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Server Mergers! /beg


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I'll be repeating a lot of what I replied in this thread. However, it really does belong in the Suggestion Box.


I know server mergers are usually the picture of a dying MMO, and as much as I hate the direction of 1.2 so far, I really do wish to continue playing this game.


Players like myself on "Low Pop" servers are tired of being unable to complete certain content simply because of a lack of playerbase. A good example is that of any planet with Heroic 4 quests. I would be lucky to see 7 people on Tatooine at any given time. If I'm lucky, 3 others might be within level range and might not have done A Jawa's Concern. If I'm even luckier, I might find someone willing to divert from their questing simply to help out. Basically it's gotten to the point that I don't even bother with any Heroic quest past the starting planet.


Another example is flashpoints. With no LFG queue option (not saying that I want one), finding 3 others within the same level range on the fleet willing to run a FP isn't an enjoyable process. I know it's possible to search other planets via /who, but keep in mind not everyone has the glorious 30m cooldown Fleet Pass purchasable from the Security Token Vendor - thus making a trip back slightly deterring (at least I wouldn't bother if I didn't slap a Sec Token on my account). Given the nature of this, I completely skip Flashpoints entirely. My first level 50 - a Jedi Guardian - is in Full Columi Tank gear (my companion Scourge is holding a Full Columi DPS set) and I am still Social Rank 2. My first Flashpoint was HM Esseles. Just to put it in perspective.


My last example is about PvP. Granted I am not on a PvP server, so I cannot comment too much on Low Pop PvP servers, I do feel for'em not seeing much (if any) PvP. I do have a level 28 Mara alt on a PvP server, though I've yet to see a single Rep during my leveling. I will however comment on the fact that "Rated WZs" on Low Pop servers will be rather redundant. I have friends on both Imperial and Republic sides, and am friends with a good majority of us dedicated PvPers. Whichever side I choose to play on for the day, I am consistently versing one of the same 3 groups of people.


Think about the concept of "Rated" Warzones. The purpose is to establish a rating, and be paired up against other of a similar rating. Personally, Republic on my server are lucky if they complete their 9 wins for the weekly in a single week. (This week I'm at 2/9, and have finished the 150 "armament" weekly 4 days ago). My point is Low Pop servers are going to see the same people in rated WZs no matter the rating, simply because not enough others queue up for PvP on a regular basis. (Again, this could also be resolved with cross-server WZ queues, not that I hope they implement them).


I realize there are going to be little in-faction wars in the first week or two of a merger, but it eventually dies down. (Been through 2? Possibly 3 server mergers in Final Fantasy XI, and the tension always subsides within a week or so). I would rather go through a merger than play through a game just to skip a good portion of content.


Thanks for reading! I think this is about the biggest post I've written in quite some time. Let me know what you think.

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Shameless bump, I'd like to know what others think about the subject, and whether they would rather have free transfers or server merges. IMO Server Mergers make more sense, as you would still know a large portion of the community.
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As a casual player, I wouldn't mind it at all.


It takes a lot out of the game when there are 7 people on the planet during primetime sunday. Also, I rolled on a PVP server because I love the world PVP "gank some poor fella who's questing" aspect of it. I've never ever seen anyone from the republic, well, except NPCs

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I agree with just about everything here. However this is just a wish list, in all truth.


I have been told that the population on a server is usually so spread out due to instancing or sharding whatever they call it for this game. When the game was in beta there were many folks on each planet and alot of them were on planet. But it appears they dont want to have alot of folks inside an instance as this causes the lag that most ppl experience. Perfect example is Warzones. Doing it the way it is now alleviates the lag, however each area appears empty. Only the first line of this paragraph is actual knowledge, the other was my own additions, and it makes me sad because the game should be an MMO and it feels like an MRPG on most nights.

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free/pay transfers....asap.


I moved from a low pop server.I was'nt too bothered about starting again as i felt i had learned a lot and made all my mistakes.Moved to the second busiest PVE English server,and it was the best thing i did....if i had stuck where i was,i would have possibly drifted away from the game by now.


I have a lot of sympathy for people stuck on low pop's and have invested a lot of hours into their toons and legacies, and wont walk away from it to start over.

I did say in another thread on the subject, that i find it a strange business practice for BW to run all those half/virtually empty servers even so shortly after release.why not merge/move people and drip feed more servers back in a game general pop increases.


Personally i think busy servers are a lot more fun.

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Common sense dictates that a server merge in the eyes of media means a dying or a soon-to-be F2P game.


And common sense also tells you the media is a bunch of garbage anyway. ^^v. But in all seriousness, you might as well call this a dying game if you're one of the unlucky few like myself to have rolled a low-pop server. (No, I didn't choose it. I had friends here prior - friends who have already left due to low population issues. I'm just trying to bring it to attention).

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Common sense also means keeping up to date on things the company is working on via developer's notes. At the very least server transfers are in the works, and iirc, it's going to be one free transfer per month, and any after that paid for.


Now if they have any plans posted about server merges, I haven't seen them yet, but remember this problem was caused by the huge amount of players at launch causing server queues and whining to open more servers, even when BW was reluctant to. I didn't read the forums at the time, but I'd be willing to bet a fair number of people threatened to cancel their subscriptions and demand their money back for the game if they couldn't get in the game "RIGHT NOW!"


Common sense also says BW is already aware of the problem, due the the huge number of threads already posted about it "bringing it to attention".

Edited by JakkFrost
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Great, so it will take 8 months to bring my "Legacy" to a decent server! Sorry, I still would prefer a merge. I also was not a launch-player, so I can only imagine how horrendous it must have been to play on a server that actually has active players on it >___>. Still prefer mergers opposed to transfer.
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Agree with the OP, they can spin this all they want every one on my server is saying the same exact thing. Trust me things are going to get real bad, real fast if they don't merge all the server groups into one server each like yesterday.


Unless they have already accepted that they can't improve and will attempt to just attract a s many casuals as they can until they are forced to go F2P.

Edited by Quintan
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common sense would tell you..


if there arent any players to play with on your server...


reroll to a server with players to play with..


So you're telling me to convince 30 other guildies, 30 other people I have gotten to know and really enjoy playing with, to abandon all our 50's, pick up and move to another server? I think I'll pass on that. We spent way too much time invested in our characters to just start over. That's another reason I'm a little peeved about the "1 free transfer a month" BS. If I did choose to reroll some of my lower level toons, that still leaves me with 4 characters I refuse to start over, let alone ever go through the same story again. (I'm not one of those people to play through games multiple times, especially with no incentive) So at the very least this would take me 4 months. Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass.

Edited by Arbeiten
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Server merges are needed 2 weeks ago! The game population in North America is spread over 100 servers..which is utterly absurd when most planets seem to have 4-5 players each, and the fleets have 50 folks or less. WZ queues are ridiculous, and world PVP is non-existent now.


So folks need to add an apostrophe to their legacy name..big deal. The game is rapidly becoming unplayable.

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