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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Star Wars Books


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Hey I am in the process of reading Deadly Alliance right now, and it is AWESOME. Probably not the most notable literature of our time, but worthy of reading if you play this game. Anyone read any others that they might reccomend?


Oh! Also, if you get the chance, read Death Troopers! It's a Star Wars zombie novel, which explains some of Han's background. Just read it. It will blow your mind. :D

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I have been reading a lot of the SW books since last October. I think i stopped reading Fatal Alliance because it started so bad, but if it's good I will go back.


I just finished the Thrawn series, which I know a bunch of people loved. It was terrible. and not in that 3rd grade reading level way either, it was just terrible.


Im not sure what other EU books I should be getting into though.

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Most people like the Thrawn novels I think you might be the first person I have seen post they didnt like them (I am sure you arent the only one however). When I read the first novel, Heir to the Empire, the first time I was a little disenchanted by it, but I had just finished the Darth Bane books so I think it took me a bit to switch to a different style of book. I did enjoy the next 2 books in the series. The Hand of Thrawn books I liked as well they are well written and the smuggler organization plays a big part again which I like a lot.


There are so many books and a lot of people love a lot of different ones. What book did everyone like the best or what series of novels?

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