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no free respec in 1.2?


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anyone else find it troubling, that the merc AC did not get a free respec?


i think it says something when the devs took a look at all the changes to the merc AC, and said to themselves "nah, that's not enough of a change to warrant a respec"..


in fact, only the merc / assassin (commando / shadow) did not get a respec.


and the assasin / shadow class had no change at all.

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You get a free respec every tuesday... srsly


i'm not talking about the cost, i'm talking about the mindset of the developers.


they gave everyone else a respec due to changes, but left out mercs because apparently our changes are as minor as the assasin's visual change?.. seriously?

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Honestly, I have NO idea why you're even concerned with this in the least bit. If you don't like the way your skills pan out after 1.2 patch day, just re-spec for free. It'll be free that day, I'm pretty sure.


i think it says something when the devs took a look at all the changes to the merc AC, and said to themselves "nah, that's not enough of a change to warrant a respec"..


it's about how the devs are seeing the changes, not about the cost.


apparently this is a very difficult concept for people to grasp.

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it's about how the devs are seeing the changes, not about the cost.


apparently this is a very difficult concept for people to grasp.


Your sig is a little overly dramatic, don't you think?

Edited by novakaine
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it's about how the devs are seeing the changes, not about the cost.


apparently this is a very difficult concept for people to grasp.


i think it is the nit picky-ness of your post


apparently this is a very dificult concept for you to grasp


they are changing the trees, they will clear everyones points, the HAVE to

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it's about how the devs are seeing the changes, not about the cost.


apparently this is a very difficult concept for people to grasp.


You're nit-picking. You're going to get a free re-spec on patch day anyways. The fact that they didn't explicitly type out that you're going to get a free re-spec on patch day like you always have doesn't mean that they don't care. Why does it even matter, since YOU'RE GETTING A FREE RE-SPEC ON PATCH DAY anyways?

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You're nit-picking. You're going to get a free re-spec on patch day anyways. The fact that they didn't explicitly type out that you're going to get a free re-spec on patch day like you always have doesn't mean that they don't care. Why does it even matter, since YOU'RE GETTING A FREE RE-SPEC ON PATCH DAY anyways?

yet, they explicitly typed it out for every other class?


remember what GZ said about their patch notes. they pick through every word very carefully, on what they say, and what THEY DON'T SAY..


and in this case, i think what they don't say, says volumes.

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if BW had used logic in their "balance", we wouldn't be having this conversation.


the logic is that i do not believe they can change your skill tree without clearing it first (i am saying the mechanics of the code would make it impossible


i would never give bioware credit for being logical :)

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the logic is that i do not believe they can change your skill tree without clearing it first (i am saying the mechanics of the code would make it impossible


i would never give bioware credit for being logical :)


that's the thing. if you look at the line item changes to merc, they didn't add or remove talents, they merely changed what it does.


so on a completely technical standpoint, they didn't change the tree.

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  • 4 weeks later...
just like to come back to this, and point out how 100% right I was, and how 100% wrong the doubters are. "oh, must have been an oversight".. :rolleyes:


You weren't 100% correct though...you said all other classes. I have 2 imperial agents, Merc Bounty Hunter and Sith Inquisitor. Only my agents had talents reset. The other 2 classes did not...probably because the talent trees really did not change as far as what you would take.

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You weren't 100% correct though...you said all other classes. I have 2 imperial agents, Merc Bounty Hunter and Sith Inquisitor. Only my agents had talents reset. The other 2 classes did not...probably because the talent trees really did not change as far as what you would take.


I got a respec on my Sorc....

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Got a respec on all but my BH merc.


I am wondering now, if the respec is bugged, so points shows like they are used, but the spec is actually empty. Would explain how badly I have played the last day since 1.2 went in :rolleyes:

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Dev post on the matter.




Essentially, their metric for giving a free/mandatory respec is if a skill tree adds/removes abilities or changes the number of points required to fill out an ability. It has nothing to do a random dev having the opinion that your spec wasn't changed enough that you might want a respec to move points around.

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