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You need to take a new direction with armor art


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Some of them I think are pretty cool, some are just awful. I don't mind some imaginative stuff, but you also have to put it in some sort of Star Wars context.


Star Wars has always had a minimalist type of style, and though I understand you have to go in different directions because everything can't be just a robe, you could incorporate some of that into your new armor sets. The SI stuff just makes no sense. I would make up a little story for each set, maybe they have different styles for some reason which is fine, but how exactly is an Assassin going into battle with an Octopus on his head?


I'm still waiting for some mask and robe combos. That would be pretty cool. Without it, might be hard to come up with decent Star Wars armor sets.

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I have now read your first link to wikipedia, and the following 3 links you posted. They all talk about the basics and fundamentals of art design, but not one single one of them help your point in the slightest.


You say they don't adhere to basic concepts, but you fail to explain why... you simply link a source and hope we'll investigate our own answer.


I investigated, despite your horrid attempts at arguing since it feels like we are doing the work for you. I found that the art is perfectly acceptable, the visuals may not appeal to all, which is perfectly within reason. There is a reason why there isn't one widely accepted artist as "the best." Simply because it's just an opinion. In this instance, you've taken your opinion, and tried to apply it to the fundamentals of art, which honestly just makes you look silly.


Did they not color inside the lines enough for you? This argument has me bored now.


Perhaps as one of the unwashed and uneducated masses I can help. These armor sets are meant for combat (function) and while we all have our opinions on what we like/dislike, it is a fact some of these things do not have a form that is appropriate to thier function.


If you lift your arms up and your shoulders pierce your skull, that is bad design. If you create a helm to protect your head and it provides a set of horns that allow me to bring down a bull several times your weight and strength, that is bad design. If it narrows your field of view, bad design.


To be fair though, I could see how one could strike a killing blow while your enemy doubles over laughing at you.

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Sure. All interpretation of art is subjective to the aesthetic preference of the viewer. That said, artists are taught that by adhering to accepted standards (form, harmony, etc.), they can better appeal to personal preferences. When someone says they "like" or "hate" a work of art, there's a fundamental reason why--whether or not they're aware that their preferences are being informed by these reasons.


So since you feel that this is a debate team match and I have to propose a thesis with miles of bullet-points and evidence in order for my opinions and arguments to be accepted at face value, here we go:




Using the [PVE] Black Hole Bulwark. Top right.


Out of all the designs, this one skirts the line between being harmonious and disjointed. There is a considerable use of brown which ties the whole design together, but does little to distinguish the various parts; many of the different elements become lost against each other (admittedly this could be the result of bad texture work, but that is something that must be planned for by the designer). Some added contrast (a color other than muted green) could go a long way toward making a statement.


Where the design's harmony becomes muddy again, is in the use of sharp, angled lines on the shoulders, wrists, and knees. While those elements are not bad or wrong in their own right, they don't mesh well with the muted, circular and soft impression the more rounded lines in the rest of the design convey. This leaves me with a confused sense of competing hard and soft elements. Had the armored pieces been more rounded and echoed the flowing sense of the robes, they might have better integrated into the design.


You'll likely retort that these are opinions--which would be correct, but they are opinions informed by a standard set of rules/guidelines that are accepted in the academic art world. These are the types of conclusions art critics draw and point to when marking their opinions down in a critique.


It is an attempt to express why someone doesn't like something when put up against standards most people find acceptable (color theory, etc.).


Owned :eek:


The things like the half capes around the waist don't bother me, I actually think it provides a nice contrast, and looks visually interesting (on commando and BH armor).


These Armor sets have a real distinct lack of Flow to them as well.

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Heh, note to devs.


KISS please.


(Keep It Simple Stupid).


A lot of the higher end armors have too much random... junk.


Thankfully, orange gear = problem solved.


This ^^


The more crap you put onto something, the worse it gets. Sometimes the best stuff comes out of a limited palette.


Here's what I want to see less of:

Spikes.....please stop putting spikes on stuff. Looking at you Inquisitors.


Shoulder pads.....enough with big shoulder pads. Just about everyone has a big honking should pad that goes all the way down to the elbow.


Boots....some of them need to be toned down. Troopers come to mind. They crawl up over the knee and along the side of the leg.

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I suppose i can throw in some constructive ideas. Make the armor simple. You can have great armor that isnt gaudy looking. im one of the people that doesnt want a frilly feathery headpiece with giant shoulderpads or random scimitar looking additions to my armor. I want multiple discreet, yet differing art styles. as for the customizations..ive posted a thread twice that talked about how armor crafters could RE any green, blue, or orange armor to get an orange schematic with a visual upgrade slot. this slot would have a custom mod made by a crafter put into it. they could craft shoulder or elbow spikes into it by making the mod using the grey drop "sharp claws" along with other materials, and theyd have nice looking armor and not blend in to the endgame armor assimilation. although you could simplifiy this further and just give us inn-game armor customizing areas. Itd be like a barber in other games, but youd pay to change the visual armor additions.


i aslo hinted at a similar weapon crafting that would allow weapon customizations. for instance you could craft a heat pack for a blaster out of a grey drop ( i think it was called heat pack) along with crafting mats thatd allow blasters to have a chance to catch the enemy on fire. this, with other customization variants would make our looks and battles less copy+pasted.

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My goodness...what is happening to the Jedi Consular gear??




They look like a mash-up of a Transformer, a Samurai, and a backup dancer for JLo. :confused:


One sleeve and an odd flap over the front and back?


Oh man...


- DH


The PVE set for consular is actually one of the ones I liked in this release. I feel like it has a very sage-esque look to it.


What on earth is going on with the PVP gear though. Who OKed that helmet?

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so .... how would you improve these designs with your multithousand dollar design degree?



you cant?

ya...that's what I thought.


and, that's why Bioware hires good designers and not just hate post fanatics ?


no constructive solutions ? ideas ? nothing ? ...just hate mongering for the sake of being a lemming in a forum....


good job.


too bad you will have to force yourself to use these terrible terrible designs that the awful bad designers that have no clout in the industry provide.



A simple "I don't agree" would have gone a lot farther than repeating your mantra of "oh yeah? well you don't know" while he continually proves he does.


BTW, the problem I have with the armor is how non-canon it looks, and how WoW it does look.

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The sentinel PVP armor is PINK and POOP colored with golden n i p p l e s and a clown helmet my brain is not able to make any sense out of. Then some sort of giant bug from the Jetsons has attached itself to the left shoulder. Edited by Puja
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so .... how would you improve these designs with your multithousand dollar design degree?



you cant?

ya...that's what I thought.


Well, don't have a multithousand dollar design degree.


But step 1. Form follows function.


So get rid of ALL those stupid spikes, blades, horns, obnoxious shoulder pads (that asian designers are ALL so darn found of) that would be completely in the way in actual combat.

In other words. KISS.


To paraphrase from a book. Armor is supposed to deflect. All those silly spikes do is guide the weapon in to hit more solidly.


You can pretty much leave the rest of it alone and I've already improved the looks a thousandfold.

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The sentinel PVP armor is PINK and POOP colored with golden n i p p l e s and a clown helmet my brain is not able to make any sense out of. Then some sort of giant bug from the Jetsons has attached itself to the left shoulder.


This made me lol irl. I might has to steal it for my sig.

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