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Petition to stop Bodyguard changes.


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My char is a Pyro Merc (Battlemaster) with all champ gear, me and two other guild mates (both in Cent Armor +) were playing Huttball with a BG Merc playing against us (guys name was Top Notch I believe). The 3 of us were all unloading on him and unable to kill him. After 2 mins we decided to get back on task. At that point I decided Merc BH's indeed needed some re-balancing.
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My char is a Pyro Merc (Battlemaster) with all champ gear, me and two other guild mates (both in Cent Armor +) were playing Huttball with a BG Merc playing against us (guys name was Top Notch I believe). The 3 of us were all unloading on him and unable to kill him. After 2 mins we decided to get back on task. At that point I decided Merc BH's indeed needed some re-balancing.


I can BS on this. I'm a BG healer and theres no way that you can survive for any decent amount of time with 3 pyro mercs pounding on you...


Maybe there was someone else healing him as well. Post video.

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i guess the changes is based on war hero gear. i heard full set will give 24% pvp bonus.


there was time need 8 ppl to kill me in hutball. sometimes i never dies holding voidstar door or defend civil war turret. sometime 2 melee would give up to kill lone me.


but most of the time i died 1vs1 against skilled melee dps or any range dps.

Edited by rolotomasi
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we can tank 3 players for 20+ seonds under the right circumstances. Energy shield =12 seconds of invulnerability, then another possible 15 seconds during supercharge, not to mention if we use a a pvp adrenal to increase our expertise. While tanking 3 people for 2 minutes seems a little far fetched, i've tanked 6 players for over 15 seconds (due to energy shield).


It was unbalanced, and the changes being put forth are an attempt to make it a bit more balanced. I don't know which side of the balance the changes will swing to (too big of a hit, or too small?).


I'm not going to sign a petition that attempts to better balance the game. As a merc healer, I agree with some of these changes. Instead of a petition, Bioware needs PTS character feedback, most likely in the form of healing efficiency in operations (where we were rather strong as well)

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just looked at the patch notes..



HOLY ****!!!!


lmao are BH healers reallly that strong in PvP? I don't think ive seen a class nerfed so hard in an MMO before...and the one buff they did get was only because of PVE...

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I can BS on this. I'm a BG healer and theres no way that you can survive for any decent amount of time with 3 pyro mercs pounding on you...


Maybe there was someone else healing him as well. Post video.


I just did this the other night. Since my resolve bar was full, I was able to just keep casting and healing w/ bubble up while 3-5 players attacked me. It lasted for well over 20s. I certainly never saw that kind of survivability as Arsenal or a Sniper, even with Resolve bar full.


But I don't really think that this is necessarily a bug with BGs or a balancing issue. It is working as designed as far as WZs go. It isn't often that you can survive enough stuns to actually fill your resolve bar and stay alive for a bit afterwards. It also takes some skill to do this and hit your medpack, pvp stim, power surge, ES, etc all at the right times.


I certainly don't see any need for nerfing something like this. It wasn't as if I actually was able to kill any of those players during that time. If anything, they could nerf the Resolve bar in PVP, but just like nerfing healing, that would be pretty lame (tho 95% of the time I don't survive long enough to fill it).

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I'm completely on board with the heal nerf to bh/troopers. They are absolutely ridiculous when fully geared ( I also have a champ geared 50 merc alt btw ). Their damage mitigation along with healing power is completely over the top and are always much harder to kill than a sorc healer. Sorcs are squishy, bh/trooper healers are not.


If you don't have 3+ people focus firing them hard, they will flat out ignore you like you aren't there. Honestly this nerf is more justified than the sorc healer nerf.

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1) There is a huge difference between being invulnerable for 20ish seconds and 120ish(2 minutes).

2) This petition is flawed in that you dont want to revert the AoE change

3) Changes in PvP did need to be made, but the question is were the right changes made in a way that didnt screw PvE?

4) Sorcs were told they were being nerfed and Ops were told they were being buffed and both were the truth. We were told that we were getting a slight bump to out AoE and while we got that, we also got BLINDSIDED by SIX NERFS. Bodyguards have the right to be PO'd.

5) Even if further testing shows we needed to be nerfed, messing with the heat mechanic was a bad way to do it.

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I'm completely on board with the heal nerf to bh/troopers. They are absolutely ridiculous when fully geared ( I also have a champ geared 50 merc alt btw ). Their damage mitigation along with healing power is completely over the top and are always much harder to kill than a sorc healer. Sorcs are squishy, bh/trooper healers are not.


If you don't have 3+ people focus firing them hard, they will flat out ignore you like you aren't there. Honestly this nerf is more justified than the sorc healer nerf.


Our heals are no where near as good as a sorc heals, this is the trade off, they get insane AOE healing and we get the survivability.

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Our heals are no where near as good as a sorc heals, this is the trade off, they get insane AOE healing and we get the survivability.


and instant burst healing


sorc still wins in 80% of all situations, but when the mob is raging on the tank and you need to be picked up fast calls will still go out to the BH

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I'm completely on board with the heal nerf to bh/troopers. They are absolutely ridiculous when fully geared ( I also have a champ geared 50 merc alt btw ). Their damage mitigation along with healing power is completely over the top and are always much harder to kill than a sorc healer. Sorcs are squishy, bh/trooper healers are not.


If you don't have 3+ people focus firing them hard, they will flat out ignore you like you aren't there. Honestly this nerf is more justified than the sorc healer nerf.


LOL isn't it always amazing how when other classes come in to complain about some class they always have a lvl 50 fully geared. I call bull crap

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we can tank 3 players for 20+ seonds under the right circumstances. Energy shield =12 seconds of invulnerability, then another possible 15 seconds during supercharge, not to mention if we use a a pvp adrenal to increase our expertise. While tanking 3 people for 2 minutes seems a little far fetched, i've tanked 6 players for over 15 seconds (due to energy shield).


"Energy shield =12 seconds of invulnerability" i'm a merc healer and any good player on me when i pop my energy shield + Power Shield talent(immune to interrupts) will stun/knockback to interrupt the healing, 2stuns=16seconds or 8 seconds if our cc breaker is ready that leaves 4 seconds left, then there's the knock-back, so that leaves about 2seconds of invulnerability casting. Besides its not "invulnerability" its 25% dmg reduction.

Edited by Shaide
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"Energy shield =12 seconds of invulnerability" i'm a merc healer and any good player on me when i pop my energy shield + Power Shield talent(immune to interrupts) will stun/knockback to interrupt the healing, 2stuns=16seconds or 8 seconds if our cc breaker is ready that leaves 4 seconds left, then there's the knock-back, so that leaves about 2seconds of invulnerability casting. Besides its not "invulnerability" its 25% dmg reduction.


Exactly, it's not the same as that stupid shield the Jedi pop when they have 10 hp left and some how stick around for another 30 seconds. We're healing our asses off on ourselves when we pop our shields just to stay alive because that usually means 3-5 ppl really want us dead.

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