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How do I play Pyrotech?


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Alright, I've been playing at my Bounty Hunter on and off for 25 levels. I'm on tatooine and I find myself dying easily against people like the quest boss Borga, and even a strong mob and two normals. Obviously it's not the classes fault, I know that. I just would like some constructive criticism so I can learn to get better at playing. For mobs I usually start with DFA and then IM and RS then keep doing PS and UL until RS procs. I thought that was the basic format of it but I could be wrong. I think I'm pretty well geared, I must not be playing right. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! :D
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I leveled as an arsenal merc and it wasn't until later that I got smart and switched to pyro so I can't tell you to much about leveling a pyro. Did you read the pyro guide stickied at the top of the forum? I know it has some leveling info. Some general advice I would give is to make sure your keeping Mako's gear up to date and maybe try to be a few levels above what the planet says you should be. I was always well above the level of the planet before going. I can't remember at what level Mako gets her stun. If she doesn't have that yet, you should notice a huge difference once she gets it. Her stun is so OP :D
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Is Borga the Gault quest guy? Just concussive missile him and take his cronie out first and then kite the boss after, he was cake at 25, although I think I had Mako in attack stance.


You should already have indecenary missile and a couple points into prototype particle accelerator for the railshot proc, don't spam IM too often though or you'll overheat.


I think Mako gets her stun around level 30.


Only problem half the time while levelling is not having an interrupt, come on BW, give us one.

Edited by Sookster
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Just concussive missile him and take his cronie out first and then kite the boss after.


This. Don't forget to use all your skills. With Pyro, we have a lot of non-AOE damage abilities like IM, RS, PS, RF, etc. Put one mob to sleep and plow through the remainder, saving the boss for last.

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  • 3 weeks later...
ok, Borga is the Gamorrean gladiator at the lady of pain's place, right? If so, what I did, and I got him first try but it was close, is get to about 26~27, bring a field endurance stim, take mako and use your heroic on the trail skill when you are at about half strength. just work him over with different combos, keeping heat low and dont fear electrocution to stun him. also bring some medpacks and for gods sake, back away from him occasionally since hes primarily/soley melee! He will focus only on you and thats good because mako should be set to heals, k? let us know if you make it!
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This. Don't forget to use all your skills. With Pyro, we have a lot of non-AOE damage abilities like IM, RS, PS, RF, etc. Put one mob to sleep and plow through the remainder, saving the boss for last.


This ^ I couldn't believe the difference when I finally got smart and used this strategy. There were skills like concussion missile that I had never used but man what a difference they can make in PVE.

Edited by Isxossk
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ok, Borga is the Gamorrean gladiator at the lady of pain's place, right? If so, what I did, and I got him first try but it was close, is get to about 26~27, bring a field endurance stim, take mako and use your heroic on the trail skill when you are at about half strength. just work him over with different combos, keeping heat low and dont fear electrocution to stun him. also bring some medpacks and for gods sake, back away from him occasionally since hes primarily/soley melee! He will focus only on you and thats good because mako should be set to heals, k? let us know if you make it!


I did this with a level 24 pyro PT (I only used moves available to both classes). Just put incendiary missile on him and kite him around the perimeter of the arena (not making tight corners) with sweltering heat, and missile blasts and rail shots whenever off cooldown. Remember your stuns and shield too. It took a while but was pretty easy once I got the kiting.

Edited by Diddley
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