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What's this crap!(Another 1.2 rant)


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"The Sprint ability is now available at level 1."


You know back in the day I had to hike it 500 miles to my quest with no special sprint or fancy speeder. I EARNED my sprint and I was grateful for it when I got it! These youngn's come up here and complain that their digital feet hurt and it takes too long to get anywhere. Humbug I say, hoof it out and quit your whining!


(In the spirit of complaints about 1.2 the above post was made with great tongue and cheek and is not to be taken seriously at all. If anyone feels the need to respond in a negative tone please re-read the first sentence in these parenthesis)


On a serious note why have a sprint ability and not make everyone's natural speed that of the ability (15%?)?



I hear you. I've played through each of the starting areas at least twice a piece already..... Sprint would have been nice.



They should have made unlocking sprint a legacy unlockable. That way, people with a certain legacy level would have an easier time making an alt. Making it the norm seem a bit hasty this early in the games life.

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There is something I could handle, make the sprint earlier than 14 a legacy unlock


that way players that are bringing up many alts can access it.


But don’t take away the fun of looking forward to something as a young character.


to take that to the extreme, I have no desire for them to just hand out the speeder licenses and hand out ships and high end PVP gear and millions of credits to new players.


Takes away from the fun of achieving it

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"The Sprint ability is now available at level 1."


You know back in the day I had to hike it 500 miles to my quest with no special sprint or fancy speeder. I EARNED my sprint and I was grateful for it when I got it! These youngn's come up here and complain that their digital feet hurt and it takes too long to get anywhere. Humbug I say, hoof it out and quit your whining!


(In the spirit of complaints about 1.2 the above post was made with great tongue and cheek and is not to be taken seriously at all. If anyone feels the need to respond in a negative tone please re-read the first sentence in these parenthesis)


On a serious note why have a sprint ability and not make everyone's natural speed that of the ability (15%?)?


LOL! Great post.


As to the question, I think they want to still enable people to walk slowly for role playing purposes, general experience preferences, datacron jumps and platforming, etc.


Generally increasing speed everywhere would be a bad idea, IMHO.

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You mean like how sprint is already affected by, or is affecting, such things now? :rolleyes:


In other words, having it as a passively "permanently on" ability would not change the situation at all, aside from giving players a manually activatable button that takes up room on your hotbar.


Sorry, pal. I like the booty animation of normal speed run. Booty jog stays. Sprint remains toggable. Nirvana is achieved.

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You mean like how sprint is already affected by, or is affecting, such things now? :rolleyes:


In other words, having it as a passively "permanently on" ability would not change the situation at all, aside from giving players a manually activatable button that takes up room on your hotbar.


Incorrect. Several datacrons are tough enough that you have to turn sprint off. Also, upping base run speed would affect combat, because when in combat sprint does not work.


Also, no one said you had to put it on your hotbar. If you leave it on all the time, just activate it through your Abilities window and make sure it's not on your hotbar.

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"The Sprint ability is now available at level 1."


You know back in the day I had to hike it 500 miles to my quest with no special sprint or fancy speeder. I EARNED my sprint and I was grateful for it when I got it! These youngn's come up here and complain that their digital feet hurt and it takes too long to get anywhere. Humbug I say, hoof it out and quit your whining!


(In the spirit of complaints about 1.2 the above post was made with great tongue and cheek and is not to be taken seriously at all. If anyone feels the need to respond in a negative tone please re-read the first sentence in these parenthesis)


On a serious note why have a sprint ability and not make everyone's natural speed that of the ability (15%?)?


Keep it off until you hit level 16. Yes, it's that simple.

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Remember SWG before speeders? THAT was brutal. The worlds were a whole lot bigger than in TOR and you couldn't be revived where you died. It's good that they are making this change. It's just really an annoyance, and it was often the reason I delayed making new characters; (couldn't bare the thought of going from tier 3 speeders to power-walking for the first 15 or so levels).
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