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operatives and 1.2 (lolpatch)


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yeah nice i am full bm with two rakata + rakata mainhand, all fully modded the way it should be. and you are simly lying. no f.ucking way will your mighty smuggler kill any geared opponent with the double opener. know why? because he can't do enough damage to do so.

every decent geared player has aroud 17k-20k hp (tanks a bit more) so you say that your mighty smuggler is doing lets say 18k damage with three attacks? yeah totaly possible after the opener + surge nerf.


so stop trying to explain us how to play our class or what our class is capable of, if you obviously dont have the slightest clue, how this class works.


I said opener-> vanish -> reopener. thats gonna be more than 3 attacks...You have no idea how to minimax ur class if you do screen shot me your stats so i can get a good laugh and tell you how to re-mod since you are obviously doing it wrong.


P.S. 10-1 you dont even screenshot me your open charachter sheet stats because you are prolly wearing centurion...QQ

Edited by warkat
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I have 50 Guardian, 50 tanksin, 50 commando healbot, 50 sentinel Im known as the best guardian on my server DWC. i think i should know a little something about PvP, and when 1.2 comes out ull see me/guild on top of rated charts <jedi academy>.


If you are known as best of anything it is really a sad server rofl


Smuggler on my server named Banner in PvE/PvP guild took rakata mods and putem in PvP gear to maximize dmg. You dont see these operatives all over because 1. They dont have access to best PvE gear / Don't even re-mod the useless stats..I was doing 9500-10k Force Sweeps Pre nerf Bio chem just from re-modding power and cutting crit. Only handful people mini-max because there isn't really any guides on how to do it so it's not really well known atm but some people are out there.


I would now post a looooooooooooong post about itemization, but since you say that "he took rakata mods and put it in PvP gear" tells me you wouldnt comprehend 10% of it rofl


have you guys seen this video?



That is why Smugglers are getting changed next patch.


Pwning terribads is never good exuse for nerf.

Edited by GrandMike
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The good Smugglerrs on my server have 2 piece rakata gear rest BM and can 100-0 anybody with 700 expertise in heavy armor from just the opener -> vanish re-open -> dead. If you dont have access to PvE / dont know how to do this then you missed out on the OPness come 1.2 sry.


Pretty much this....


I have 3piece rakata and 1 colonmi (hopefully chest drops tonight) and MH rakata and the rest BM gear


If i pop my adrenal/relic on a full BM geared merc healer I will hit him for 4.2 roughly, followed by a another vanish HS which 50% of the time double procs..they die. I don't care how good they are, how geared they are, they will simply die. I can do this to any class, any gear, any spec unless they have guard on them.


It's a broken mechanic, and I don't agree with it, but you can't say it isnt possible, because I do it everyday.


Needless to say, I am super sad about the nerfs.


12seconds on backstab? ***. Really do I have to cycle overload shot in my rotation, that skill blows ***.

Edited by Cwild
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I said opener-> vanish -> reopener. thats gonna be more than 3 attacks...You have no idea how to minimax ur class if you do screen shot me your stats so i can get a good laugh and tell you how to re-mod since you are obviously doing it wrong.


stealth - acid blade - hiddenstrike - backstab or shiv or laceration - stun wears off, vanish - acid blade -hidden strike.


what else will you do? shoot lightning out of your ***? so the burst is hs - bs/shiv/lac - hs. thats three attacks.


tell me more how my class works!

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Again - I want to see that suggler that 3-shot everyone. Everyone talking about one but no one see them.


Operatives 3 shot everyone because they only start on targets with less than half health that are engaged in battle with other players.


Class was designed (horrible idea btw) around group pvp, then players complain that operatives kill people to fast in 1v1. Funny that when the same complaints are targeted at other classes (to good defense ability, damage) the SAME players come and yell : hey this game isn't about 1v1.


Class was designed with strengths and weaknesses, then they took all its strengths away, and you are left with what? play a healer or reroll/quit .


Atm, there is absolutely no reason to play an operative, other classes perform any roll an operative can play much better.


dmage? play any other damage class(maybe not sorcs, poor sorcs), i recommend a marauder/assassin

stealth and damage? play an assassin/shadow.

Heal? play a merc.

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If you are known as best of anything it is really a sad server rofl




I would now post a looooooooooooong post about itemization, but since you say that "he took rakata mods and put it in PvP gear" tells me you wouldnt comprehend 10% of it rofl


Let me guess u run around in 703 expertise and wonder why you can't wreck people...baddie's being bad i dont even know why i post in these threads just continue on with Operatives/smugglers are garbage and people /laugh at you when they open on you its ok to blame the class and not the player.:rolleyes:

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I have 50 Guardian, 50 tanksin, 50 commando healbot, 50 sentinel Im known as the best guardian on my server DWC. i think i should know a little something about PvP, and when 1.2 comes out ull see me/guild on top of rated charts <jedi academy>.


Maybe you should spend the time it took to level those classes, to actually GEAR one, and not pvp with 14k hp k?

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Operatives 3 shot everyone because they only start on targets with less than half health that are engaged in battle with other players.


Class was designed (horrible idea btw) around group pvp, then players complain that operatives kill people to fast in 1v1. Funny that when the same complaints are targeted at other classes (to good defense ability, damage) the SAME players come and yell : hey this game isn't about 1v1.


Class was designed with strengths and weaknesses, then they took all its strengths away, and you are left with what? play a healer or reroll/quit .


