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1.2 gear still hideous


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I'd like to meet the artist who did the current tiers and next tiers of the consular gear so I could tell them how much I hate their art.


I understand that we're getting a plethora of new orange sets so we can customize our looks the way we want, the problem is the top tiers of gear are UGLY. I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned this, the new sets aren't even a step in the right direction.


This is the new stuff.


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Gotta' admit, I'm a bit concerned they are paying money to have people design these kinds of armor for what is supposed to be the most high end gear in the game...Some of them look kinda cool, but really nothing inspiring or anything I would consider professional. Some of them (poor poor smugglers) are downright terrible.
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The gear on my Sage is by far one of the biggest reasons I'm glad I played beta. I learned early on that this, for all intents and purposes, is a female class. The gear is clearly designed for females even if you disregard the long flowing robes, as the lady gaga-esque hats were clearly influenced by Luminara and Padme (which is idiotic given that she was not a jedi at all).


The other major factor was that the female voice actor was flat out better. No offense to the male voice actor but if he showed some real emotion from time to time like the female VA I might like him more like his other characters (*cough* Nathan Drake *cough*).

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They have some preconceived notion that in pre 1.2 we need to look like a drag queen and in 1.2 we need to look like a burlap sack. Their artists and the people approving those designs are the ones that can doodle an elephant on a matchbook. And no originality in different tiers, just a hue or trim change and call it new! Just like WoW, reskin the old stuff and charge people 15.00 a month.


I'd rather get a bag with the 3 mods in it instead of knowing that I have to blow about 100k per piece of gear to put into something that doesn't look so hideous.

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