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All they're doing is giving combat utility.


The only thing they're buffing, is changing smash to a higher CD but making it do 20% more damage.


Please if you're going to cry about sents/mara, cry about their focus/rage spec because most good mara/sent don't want to and haven't played this spec and I doubt we'll miss it being unbuffed.

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1.2 is not a buff for 90% of the marauders you see out there. Actually it is a nerf to them.



1.2 buffs up 2 trees that are lackluster for pve and pvp (not saying some people do ok with it).



Also, if you fall prey to rage bombs, the problem is you. Marauders (and jugs) basically hold up a billboard that smash is coming.



But hey, hard class + skilled player = the impression that they are omgwtfOP.



Keep crying about it. Nothing will change.




why do people still use the 'OMGsmashisOP' argument anymore, if you can't move out of the way of a smash you are a bad PvPer, plain and simple, the set up takes forever and there are two abilities that MUST go off before it happens... bad pvpers gonna bad I guess

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Actually the biggest class seems to be Assassin/shadow, only that if you're playing a sent/mara you never see them because they prefer to feed on the sage/sorc population that almost but not quite equals them in numbers.


Have you ever been kicked down from stealth by an assassin while playing sent? I sure havn't.

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Well, one can say that about anything ever. When I say 'high skill cap', I mean both comparitively to other mmos, as well as comparitively to the average skill of the average player.


70% of players won't be able to play a marauder decently because they're clicking and KB turning and can barely manage ten buttons. They don't know when to use CC and defensive CDs, they're slow following someone who kites them- these are things that hurt a marauder more.


Even in the top 30%, a good chunk will still have trouble remembering the number of keys you need for a marauder- which is more than most mmos I've played. The class has more short term buffs than every other class combined, and using short term buffs efficiently (or at all) is not a strong suit of the average player.



Bad players will be disappointed when they try to play a marauder- good players though will understand it's the best class in the game without contest.



There's two classes in this game- marauders, and marauder's supporting cast.


"kiting" for a sentinel basically means "does not have leap off CD and not enough charges to use your movement speed buff".


Which then translates to "If opponent is ranged and has help slowing you - camo and break, if not just get in range to get them to waste CDs or run away and pick a new target"


The reason it's the best class is that sentinels have two swords and a pocketful of miracles, a pocket full of miracles, a *pocket* full of *miracles*...

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why do people still use the 'OMGsmashisOP' argument anymore, if you can't move out of the way of a smash you are a bad PvPer


So sick of seeing this argument. Only EXTREMELY bad mara/juggs use smash so predictably. The buffs that ramp up the smash damage last a long time, the only one that is short is the 10% damage buff from using leap (and even that one is 4 seconds). If you're willing to risk having your smash bugged from knockbacks/cc for 10% more damage, you're awful. Stop herp-de-derping and using smash as soon as you charge into a group when you know they have knockbacks and cc up for you. A good rage mara/jugg should have maybe 5% or less of their smash's miss or get bugged, in most cases, it's impossible to counter or move out of the way.


Here, for all the baddy Rage spec mara/juggs out there:


You can thank me later.

Edited by SeanPoe
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So sick of seeing this argument. Only EXTREMELY bad mara/juggs use smash so predictably. The buffs that ramp up the smash damage last a long time, the only one that is short is the 10% damage buff from using leap (and even that one is 4 seconds). If you're willing to risk having your smash bugged from knockbacks/cc for 10% more damage, you're awful. Stop herp-de-derping and using smash as soon as you charge into a group when you know they have knockbacks and cc up for you. A good rage mara/jugg should have maybe 5% or less of their smash's miss or get bugged, in most cases, it's impossible to counter or move out of the way.


Here, for all the baddy Rage spec mara/juggs out there:


You can thank me later.


That still changes nothing, the fact still remains that the build basically turns you into a frag grenade. Sure you get some nice numbers but is it really that fun to just buff up and then run in and pop one AOE as your entire priority?


Meh, I prefer watchman any day.

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