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What makes the Sith interesting


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This is not a definitive "Sith storyline should be like this", nor a whining post, more of a general observation on my part that I'd love to have some response and discussion about.


Seems to me that what often got me engaged and interested in the various Sith lords stories and legends is that they're often very tragic. Vader, Revan, Malak, Tyrannus, Exar Kun, Ajunta Pall, Ulic Qel-Droma, Caedus and so on, all become Sith due to their wishes to do good, or they get saved from the Dark side in the end, or they don't, but you still emphatize with their reasons etc.


The problem I am having is that a lot of the Sith lords and apprentices you meet in the game are purely power mad psychopaths, which I find to be a bit boring, story telling wise.


I have only played 3 classes so far, and I know that there are actually Sith that get redeemed, and Jedi that get consumed by the Dark, but it's still somewhat of a minority, and I'd love to hear some reasoning behind some of the Sith lords being just evil, it doesn't really fit with the whole Star Wars ethos with the Dark side being something you get tempted by in your quest to do the right thing.

Edited by Cozur
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it doesn't really fit with the whole Star Wars ethos


I'd say it fits very well with that ethos, considering the Dark Side/Sith are supposed to be evil. There is however a few exceptional individuals who manage to rise above the corruption and seek out the Light.


If you look at the history of the war between the light and the dark, the dark side has always been filled with power mad evil people.

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This is not a definitive "Sith storyline should be like this", nor a whining post, more of a general observation on my part that I'd love to have some response and discussion about.


Seems to me that what often got me engaged and interested in the various Sith lords stories and legends is that they're often very tragic. Vader, Revan, Malak, Tyrannus, Exar Kun, Ajunta Pall, Ulic Qel-Droma, Caedus and so on, all become Sith due to their wishes to do good, or they get saved from the Dark side in the end, or they don't, but you still emphatize with their reasons etc.


The problem I am having is that a lot of the Sith lords and apprentices you meet in the game are purely power mad psychopaths, which I find to be a bit boring, story telling wise.


I have only played 3 classes so far, and I know that there are actually Sith that get redeemed, and Jedi that get consumed by the Dark, but it's still somewhat of a minority, and I'd love to hear some reasoning behind some of the Sith lords being just evil, it doesn't really fit with the whole Star Wars ethos with the Dark side being something you get tempted by in your quest to do the right thing.


Good points. Now, not all Sith Lords are evil for just the sake of being evil. Some just believe they should be in charge, and some are actually fairly good guys. SW storyline has several that aren't just evil for evil's sake alone. As does the SI story.


What I find funny is how in the Sith story arcs, there are very few really rational Jedi that won't attack you on sight, or after a short convo. Even if you don't threaten them, they still attack! Welcome to the world of how the Jedi REALLY operate. They seem to believe that they're so much more righteous than the Sith, and the good guys, so they believe they're ALWAYS right! Nomen Karr is a prime example. He basically talks himself into falling into his own madness, no matter how much mercy I showed him during my Light V SW playthrough. I kept telling him that I wasn't gonna kill him, and his eyes just got redder and redder and redder after each fight. lol

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The problem I am having is that a lot of the Sith lords and apprentices you meet in the game are purely power mad psychopaths, which I find to be a bit boring, story telling wise.


I don't think they're all power mad, let alone psychopaths. However, I do see your point in that there are a lot of them that are such, but it makes for a good backdrop for your Sith who goes against this trend, or goes power mad and it actually works out (for once).


One of the main things here is that the Sith in the game are born into being Sith, so are robbed of any dramatic fall into the darkside. With the 'fall' out of the way, the most common path is up, reaching out for more power in the Empire.


Minor Spoilers:


Jadus, Zash and Baras are definately power hungry examples. However, there are a few (ie. Darth Decimus, Darth Lachris) who seem content serving the Empire in their own roles and do not seem particularly psychopathic. I'm not entirely convinced that Malgus is powerhungry either, to me it seemed like he was trying to right some of the Empire's wrongs.


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What I find funny is how in the Sith story arcs, there are very few really rational Jedi that won't attack you on sight, or after a short convo. Even if you don't threaten them, they still attack! Welcome to the world of how the Jedi REALLY operate. They seem to believe that they're so much more righteous than the Sith, and the good guys, so they believe they're ALWAYS right! Nomen Karr is a prime example. He basically talks himself into falling into his own madness, no matter how much mercy I showed him during my Light V SW playthrough. I kept telling him that I wasn't gonna kill him, and his eyes just got redder and redder and redder after each fight. lol


That actually makes good sense from a timeline perspective. Remember, most of the current Masters were Knights or Padawans who lost friends to Malgus's attack on the Temple. They've lived since then with the knowledge that the Sith order attacked and destroyed the Temple and killed numerous Jedi. Topped off with the fact that they were forbidden to do anything about it since attacking the Sith would break the peace treaty. They're itching to avenge fallen comrades and strike a blow.

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I don't think they're all power mad, let alone psychopaths. However, I do see your point in that there are a lot of them that are such, but it makes for a good backdrop for your Sith who goes against this trend, or goes power mad and it actually works out (for once).


One of the main things here is that the Sith in the game are born into being Sith, so are robbed of any dramatic fall into the darkside. With the 'fall' out of the way, the most common path is up, reaching out for more power in the Empire.


Minor Spoilers:


Jadus, Zash and Baras are definately power hungry examples. However, there are a few (ie. Darth Decimus, Darth Lachris) who seem content serving the Empire in their own roles and do not seem particularly psychopathic. I'm not entirely convinced that Malgus is powerhungry either, to me it seemed like he was trying to right some of the Empire's wrongs.


Ok, a few clarifications are in order, I do believe... I do agree with you on one of the examples in your spoiler, but....


Zash only wanted the power so she could get the stuff she needed to live longer. I found her character to be more than just More Power or evil for the sake of it. Now, Jadus, I believe is just a frelling sociopath that wants to kill everyone. Yes, he wants power, but there are better ways to do it. The fact that he had that ship and was experimenting on the people... ugh. Him and his daughter are the worst examples of Sith extremism I've seen. Both loony toons insane. Now, Baras, you hit the nail on the head.


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Darth Vowrawn is not a psychopath, he one who enjoys the politics of the Dark Council but is funny and does show concern for his bodyguards in the SW storyline. Zash hit me as not so much evil just very reckless and payed the price for it, she only wanted to live longer not grab more power and like another poster said Darth Lacaris is another example. When it comes to Baras he is straight up power hungry and I think his star was dimming after he got the Pubs to sign the Treaty of Corascant, Jadus is a nut job period and I am not sure about Darth Thanaton yet.
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Darth Vowrawn is not a psychopath, he one who enjoys the politics of the Dark Council but is funny and does show concern for his bodyguards in the SW storyline. Zash hit me as not so much evil just very reckless and payed the price for it, she only wanted to live longer not grab more power and like another poster said Darth Lacaris is another example. When it comes to Baras he is straight up power hungry and I think his star was dimming after he got the Pubs to sign the Treaty of Corascant, Jadus is a nut job period and I am not sure about Darth Thanaton yet.


Thanaton is a staunch Traditionalist. He doesn't like reform or progress of any kind. He believes the old ways are the ONLY ways. Figured him out pretty quick, actually.

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