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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tatooine needs to be Death Starred


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Sign me up. After they deal with The Ramen Noodle Planet and The Planet of Corridors That All Look the Same they can proceed to vaporize Coruscant (aka The Other Planet of Corridors), Voss (The Planet of Pointless Mysticism), and Planet Rakghoul.


A lot of the planets are bad in some way, shape, or form. But these 5 stand poor textures and boring layouts above the rest. The only planet that I feel is perfectly alright the way it is is Hoth.


Really? Because I kinda like Taris. Peaceful, in a weird way, nice background music, and for some reason it REALLY reminds me of Portal 2.

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Aww I liked Tatooine with both my Jedi Knight and my Sith Warrior. My Jedi Knight got an epic duel against an honorable Sith and my Sith Warrior made a creature that supposedly hunts Krayt Dragons faint just by looking at it. Epic storylines!


For my JC it less interesting. Sith Inquisitor......it was a Sith Inquisitor story. Can we perhaps hold a convention for Sith Inquisitors on Nar Shaddaa and then Death Star it instead?


You can have the Silencer from my retired Sorc. :D


Edit: Lets just do the Galaxy a favor and nuke Hutta. :) Stupid Hutts....

Edited by Amien
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My main reason for glassing Tatooine is that @$*#% balloon ride and the bugs related to its de-spawning.


I really hate that piece of junk, I've spent 3 or 4 hours with alts waiting and riding the thing with not one successful outcome.

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My main reason for glassing Tatooine is that @$*#% balloon ride and the bugs related to its de-spawning.


I really hate that piece of junk, I've spent 3 or 4 hours with alts waiting and riding the thing with not one successful outcome.


1.2 is supposed to fix that bug if I remember the patch notes correctly.

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1.2 is supposed to fix that bug if I remember the patch notes correctly.


I hope you're right, though I doubt it will. From what I've read it was supposed to be fixed a couple of patches ago and people still ran into it. I also read it was fixed in the beta and it reemerged.


They said the launch screen graphics appearing when transitioning between areas was "fixed" a few patches ago, but that doesn't stop it randomly paying a visit from time to time using lifts, and it never fails to make an appearance when using quick travel, at least on my machine.


I'm not ************ about the launch screen graphic, it's trivial. I'm just raising the point that some bugs are still occuring regardless to claims to the contrary.

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all the planets r fine some need more npc that r doing **** as for some planets being dark ect i seem to rember a lot of people asking for day and night cycles now i hear complaints about being in the dark this forum is full of noobs and wingers and kids but if u r gana blow up a planet blow nar shadar up for what it could have been and what it is

r a joke as for maps being to big what a load of garbage if they were not that size u would say the maps r to small

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz that what most of u make me do when i read this useless crap:p

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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I don't like


Korriban/Ord mantell/Tython/Hutta;

Dromund kaas/Coruscant

Balmorra, Nar Shadda, Tatooine, Alderaan, Quesh, Taris, Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, Ilum


The imp/rep fleets. The ops and flashpoints.


oh, and i nearly forgot space missions.



Edited by Wisz_Rethon
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