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does the Legacy system encourage players to play alts?


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Can I ask a potentially stupid question? For some reason, I kind of thought the Legacy system was intended to encourage people to play alts. Maybe that's just something I read into it. But I'm wondering what the benefits are to actually playing alts? Wouldn't you get your legacy level up much faster if you simply played a single character, since you'd be earning boucoup level 50 experience all the time?
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I am at level 15 for legacy...0 alts for the most part (crafting I have 1). I know people with level 30+ who have multiple lvl 50 alts. I rather focus on one toon and not have 8, but that is just me as I have never been much on leveling.
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Actually you earn proportionally more legacy point if you have more alts. For example 1 main and 1 alt at level 50 mean you have double the access to dailies quests worth of legacy points. Though you will have to invest some additional time to get it (mainly to make up for the initial time investment for climbing from level 1 to level 50 for the alt). Overall, in the long run to max legacy level of 50, it's faster with more alts.


PS: I have 3 level 50 characters... and I have already hit legacy 50.

Edited by Roguehwz
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This game in general encourages alts with the whole story system, it is MEANT that you roll alts, it doesnt want you to stick to one character.


Except what's to stop me from catching the stories on Youtube and skipping the tedium of the game's combat?

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Except what's to stop me from catching the stories on Youtube and skipping the tedium of the game's combat?


Nothing, except you dont get to have your choices, experience it for yourself with your character, or feel the epicness of fighting some epic boss you hunted down for thirty levels.


Watching videos/TV =/= Playing the game.

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Nothing, except you dont get to have your choices, experience it for yourself with your character, or feel the epicness of fighting some epic boss you hunted down for thirty levels.


Watching videos/TV =/= Playing the game.


For you perhaps, but I've yet to feel any epicness and so far I have little to no feelings one way or the other for my characters or the NPCs they interact with. The choices are pretty canned and regardless all lead to the same outcome so it makes little difference in the overall story arc.

Edited by Bluerodian
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The answer to that question is you can unlock your class buffs for every character on your server and the way to do that is to reach 50 on the class that casts the buff. Same goes for race.


From what i've seen you just need to complete chapter 2 for the class buff.

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