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Here is my reply to the points you made in your post


Sorcs are far from glass cannons. We have all the standard ranged caster abilities: a shield(bubble), gap creator(force speed, overload),snare (force slow), CC (whirlwind), all of these are baseline. We get even more control from talent points. But wait, we can heal too! Not tiny lifetaps, but full on heals. So much inherent power in one class. People's problem? They don't know, or forgot, how to kite.


I fail to see how you consider us to not be a glass cannon. Glass meaning, we "shatter" when we are hit, which is entirely true. Glass doesn't shatter when you move it out of the way of an incoming blow.


The abilities you mention are not defensive powers, they're movement and action hindering powers. The core difference being they do not help us survive damage, they help us avoid it. The only one that can be classified as an ability that allows you to survive damage is static barrier, which as I mentioned is not very potent.


I am not refuting that we have plenty of ways to avoid getting hit in the first place, however those abilities require a "hit and run" play style, which supports the need for the "cannon" part of the term "glass cannon", otherwise we're just ineffectual nuisances. Also these avoidance tactics have limited usefulness against ranged combatants as you have to break LOS in those situations.


Now, whether or not you're able to avoid damage, that depends entirely on player skill and using your CC abilities wisely. I draw alot of heat in warzones, and am frequently caught with my abilities on cool-down; I can certainly attest to the fact that we are indeed glass cannons.


PVP content? I guess I still have the old-school thinking where you pvp because it is fun and challenging. A few different hutball maps which different obstacles would be fun, but I could play hutball, as is, all day long. I'd roam Ilum if I knew people would be there. Unfortunately too many people require incentive. What are you looking for in the way of "PVP Content"?


I do PVP because its fun or challenging, implying otherwise is simply using a misdirection tactic in your argument, even if I didn't, it still doesn't invalidate my reasons for canceling a subscription.


After the destruction of Ilum via the last patch (specifically the addition of warzone awards for that quest), the only PVP content left in the game is warzones. While pre-patch Ilum was poorly designed, it did facilitate massive PVP battles. Post patch, its a ghost town with nothing but small skirmishes. I find 3 (soon to be 4) warzones quite lacking when it comes to PVP content. Let me ask you could a first person shooter survive long with only 4 maps, especially if it had a $15 a month subscription fee?


What I'm looking for in the way of PVP content is something along the lines of what Lord of the Rings Online did for its monster play PVP zone. The game didn't have much PVP, but what it did have was very well done. While obviously monster play is not relavent here, it could easily be converted to a 2, or better yet 3 faction PVP zone (the hutt cartel or syndicate would be an excellent choice for a 3rd). The LOTRO content was deep and involved, blended seamlessly PVP with PVE content, with multiple quests for PVP and PVE objectives both, and was some of the most fun I've had PVP'ing in a long time. I'm not going to get into details here about the system, as that is beyond the scope of this post, however, if you're reading this Dev's, it would behoove you to look into that game.


Another possibility would be to go the Shadowbane route. Again, too much to detail here.


The point is, 4 warzones is not enough PVP content to keep me happy and I think a lot of PVP'ers agree with me there.


What is wrong with all pvpers being on the same level of gear? When I beat someone I want it to be because of skill and not gear or class deficiencies. If there is a certain amount of Rock/Paper/Scissors, I'm fine with that, as long as it's an uphill battle and not an impossible climb. I'd prefer more lateral customization so I could build my character as I prefer.


I'm not entirely sure what you mean with the first question. Are you implying that everyone should get a standard PVP set of gear and have no form of advancement whatsoever in the PVP department? While I do enjoy skill being involved, this is an MMORPG, not a first person shooter. Removing the "gear" variable from the equation is just one step closer to a FPS. It also removes another layer of customization to your character.


There is already a rock/paper/scissors template to class balance, and I think it works fairly well. I don't see a problem here.


Its already an uphill battle, and not an impossible climb, again I don't see a problem here.



You can't always balance upwards, or else you have escalation problems. Sometimes you bring classes up, sometimes you bring them down, I expect changes to some of our abilities in the future, Lightning Strike being the main candidate. If it got a 100% damage bonus when used with Wrath I MIGHT use it. Creeping Terror is already incredibly powerful, 2 second root on 9sec CD is amazing. It would still be awesome if it did no damage.


