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Medpacks... are you kidding me?!?!!?!?


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I am not saying they should, I am saying it is pointless to cry about it when you have no clue lol.


BW's PTS policy is f.o.s., but that doesn't keep anyone from trying things out before they get their pants in a knot.




I agree, but my point that nobody has any business complaining about a change they haven't given the try. Not if they are over 5.


Not crying, constructive criticism on the implementation of PTS. I have multiple level 50 toons, none of which are playable on PTS. Therefore, by your logic, I should just wait for all of these patches to go live since there's no way I can have any input on the implementation on an entire laundry list of changes to both my class and my crafting skill.


So I suppose in your universe it would be an acceptable solution to play a toon up to level 50 on the PTS server, grind my crafting skill to 50, get the end game recipes, craft the recipes, then find 7 other people who have also done so, then test it for a few weeks, then post a constructive critique.


Is that about what you would suggest?


Nevermind the fact that in that month long trek 1.2 would have already gone live, rendering pretty much that entire last paragraph moot.


So, yes, they have stopped us from trying the changes whether we get our pants in a 'knot' or not.

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That's just not true. If you are on the offence, ie, moving to score you should not get a new shot of medpacks on the way. Would be too easy. Learn to use cooldowns and pass the ball(if you're facing good players/premades, good luck walking all the way).

Healers are useful too, I hear...


You also drop out of combat when you win combats. :cool:


What are you talking about? All I said was that it is not unusual to never get out of combat in a huttball.


Just need to argue?


I hear that I play a healer, and indeed I'm pretty useful (or at least am until 1.2 when me and all the other healers quit bothering)

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What are you talking about? All I said was that it is not unusual to never get out of combat in a huttball.


Just need to argue?


Not really. You told us that if you're not constantly locked in combat you're doing it wrong. I pointed out why you're wrong and why/how you would drop out of combat and now you're playing the victim. Put simply, I have another perspective and experience. Yes, I'm not playing a stealther. I suppose I'm just tired of people throwing out absolute statements of what is right or wrong. That's all.


I hear that I play a healer, and indeed I'm pretty useful (or at least am until 1.2 when me and all the other healers quit bothering)

Talking to people in game I get a wholly different point of view. The forum however is a very good source to find threats of unsubbing the second they change anything. It will take maybe a week or two before we a new set of builds that are considered viable emerge. It has always been like this when MMOs are concerned.

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For the people saying this doesn't change pvp it certainly does. I have been in countless warzones where I have not died and I can say without a doubt in my mind that I have been in many Voidstar warzones where I never dropped combat not even once. There are voidstar matches where no one gets a door and there is combat 100% of the time due to the short runback of respawns. I see it being less of an issue in the other 2 maps and also the new one but still an issue as there will be times where you do not drop combat for well over 5 minutes.

Also will stealthers be able to reset their cooldown instantly just by stealthing in combat while being shot at? This hardly seems balanced.


IF you are going to keep this change you certainly need to reduce the cooldown on the medpacs. Seeing that you sometimes will not drop combat for well over 2-4minutes and then to throw another 90sec or more on top that seems ludicrous. A


This change is also yet another nerf to the functionality of biochem. The stims and adrenals have already been nerfed so that they are not the best out there, they really need to be on par with BiS items since most crafting professions can "crit" their BiS items and make them way better than anything anyone else can obtain. Saying we can do so with implants is not the same since we do not get rakata or BiS recipes at all, the best we can hope for is to get lucky with a hard mode raid drop to crit on the columi ones making them only slightly better than rakata if at all. The medpacs were nerfed already as well , making the blue medpacs useable by anyone actually provide more over all healing. Now biochem suffers yet another nerf at the hands of how many times will I actually use this medpac now? Well in an operation you will only really use it for the number of bosses there are so assuming you kill 10/10 on whatever difficulty you will use 10 a week...really not saving much since you only need 10. The better option would be to take the larger heal since 10 are easily affordable and crafted even cheaper. Even if you stick with the reusable rakata medpac your still suffering a nerf since you will be getting the benefits from it much less often.

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It's an intentional change. You can use 1 medpac per individual combat, not 1 per Flashpoint. That makes it much easier for us to balance a Flashpoint more tightly to player ability.


Man, man, man...


You people really do EVERYTHING you can to tell crafters to go away. Every thing.


Is there some sort of bet going on at Bioware to see who can drive the most crafters away from the game or so ???

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Medpacs can now only be used once per fight. When a medpac is used during combat, another cannot be used until after combat has ended.


They don't care about your feedback : somewhere has decided that this game will not be for crafters nor for casual players, so we can say whetever we want.


This is exactly the type of stupid decisions you get when you invite only hard-core people to give feedback (people who go to summits and/or are in high-level guilds).


Several people warned them that these people are NOT the average players, but they simply don't listen to casual players, only to (the much more vocal) hardcore players. You and me, we can talk and argue all we want, they decided not to listen to people like us.


Next is probably some sort of uber-skill that you can only get when you do the story line of all companions, or something equally hardcore. Oh, wait... that is already in too!

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My current pts toon is 28, I am using roughly the same build I use live. I am a 'Shadow Tank'


I don't have a self heal perse, I have a mechanic that gives me a very small amount hp when it triggers. (Live its about 450-500, Pts its about 128, level based and gear restricted to make that clear.)


The last thing you want a tank to do is to force cloak and dump agro right onto the healer.... or the squishy dps'r. SO the med-pack is useful in keeping my current build in the fight as a tank... Since the Knight Tanks are screwed by a lack of self heal too.... lets just say its not good and move on.


- - - -


That said, I rely a lot on the health packs when soloing, and when I am tanking it helps to keep the burst damage I take in from AOE's down. SO that the MEDIC / SAGE /Scoundrel etc healing me is not overloaded, and has time react.


