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SWTOR's in your MMO stealing your subs


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I left WoW because of the increased focus on raiding, and even if I wanted to compete in PvP, I had to get raid gear. I also hated that dungeon runs took hours to complete.


I played EQ2 after that, and I realized that WoW's quests are boring. I found most of EQ2's quests far more entertaining. Plus the subdued, realistic colors in EQ2 were a nice change to the cartoon colors of WoW.


Now SWTOR: so far I love most everything about it. When I reached the end of ACT I, I thought my class quests would stop, but I was pleasantly surprised that there's more story to discover. I thought the voice-overs would stop as well, but that continues too. I skip the voice dialog if I redo a questline, but otherwise I usually enjoy the immersion the VO creates.


I don't like the Fleet being <50 people in prime time, but there's plenty of other stuff to do until the population issue gets figured out.


Blaster-wielding Gunslingers > Panda monks

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Well I will never cancel my WoW account, I will never cancel my Rift account, and hell I even have an STO account though its FTP, but guess what... I cancelled this account to SWToR. Rift is the best there is at the moment and still going strong.


Can i have your stuff?

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Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 begged to differ.


Mass effect 3 was pure awesome you r just a troller

just because it had a bad ending doesnt make the whole game bad....it was better than ME2 in all aspects except the end ofc


Agree for DA2 but still...2 diff games

2 diff teams

Edited by Maniigoldo
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I think Blizzard is fooling themselves there.


They are losing subs because they release content patches at a snails pace and refuse to address problem specs.


I'm sure some people left WoW for ToR. I'm sure many others just left.



i agree with what has been said but can i add that also people may not have the spare cash at present like they did a few years ago and as for SWTOR that the game gets boring and very repetitive,

is very heavily balanced in favour of the AI,

the mission rewards are not worth the time and effort involved to get them

you have to have a huge amount of money at anyone time in the game just to buy basic weapons and armor that are next to useless against the enemy and to do any modding or to use the trading posts.

leveling up sucks and take for ever on some missions

and very bad frap rates too

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You can't please everyone...bottom line. The reality is people like to be negative so that’s mainly what they will talk about. Millions of people go to Walmart but if there was a Walmart forum people would bash it constantly no matter how much they did right or how cheap/convenient it. It's the same thing that happens here. Just because the Iphone was only at ATT for years the other cell carriers didn't go bankrupt and it would be stupid to think they would. Of the 7 Billion people on earth all Bioware needs is a few million to not agree with the negative posters on this forum and SWTOR will be up for years to come. Look at EVE online...not everyone want to just fly around in space ships all day but enough do to keep that MMO alive and well. The same thing can be said for SWTOR.
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WoW is currently in a "quiet state" in that many players have done just about everything they can do in the Cata expansion and it is still a few months before the next expansion comes out. So it is in a "quiet" phase where players are just "idling" around waiting for the next expansion. Many of them are going to other MMORGs as a "time filler" (waiting for the next expansion) and ToR just happens to be something new for them to go to.


I agree with this. But I'm not going back for pandas.

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its F2P to 20 now, I'm really thinking if giving it another shot as well.


Everyone who has been away for a while should give the f2p WOW a spin. I did and after a very short while was overcome with a strong feeling of meh. The game felt old, dull, slow, and a little tired. Not at all as I remembered.


So it is not back to WOW for me (Pandas or not). Even so, swtor is an exercise in futility to me. It has some great ideas and aspects but is so very flawed in so many ways. It is almost like the devs took everything good that they came up with it and messed it up in the end. Although I am still enjoying the game, I am not sure I see a long term commitment. I don't know how many people are like me, but I am still waiting for an mmo that is open, non linear, offers excellent combat, interesting, good graphics, and captivating. I think that WOW hsa some of that and swtor has some, but neither takes the ring. Perhaps it is just me, but I will keep on looking and hoping that someone gets it right.


Best to all and happy gaming whichever universe you decide to save.

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Everyone who has been away for a while should give the f2p WOW a spin. I did and after a very short while was overcome with a strong feeling of meh. The game felt old, dull, slow, and a little tired. Not at all as I remembered.
IGN: 'World Of Warcraft: 70% Of Trial Players Give Up Before Level Ten' Edited by GalacticKegger
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