I agree with your assessment that you can't always balance upward, although in this instance I think they could have done better then eliminating a role. The changes I suggested would have allowed the role to still be viable with the necessary number tweaks for damage. I see no problem with a class being able to fill multiple roles so long as they can't fill them all at the same time. The hybrid wrath spec could fill that AoE DPS role, but could not effectively fill the other role as healer.


Regarding your suggestions, I like them. Lightning strike certainly needs some love. Perhaps add in an interrupt effect instead if they don't want to increase our single target DPS. As it stands right now, the power is useless since you can spam force lightning and do more damage in that global cool down time as you would with a lightning strike.


The 4 medal change was a step in the right direction (I would have made it 5 or 6). Why should a pure dps cap at 8-9 medals, when I can get 11-12 and tanks can get even more? This way everyone can get the same rewards and others can do more for the epeen.


I disagree wholeheartedly. The problem I have is they have removed the ability for those who do significantly better to excel. Even a bad player can get 4 metals in a warzone. My gripe is with the arbitrary cap and I feel a diminished return curve would be better. Hell if they even made each metal worth 100 valor after the first 4, it would have been fine, so long as there is a way for people to excel. To solve the problem with metals being easier to get for some classes vs. others, add more metals geared towards the classes that have a difficult time. I simply don't agree with the lowering of the bar, and the artificial ceiling mentality. This is exactly the same socialist crap of "mediocrity for all" that has caused the US public school system to become a failure in the modern era.


Anyway, thank you for your reply.




Jo'dan the Destructive

Sith Sorcerer

Imperial War Hero of Ven Zallow

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Your post.



Jo'dan the Destructive

Sith Sorcerer

Imperial War Hero of Ven Zallow


We have a difference in philosophy that means we are talking by each other a bit. I use defensive abilities in a much broader term, basically anything that can be used to prevent you from taking damage. To me, avoidance and reduction are both defensive.


Windshields are made of glass, they get hit with rocks and chip or crack, but don't shatter. You seal the crack with resin and they are[almost] as good as new. Sure they will break if you drop a boulder on them. But so will a sorc with 3 or 4 people on them. It takes two good players to kill me in a WZ, and it won't happen quickly.


Some people certainly try to play sorcs like glass cannons. But are they playing the class how they want it to be, or how it actually was, designed? If we don't have big guns maybe we should stop pretending like we do?


I also don't like the artificial ceiling on the medals. Diminishing returns on valor/comms received would probably work. I think it would be difficult for them to add new medals such that if every class was played optimally they would receive the same rewards.


I am not against gear upgrades. I just think the progression should be more gradual; the difference from a 49 purple to centurion, or centurion to champion are huge. The difference between champ and BM are much better IMO. I also prefer the ability to have a ton of customization. For example, the ability to buy a Power/Crit(doesn't exist) enhancement with my champion coms. Even if it had the same item rating as another mod of its level, it could be considered an upgrade as its a better stat pairing.


Pre 1.2 We can spec to Resurgence, Force Bending 1, Chain Lightning, Wrath and Haunted Dream. That gives us mobile heals, proc for a burst heal, additional 10% AoE damage(force suffusion), instant CC as well as instant CL. That was too much. Post 1.2 we can still do good damage(little burst) and good heals in the same spec.


I pay $15 a month for 3 WZ's and one of them sucks(Voidstar). To me that's cheap, but to each their own. I will play the game as long as I enjoy it, and I expect others do the same.

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I don't understand what point you're trying to make here Minmaxer. You're saying the class is not a "glass cannon" from what I gather. Do you simply disagree with the generally understood definition of glass cannon?


You're arguments regarding the term "glass cannon" are ridiculous. Surely any "glass cannon" is given tools to survive in a well balanced MMO, otherwise they would be simply called "glass" as a cannon needs to be able to survive first contact with an enemy to fire. These abilities manifest themselves in various CC's and movement hindering abilities and very limited abilities to mitigate damage, hence the "glass" part of the name. Without said CC/movement abilities, they would not be able to fill their role of "cannon". Arguing that some glass is stronger than others is irrelevant.