- - - -


That said there are countless times in pve as a solo player I barely scrape out of a fight and have 25% health left over... so the medpac is a vital part of my survival. (Especially since my companions of have have gotten -quirky- and generate odd amounts of agro.


There also exist bugs out the wazoo that randomly occur that lock you as a player in combat. (Recently on PTS I had this crop up in the Paladin's story arc....) TO where combat had ended yet the combat mechanic was -still stuck on- OK? See just the 'bare edge' of

the problem?


Well it gets worse, money coming into players hands does not flow smoothly, the metrics BW put out in the guild summit say that less than 80% of the server populations had 400k or more.... less than 1% had 1 million... ok we do not need more credit sinks, we are getting chewed to death by repairs as it is and now we are looking at more deaths... and more repairs.


(Dare I mention the various nerfs to cash flow from WZ & Space...?)



Ok so it's clear to me that this is going to put 1- a dent in the economy, players will have few credits to spend idly. 2- make for hard choices on gear vs say Bio-chem med packs... 3- aggravate all elements of the player base. From the casual player, who does 1-2 missions a day to the NM player raiding every night.... and the PVP players.


This is poorly thought out and badly executed. Not to mention it does not work well, if at all with the current buggy mechanics on the PTS server.


Considering that the LIVE servers exhibt many of the same buggy combat mechanics that are in PTS; going forwards with it IS tantamount to pulling a CU or NGE, in SWTOR.



Ok Dev's, back up and punt, this sleen won't hunt.



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Therefore, by your logic, I should just wait for all of these patches to go live since there's no way I can have any input on the implementation on an entire laundry list of changes to both my class and my crafting skill.


You seem to be missing the point of the DEVs... the know very well that the way PTS is now, they only get feedback from hardcore players. And that is exactly what they want : they stopped caring for casual players and want us to shut up, they just want people's opinion that play alot.


Untill they look around and see that all other players are left, ofcourse, then it will be like ''oh, how is this possible, we listened to what people said''.


Hardcore players are vocal players. Bioware still needs to learn that vocal is not the same as a majority.

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You seem to be missing the point of the DEVs... the know very well that the way PTS is now, they only get feedback from hardcore players. And that is exactly what they want : they stopped caring for casual players and want us to shut up, they just want people's opinion that play alot.


Untill they look around and see that all other players are left, ofcourse, then it will be like ''oh, how is this possible, we listened to what people said''.


Hardcore players are vocal players. Bioware still needs to learn that vocal is not the same as a majority.


lol. the whole legacy system is built for casuals. hard core players couldn't give squat about it.

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We are still in discussions to restore pre-level 50 medpacs to their previous condition to avoid negatively affecting the PvE game during the leveling process for people that heavily rely on medpacs.



That would be a plausible solution.


I am on the "this suggestion is silly" side. Another impact of this change COULD be that players will AVOID making new chars that can't heal.

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It's an intentional change. You can use 1 medpac per individual combat, not 1 per Flashpoint. That makes it much easier for us to balance a Flashpoint more tightly to player ability.


This is a very sad choice, as it also prevents people from soloing more elite mobs that may be a 20 min fight because of their slow DPS, with only one medpack available, meaning you only get one mistake. Its pretty cool to be able to take out champions, even if they are grey.

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This is a very sad choice, as it also prevents people from soloing more elite mobs that may be a 20 min fight because of their slow DPS, with only one medpack available, meaning you only get one mistake. Its pretty cool to be able to take out champions, even if they are grey.


umm, if it takes you 20 minutes to kill something then they probably don't intend for you to solo it...

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You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.


George I hope you see this, I just wanted to weigh in and say that this can happen especially to tank classes. I have gone many games 6 or 7 minutes at least without exiting combat just because the melee moves as a pack its not like everyone breaks and runs for the ball when it resets its a slow moving fight. I know most of those in my guild hate running the ball or even going after the ball as it really does nothing for us in game except set the win or reduce the time in the game. I mean if we got medals for scoring or assisting the scoring it might be different, as it is the point of huttball is not to run the ball it's just about killing people.

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You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.



So basically stealth classes can heal twice as much as any other ? :L rip snipers / guns

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as it is the point of huttball is not to run the ball it's just about killing people.


Wrong. Sure if you're just trying to kill farm. But in ranked matches, where your rank will go up by WINS and not kills, your goal is pretty bass ackwards.

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It's an intentional change. You can use 1 medpac per individual combat, not 1 per Flashpoint. That makes it much easier for us to balance a Flashpoint more tightly to player ability.



so your phasing out reusables and limiting the the use of medpacs to 1 per fight? What was the point of biochem again? I could deal with having reusables and only getting to use them once per fight but wow, thanks for making the consumable part of biochem worthless ( the part that has a use beyond making credits). only gonna keep it cause i have too many implant schematics to drop it, but this is really lame, other crew skills get buffed and biochem gets nerfed thru the floor. thanks.

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You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.




The words I have not.

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Originally Posted by GeorgZoeller

You exit combat in PvP 8 seconds after the last hostile action. DOTs do not refresh this status.


You're playing very unusual games of Huttball if you never drop out of combat. Especially given that the ball resets to the center after someone scores, moving the action quickly.



For being a dev you seem to have never played huttball. I am a vanguard tank, so im a great ball runner and basically if im not in combat in hutball im dead, and I am FAR from the only one. People who play to win instead of for kills rarely leave combat and since i cant heal more than one medpac as a tank your totally and completely dooming me since healers are rare in pvp.

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Its astonishing how many bads there are in this thread...


Georg your statement is 100% correct and I wouldn't put too much salt in all the complaints. I'm sure you as well as the bioware team is aware that forums are mostly there for venting and nothing else.

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