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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

OPs/Scoundrels are still overpowered


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Tf... its player complaints like this that's fking things up anyway. For something to be underpowered you have to know how it works and how its SUPPOSED to work. Quite frankly I dont see bio here so who the heck are you to say something is OP? Maybe everything else is underpowered or maybe you just suck genius.
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This is to funny. Calling out the most unimportant class in the game as OP is funny to me. Not only are we the weakest DPS in the game we have next to zero utility. Pop out from stealth and done. No knockbacks / sprints / pulls / or resist all damage ( like shadows/sins ).


My only advice for all these horrible players that THINK scr/ops are OP. GO AND MAKE ONE!!!! We already got nerfed to hell now they are hitting us yet again becuase of *******s like you that have zero clue how to play a PvP game.





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This is just... meh.. seriously...


You think they need a nerf 'cause a 600+ expertise operative hits you for 4,5k, with ALL his CD's popped?

They can only sustain their burst for a short amount of time, after that you're fcked in longer fights. A good operative knows how and when to attack, where to stand, who to CC etc. That is not OP, that is just a player with a little brainfunction.


On top of their lousy sustained dps, they have poor defensive abilities. If you're being focused, you're down in a few secs (I realize that other classes will go down fast aswell, but not that fast in my experience).


An operative, if played well, can be a beast. Again that is not OP, that is skills.

Personally I almost always win a 1v1 fight on my operative, sometimes even 1v2 or 1v3 (almost full BM). I want to point out that these examples were against evenly geared opponents.

Having lots and lots of keybindings + a proper computer properly has something to do with that, but still.

Now, in team play an operative is pretty much useless compared to the other classes. Other classes simply just do it better.

I don't want to let all my rage out just yet, 'cause they're in the process of testing now, and - hopefully - they will realize that they need to polish the class a bit more than intended.


I love my operative and I will never stop playing it, even if it becomes the most underpowered class.


Hope it didn't seem like I was QQ'ing about the current operative.

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this is all about kids crying because an operative killed them with a hidden strike while they were on 15% HP grow up brats. I hope you are happy now that your crying is getting the class dead. Surely the class wont be deleted but the amount of people playing it in both pve as well as in pvp will be close to none, Again bravo to all of you 12 year olds for crying endlessly.
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Even with the nerf I'll still pwn bad players like you.


Does it sting, getting pwned by the worst class in the game?


Look at OP.


Class has been nerfed to the ground and they still get pwned.


How can you not shed a tear for such players :D

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This is to funny. Calling out the most unimportant class in the game as OP is funny to me. Not only are we the weakest DPS in the game we have next to zero utility. Pop out from stealth and done. No knockbacks / sprints / pulls / or resist all damage ( like shadows/sins ).


My only advice for all these horrible players that THINK scr/ops are OP. GO AND MAKE ONE!!!! We already got nerfed to hell now they are hitting us yet again becuase of *******s like you that have zero clue how to play a PvP game.






Your my hero!!!!!


wants to know what server OP is on so i can farm him with my"op" class.

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In patch 1.5 operatives will only be allowed to equip soup spoons as a weapon, hidden strike will be removed, backstab on 5 minute cooldown, and energy will only increase at the rate of 1 per 20 seconds.


Encountering an Operative should be like a pillow fight, except everyone else just has sacks of rocks.

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In patch 1.5 operatives will only be allowed to equip soup spoons as a weapon, hidden strike will be removed, backstab on 5 minute cooldown, and energy will only increase at the rate of 1 per 20 seconds.


And terribads will STILL get pwned, make threads like this and ask for nerf to soup spoons :D

Edited by GrandMike
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