I am not arguing that we lack sufficient CC and movement abilities to survive, if I felt otherwise I would have taken the instant whirlwind ability over corruption. My original point of "lack of defensive abilities" was used as a justification for our topping the warzone DPS charts, as a lightly armored character needs to be able to pack a punch to fill a DPS role and survive. That is all. I understand we have a difference of opinion on what a defensive ability constitutes however a 3 second induction time on chain lighting makes it nonviable in a situation where it would be necessary in PVP (ie. one with multiple targets) when our defensive abilities (your definition) all are avoidance and no mitigation. Do you disagree that sorcerers should be able fill an AoE DPS role with the proper spec, because that's what the wrath change did.


I believe that we're speaking of completely different specs. I'm talking about 0/25/16 which certainly lacks the healing abilities of the one to which you are referring. Even still, if the issue is a 3 tree spec giving too much versatility, why destroy the viability of an AOE DPS role for every spec, dual or otherwise? Wouldn't it have been better to simply move wrath further up the tree to preserve viability of a dual tree hybrid DPS Spec that doesn't triple dip?


Whether or not $15 isn't cheap is a matter of opinion. While affording it certainly is not an issue for me, whether or not its worth $15 a month to me is. Yes, to each his own.

Edited by HitmannD
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I don't understand what point you're trying to make here Minmaxer. You're saying the class is not a "glass cannon" from what I gather. Do you simply disagree with the generally understood definition of glass cannon? Do you think we should be limited to a healing role, why add 2 trees devoted towards DPS if that were the intent?


You're arguments regarding the term "glass cannon" are ridiculous. Surely any "glass cannon" is given tools to survive in a well balanced MMO, otherwise they would be simply called "glass" as a cannon needs to be able to survive first contact with an enemy to fire. These abilities manifest themselves in various CC's and movement hindering abilities and very limited abilities to mitigate damage, hence the "glass" part of the name. Without said CC/movement abilities, they would not be able to fill their role of "cannon". Arguing that some glass is stronger than others is irrelevant.


I am not arguing that we lack sufficient CC and movement abilities to survive, if I felt otherwise I would have taken the instant whirlwind ability over corruption. My original point of "lack of defensive abilities" was used as a justification for our topping the warzone DPS charts, as a lightly armored character needs to be able to pack a punch to fill a DPS role and survive. That is all. A 3 second induction time on chain lighting makes it nonviable in a situation where it would be necessary in PVP (ie. one with multiple targets). Do you disagree that sorcerers should be able fill an AoE DPS role with the proper spec?


I believe that we're speaking of completely different specs. I'm talking about 0/25/16 which certainly lacks the healing abilities of the one to which you are referring. Even still, if the issue is a 3 tree spec giving too much versatility, why destroy the viability of an AOE DPS role for every spec, dual or otherwise? Wouldn't it have been better to simply move wrath further up the tree to preserve viability of a dual tree hybrid DPS Spec that doesn't triple dip?


Whether or not $15 isn't cheap is a matter of opinion. While affording it certainly is not an issue for me, whether or not its worth $15 a month to me is. Yes, to each his own.


Its not my place to say what the class should be able to do. Obviously the devs don't think we should be playing an AoE DPS role, or that it was too strong.


I fundamentally disagree with the line of thinking that "we were glass cannons but 1.2 turn our cannons into pistols, so now we are screwed." I don't think we are glass cannons, not because I have a drastically different view of what a glass cannon is, but because I don't think that is what the class was designed to be. Light armor can also imply high mobility(opposed to high damage). Most of our skills are designed to give us increased mobility and control, which allow us to move around the battlefield more freely, not be stationary like a cannon. The tools are all there to play an effective dot-based kiting class (either hybrid to lightning barrage, or full madness), full healer, or hybrid corruption/madness.

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The dev's are not infallible in their vision, nor in their "fixes", which is why I gave my feedback. There is already a power in the lightning tree to give specifically chain lightning an instant cast, so clearly AOE viability was something they had in mind for a sorcerer, however it is linked to Force Storm, a nearly useless ability.


I fundamentally disagree with that line of thinking as well I stated as such in my original post.


