worst nightmare.

Edited by KKaae
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I´ts good that we have 3 specs to choose from, Pyro and Arsenal are really diffrent.


Some thinks the other is better then the other, but it boils down to playstyle and flawor i supose.


in my mind Arsenal is really the only option for Mercs at all, Bodyguard is inferior to other healers and Pyro is inferior to arsenal and PT Pyro.


But im not claiming that this is the case, its my way of seeing it.


if you like pyro thats good for you! but some folks here claims Arsenal is crap and only spam TM and that is obviusly ignorant!

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On paper arsenal looks somewhat more survivable because of the way the low tier talents are spread...the Pyro tier 1 talents are crap while Arsenal gets a better stack in their T1/T2 that they'll take anyway leading to better self heals and more synergy with the left tree... 10/31/0 seems a lot more solid to me because of this. Pyro is going to end up like 3/7/31 or whatever and have less heals.


As far as kiting I could kite with Pyro and still never be able to heal up or kb/break los with Arsenal and heal up with that stronger 10/31 combo for heals.


No one ever talks about the loss of self healing and shield power from Pyro with regard to survivability....any Pyro guys care to comment on this?

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Arsenal is vastly superior for PVE, I don't even think there is an argument to the contrary there.


PVP depends on your playstyle. If you want mobility and burst pyro is superior. Rocket punch being a knockback has been mentioned, as has the faster cooldown on the push for arsenal. You can also upgrade unload to have a slow.


^^ This guy.


I still, however do not think that Pyro has MORE burst. Pyro is a DoT class, burst is not what it big on. Even with TD. My Arsenals spec is way more bursty.

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Sorry if this doesn't add much to the discussion but I had a quick question regarding the 10/31/0 arsenal build: Do % increases from healing recieved benefit from our own self heals or just heals from other players?


I'm wondering whether I should take:

1) Custom Enviro Suit - 2% endurance and 6% healing recieved OR

2) Integrated Systems - 2% healing recieved and 2% healing done


I'm asking because I raid and PvP and I havn't actually ever ran a 10/31/0 build for PvP before with the buffed self heals and Im trying to figure out the best way to spec. THanks in advance for any help

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Tracer missile is for the birds.


I can't imagine ever going back... lighting things on fire is just so fun.


RNG can mess with heat management for Merc/Pyro PvE, but if you have half a brain you learn to deal with it. It's nice to have to pay attention while playing... :p

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I leveled using arsenal merc, simply because it makes sense to if you're going solo. That AR increase with TM makes you nearly a tank. @50 pure pvp I'd go pyro, the dps seems to be too high to ignore. If you're grouping at 50.... I do think pyro will do more dmg but you bring less utility to your group.
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Smart phones. Lol.


I saw it a second ago 10/31/0 > 3/7/31. Arsenal is much better in PvE and PvP.


I guess all those times I demolished Tracer/Grav spammers 1:1 and on the scoreboard I was just imagining it.



PS: for those saying Pyro has heat problems, you're playing it like a Tracer spamming noob and that's your problem.

Edited by SentinelForce
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true statements, and fyi i think the Bg/arsenal hybrid (maybe BG/pyro) is best pvp spec ...


end of the day do what you like the most!


when dual spec comes out i will be arsenal (for raid) and hybrid (for pvp) but until then i am one of the primary dps's in raid so i pvp with my sorc *shrug*


do what makes you happy, and do not hate on the other builds like *some people* on the boards seem to do far to often, we are brothers, not enemies



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I've played Arsenal and Pyro for pvp. Both are very fun and effective in different ways. The deciding factor is how you PREFER to play. I love knocking people off ledges in huttball (alot) and bursting down healers. Arsenal ftw.


Pyro is a better dueling spec though. Far more mobile as well.


Edit: Saw an interesting Pyro/BG build for pvp and tried it out. Loving it atm for the survivability and mass deeps. More damage but not as many kills as arsenal and by the force the heat build-up is a problem....Does duel well though.

Edited by TyrellJonez
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I started as arsenal spec and in my opinion only, if you are not at least lvl 30 this is the only way to go. however i have switched to pyro and never looked back it is better for dueling. My playstyle for pyro though is support dps once another player starts fighting i support them with my DoT's. My overall damage with pyro spec in a WZ is usually 30-50k higher than when i am specced arsenal.


As many others have said both arsenal and pyro have there own strengths and weaknesses. If one suits your playstyle better go with it and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

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what you get with pyro: high BURST dmg, good for pvp in one on one situations


what you get with arsen: high SUSTAINED dmg, good for pve, and single targets in pvp.


arsenal is superior for all around applications.


and its going to stay that way. well at least thru 1.2

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Just thought that I would throw a quick build suggestion to anyone in here who is thinking about going Pyro. I raid and pvp and was getting sick of having to respec back and foth between Arsenal and Pyro.


This is my build that has the best of both worlds. Pyro does require much more skill to be viable in PvE but I love that. You basically just need to manage your heat better because you can't just spam TM or Unload and vent heat.


My "lightbulb" idea was to split 2 points between Automated Defenses and Energy Rebounder.



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