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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which Imperial class next?


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Hi all,


So, a few weeks ago I finished the Sith Warrior storyline up to level 50, and it was really really amazing and sithy :D

Now, I've been wanting to create a new character I'll be able to stick with to 50 just like I did with my SW, but I just can't decide! I want an imperial class with a cool story and nice mechanics (if you could mention advanced class, that would be appreciated). I've been debating on Light Sided IA or a Dark Sided SI, I'll take all classes into account, any thoughts? Thanks in advanced!

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I'm playin a LS Agent and the story is really good! Especially ch. 2, from what has been going around with endings there are some that are really interesting. I for one will be going with



Turning into a double agent and working for the Republic SIS



Just because of the thrillness of doing so, and I find it could be really interesting in the future with story.


Smuggler story is good too, for Republic side.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Bounty Hunters are really great! if everybody says that smuggler is the coolest and funniest class there is then bounty hunters are like empire's smugglers, almost equally as funny. I have tried all classes from Empire side but BHs take the price for sure!
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IA!!! My first character played and my first 50 was a LS Operative (pre class changes). She's still fun to play after the class changes as well. The story is AMAZING!! Chapter one is a little meh, but holy cow it picks up after that.
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I am playing BH and SI and I love both stories. SI slows down in the 20s A LOT but once you wrap up act 1 it gets amazing again. I am 48 now and about to finish the story.


I would go BH for a big difference from what u are used to.


BH MERC is what I did, tons of fun.

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