The point I'm making simply comes down to the elimination of an entire role the sorcerer was able to fill, that being AoE DPS, which was clearly intended as part of the class. We are now limited to force storm & death field if you choose to go madness. Force Storm is pathetically weak in DPS and difficult to use due to lack of mobility, making us extremely vulnerable due to our lack of damage mitigating powers. Chain Lightning is no longer viable due to the 3 second induction. Tweaks could have been made to preserve the viability of the AoE role while adjusting the power to a reasonable level. They could have made any number of changes, whether it be through reducing damage of chain lightning, or changing chain lightning or wrath's location on the tree so that your triple dip spec is not viable, or through changing the 31 point abilities to make them AOE's. The change they made was lazy in my opinion, and the lack of communication as to why the change was made, even worse.


Again, though, let me emphasize that the sorcerer will survive. There are plenty other roles the class can fill.

Edited by HitmannD
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I think we will find that the next round of major balancing updates will provide improvements to the lightning tree. My guess is that this will change force storm(reduce force cost?) and lightning strike(improved damage, decrease cast time, add debuff?) to improve the viability of the lightning tree as an AoE damage tree.
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I completely agree with Hitman. On the strength of the 1.2 patch notes I have seen groups nolonger willing to take sorcerors as their ability to DPS has and will be significantly diminished and for many reasons this is a couple of nails in the coffin of sorc as it stands.


The sorc is already one of the weakest classes in the game simply by the nature of its armour and lack of equivalent armour penetration against other like minded classes like the IA backstabber or the BH/Trooper Tracer/Grav spammer. I'd take Heavy armur or stealth over the bubble any day of the week.


It took alot of number crunching and game testing, moving mods and enhancements around the different slots to fight back some respectable DPS after the surg nerf. In my honest opinion warzones especially huttball bring the OP out in all classes and having the bolster buff still active in 50 games is a little nuts.


In my honest opinion following 1.2, the sorc will not be a viable DPS spec class, everyone knowns hows crazy it gets in warzones adjusting to use lightning storm to get the proc for chain lightning will be difficult with it's template and the crushing darkness dot approach will likely bring victory if the dot isn't cleansed and you stay alive long enough to reap the rewards. The sorc has no armour debuff and no armour penetration effects, the fact that sorcs who have done their homework are hitting for a respectable 4 to 4.5k critical single hit should be applauded for their attention to the game mechanics and dedication to their class they have earned the right to hit hard.


My full BM spec'd hybrid sorc took alot of attention BM/champion mods etc from other class armours to get to the point where when I pop my adrenal, recklessness and relics I can hit a respectfully, but it's a one off hit when wrath proc's and when I have no cool downs. Also in warzones I have taken a few steps been targetted and focus killed before I have a chance to do anything.


So to draw a conclusion, leave sorc alone it's needs some love not more cuts. After 1.2 I will either respec as a full healer or play a different class.

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I completely agree with Hitman. On the strength of the 1.2 patch notes I have seen groups nolonger willing to take sorcerors as their ability to DPS has and will be significantly diminished and for many reasons this is a couple of nails in the coffin of sorc as it stands.


The sorc is already one of the weakest classes in the game simply by the nature of its armour and lack of equivalent armour penetration against other like minded classes like the IA backstabber or the BH/Trooper Tracer/Grav spammer. I'd take Heavy armur or stealth over the bubble any day of the week.


It took alot of number crunching and game testing, moving mods and enhancements around the different slots to fight back some respectable DPS after the surg nerf. In my honest opinion warzones especially huttball bring the OP out in all classes and having the bolster buff still active in 50 games is a little nuts.


In my honest opinion following 1.2, the sorc will not be a viable DPS spec class, everyone knowns hows crazy it gets in warzones adjusting to use lightning storm to get the proc for chain lightning will be difficult with it's template and the crushing darkness dot approach will likely bring victory if the dot isn't cleansed and you stay alive long enough to reap the rewards. The sorc has no armour debuff and no armour penetration effects, the fact that sorcs who have done their homework are hitting for a respectable 4 to 4.5k critical single hit should be applauded for their attention to the game mechanics and dedication to their class they have earned the right to hit hard.


My full BM spec'd hybrid sorc took alot of attention BM/champion mods etc from other class armours to get to the point where when I pop my adrenal, recklessness and relics I can hit a respectfully, but it's a one off hit when wrath proc's and when I have no cool downs. Also in warzones I have taken a few steps been targetted and focus killed before I have a chance to do anything.


So to draw a conclusion, leave sorc alone it's needs some love not more cuts. After 1.2 I will either respec as a full healer or play a different class.


If groups are no longer taking sorcerers they either believe the player is not sufficiently skilled, or their are ignorant of what the changes mean. Everyone complaining about sorcs being broken are only hurting their own cause. The parsed DPS loss is minimal. Yes, the Wrath/CL burst is gone, but dot's still kill people. Purge only removes 2 debuffs, we have affliction, force slow, crushing darkness, and creeping terror. That's a GCD that could have been used for a 1.5k to 3k dark heal, a bubble, resurgence. The Madness tree also has skills that ignore armor in Affliction, Death Field, and Creeping Terror.


We can kill, we can heal, and we are a royal pain to try and kill 1v1. We can even to a decent job of shutting down a healer...Interrupt...Electrocute...Whirlwind....Interrupt. Thats 15+ seconds of no casted heals. What more do you want?

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I've tried the spec posted by the op and i like it much more than a good old wrath+ cl spec.

I feel much stronger with the ability to instantly swap to heal when needed and added survivability.

And a full madness spec works good like always, too.

I personally will be having much fun with my sorc in 1.2.

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I've tried the spec posted by the op and i like it much more than a good old wrath+ cl spec.

I feel much stronger with the ability to instantly swap to heal when needed and added survivability.

And a full madness spec works good like always, too.

I personally will be having much fun with my sorc in 1.2.


Glad some people find my posts helpful, sometimes I feel I'm talking to deaf ears.

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Not for the last time, but for the 200th time since public launch, if there are sorcs out there (and apparently there has been) that do not have 12 or preferably 15 points in the healing tree you are doing 'it' completely and utterly wrong. I don't care how many bads try to get into a flame war with little 'noob' me, I will keep on saying it until I see every sorc ina WZ getting 100k+ heals.


There is an extremely and completely intended reason that we are a class with good dps and heal abilities and talents, that does not bury itself in a resource deficit, and that coincidentally also has a long-term resource mechanic.

Edited by Jinnz
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If groups are no longer taking sorcerers they either believe the player is not sufficiently skilled, or their are ignorant of what the changes mean. Everyone complaining about sorcs being broken are only hurting their own cause. The parsed DPS loss is minimal. Yes, the Wrath/CL burst is gone, but dot's still kill people. Purge only removes 2 debuffs, we have affliction, force slow, crushing darkness, and creeping terror. That's a GCD that could have been used for a 1.5k to 3k dark heal, a bubble, resurgence. The Madness tree also has skills that ignore armor in Affliction, Death Field, and Creeping Terror.


We can kill, we can heal, and we are a royal pain to try and kill 1v1. We can even to a decent job of shutting down a healer...Interrupt...Electrocute...Whirlwind....Interrupt. Thats 15+ seconds of no casted heals. What more do you want?


DoTs still kill people IF NOBODY HEALS THEM. Unfortunately, we aren't playing in a bubble. Consider that most other classes also have an interrupt, stun, mez, knockback, leap/pull- so we really have nothing above others. Frankly, alot of other mezzes are instant and even aoe- making them better than ours out the gate. Furthermore- our escape/gap closer (sprint) is one of the only ones that can be countered- though pulls can be resolve blocked- while leaps end up being solid because they close distance, interrupt AND root which ignores resolve, AND are on the shortest CD.

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DoTs still kill people IF NOBODY HEALS THEM. Unfortunately, we aren't playing in a bubble. Consider that most other classes also have an interrupt, stun, mez, knockback, leap/pull- so we really have nothing above others. Frankly, alot of other mezzes are instant and even aoe- making them better than ours out the gate. Furthermore- our escape/gap closer (sprint) is one of the only ones that can be countered- though pulls can be resolve blocked- while leaps end up being solid because they close distance, interrupt AND root which ignores resolve, AND are on the shortest CD.


And which one of these class that also have an interrupt, stun, mez, knockback and sprint can also heal and dps in the same spec? You cannot discount dot damage purely because there are heals in the game. Is burst damage better than dot damage? Yes, most of the time. The advantage dots present are that a players effective HP are actually lower than their current HP, which leads to people not realizing they are in trouble, and healers reacting slower. We have more utility than any class, and as such we have lower armor and less burst. Seems fair to me.

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I've actually dabbled with the OP's post in the past, however i found it to be rediculously force intensive. Without the points in reserves/induction in the middle tree i'm curious how you plan on not 'sputtering out' after any kind of sustained fight? if the answer is to be xhealed while you consume to full, i feel that to be a fatal drawback to this spec. not to mention the loss of your knockback root (one of the strongest abilities in your toolkit imo) will be crippling when you come under any kind of focus fire.


If you're trying to create the role of 'hybrid offhealer' i could see this spec possibly being viable. i dont know, you claim to be putting up respectable numbers in warzones and i don't dont that you're doing it, i did the same with this spec when i played with it. However i hope you're bearing in mind you're doing this vs pugs in normal warzones, when 8 man ranked starts up it will be interesting to see how you do as the focus and cc of your opponents gets better and better. Personally i feel that if a sorc is going into ranked warzones, you need to assume the role of dedicated healer or reroll.

Edited by Hipshott
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I've actually dabbled with the OP's post in the past, however i found it to be rediculously force intensive. Without the points in reserves/induction in the middle tree i'm curious how you plan on not 'sputtering out' after any kind of sustained fight? if the answer is to be xhealed while you consume to full, i feel that to be a fatal drawback to this spec. not to mention the loss of your knockback root (one of the strongest abilities in your toolkit imo) will be crippling when you come under any kind of focus fire.


If you're trying to create the role of 'hybrid offhealer' i could see this spec possibly being viable. i dont know, you claim to be putting up respectable numbers in warzones and i don't dont that you're doing it, i did the same with this spec when i played with it. However i hope you're bearing in mind you're doing this vs pugs in normal warzones, when 8 man ranked starts up it will be interesting to see how you do as the focus and cc of your opponents gets better and better. Personally i feel that if a sorc is going into ranked warzones, you need to assume the role of dedicated healer or reroll.


The force drain can be an issue on a map like voidstar. We have a few efficient ways to heal so consumption and forcebending + Innervate or recklessness + dark infusion, will gain you force. Draining your health before picking up the heal power-ups are also useful. Sure, root on knockback is nice, but I think sith purity and haunted dreams are both superior for pvp.


Come rated WZ's I will also have the benefits of peels, guard, and offheals, which is a luxury I very rarely receive the benefit of now. Survival really isn't an issue for me unless I am charging into a group of 5+ to stop a cap in Voidstar/Alderan. I swear some people on my server treat me like elusive game that needs to be hunted so their head can be mounted as a trophy. It's not uncommon for me to be hounded for 2-3 players for the entire duration of a game. Belief it or not, some of them actually know what they are doing. Point being, I disagree with the notion that we'll suddenly die a bunch more in rateds, sure we will be playing against better players, but we will also be playing with betters players.

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I didn't invent it, but I've been rolling with a backlash-healer spec since turning 50 (which was after the 1.2 notes released): 21/18/0 +2. I use the +2 on Lightning Effusion, but there are other options


20s Force sprint

Binding (20s)

Backlash (17s, and multi-target)

Same heals as anyone else with 21 Corruption

Better force management than 21/0/18

+20% bubble

Less damage than 16 in Madness

Less burst than 16 Madness

No insta WW


In Huttball, stay on the bridges as much as possible


In Alderaan/Voidstar, pillar hump. A lot. You have the tools to keep melee off you. Especially if you can shield other people near you. Those tend to break from AE attacks getting you more backlashes


Once I get to full champ I might try a DPS spec again.

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_MinMaxer_ is my forum hero, for 1) being very sensible and calm in his posts, and 2) for sharing my opinion on basically everything (from what I can tell).


I definitely think I'll give this build a try too, and see how I like it compared to full madness.


Cheers to you, _MinMaxer_!

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