Atm, there is absolutely no reason to play an operative, other classes perform any roll an operative can play much better.


dmage? play any other damage class(maybe not sorcs, poor sorcs), i recommend a marauder/assassin

stealth and damage? play an assassin/shadow.

Heal? play a merc.


More proof you guys who post in these nerfed whine threads dont know what your talking about..Theirs a reason people play tanksins over crappy die in a stunlock dps sins...

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The good Smugglerrs on my server have 2 piece rakata gear rest BM and can 100-0 anybody with 700 expertise in heavy armor from just the opener -> vanish re-open -> dead.


Anybody? No. Quit making stuff up please.

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Maybe you should spend the time it took to level those classes, to actually GEAR one, and not pvp with 14k hp k?


My guardian was war hero 1 month into the game..pre illum welfare change, a week before it to be exact. nice try though. 14k lol...thats like what centurion/greens..

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yeah here here


wait what you got jumped by an op with 70% health and you managed to get away :eek:


few points here war hero means nothing seen a valor rank 71 in almost complete champ gear just yesteday ( also an op btw and he does nuts damage ) valor rank = time spent nothing more


also notice in your sig both your toons are stealth classes :eek:


its not like you beat him you just got away



since the patch to op/scoundrels the only thing that happened was the bad players getting a free ride started to lose and cry on the forums the good players contiuned to do really well


anyone that thinks a rogue type class in any mmo should have a 100% win chance should not be playing any multiplayer game ever its just not for you


1. Sith Sorcerers cannot stealth, man.

2. I'm a Sawbones specced Scoundrel, at 70% hp in mostly cent with two champ pieces i should have died. Yes, i should've survived his opening, but without assistance he should've been able to pursue and hunt me down like any good marauder can do. Ops simply lack the utility to pursue targets.


In a 1v1 situation without support when you're stupid enough to not be around your allies(like i was) a rogue class should be able to take you down without any trouble, so long as they get the drop on you.

Edited by namelless
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Posting this again because the dude arguing that operatives can literally 100-0 people in a matter of seconds isn't lying.


Pretty much this....


I have 3piece rakata and 1 colonmi (hopefully chest drops tonight) and MH rakata and the rest BM gear


If i pop my adrenal/relic on a full BM geared merc healer I will hit him for 4.2 roughly, followed by a another vanish HS which 50% of the time double procs..they die. I don't care how good they are, how geared they are, they will simply die. I can do this to any class, any gear, any spec unless they have guard on them.


It's a broken mechanic, and I don't agree with it, but you can't say it isnt possible, because I do it everyday.


Needless to say, I am super sad about the nerfs.


12seconds on backstab? ***. Really do I have to cycle overload shot in my rotation, that skill blows ***.

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Pretty much this....


I have 3piece rakata and 1 colonmi (hopefully chest drops tonight) and MH rakata and the rest BM gear


If i pop my adrenal/relic on a full BM geared merc healer I will hit him for 4.2 roughly, followed by a another vanish HS which 50% of the time double procs..they die. I don't care how good they are, how geared they are, they will simply die. I can do this to any class, any gear, any spec unless they have guard on them.


It's a broken mechanic, and I don't agree with it, but you can't say it isnt possible, because I do it everyday.


Needless to say, I am super sad about the nerfs.


12seconds on backstab? ***. Really do I have to cycle overload shot in my rotation, that skill blows ***.



But but destroying kids in opener->vanish opener is impossible..Im still waiting on that one kids charachter stats screen shot .show me the 703 expertise lawl. You either dont have Biochem or you dont have PvE gear access either way your bad and should stop posting @chasidim and the other fails.

Edited by warkat
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poor dudes didn't even get to play the game, pretty much could have just spent the entire time eating a burrito and it wouldn't have made a difference. fair?


From what it seems they should get off burritos, as it seems it effected their brains.


I like seeing bads/afkers pwwned.

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From what it seems they should get off burritos, as it seems it effected their brains.


I like seeing bads/afkers pwwned.


I guess, you didn't see the first guy not being able to play the game at all? he was permastunned 100-0. Not sure if troll or just stupid.

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But but destroying kids in opener->vanish opener is impossible..Im still waiting on that one kids charachter stats screen shot .show me the 703 expertise lawl. You either dont have Biochem or you dont have PvE gear access either way your bad and should stop posting @chasidim and the other fails.


Everyone told me to get 500-550 expertise as an operative. I disagreed, I got a full pve set and swapped out all my mods to stack power. I have 440 expertise and absolutely obliterate anyone that I open on. My survivability is about the same simply because they don't have a chance to hit me.


The only thing that was affected was my heals...but it doesnt even matter cause you still get 2.5 heals without even critting if you wear full pve gear with pvp offsets.


Everyone on my server that plays concealment is trying to get pve gear now.


It really wont matter in a few weeks though because I do think these nerfs are gay.


12 seconds on backstab is a joke....overload shot filler? give me a break.

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I guess, you didn't see the first guy not being able to play the game at all? he was permastunned 100-0. Not sure if troll or just stupid.



that first guy has under 16k hp! well equipped for a battlemaster. come on i can threeshot lowbies in greens yeah! thats not the point. it has never been easier to get gear so most of the time people in warzones are good geared. you don't threeshot them.

unless you get a doubleproc which is not working as intended.


at this ultimaty sentinel who knows best how our class works: i'm at work. yeah people sometimes have jobs and stuff so you'll have to wait.


but there are only two gear-related improvements i can get: a few hm-mods (which won't drop) + exchanging the bm-enforcers knife with the medic variant wich is slightly better and bis.


have you ever played a 50 concealement op? no? then how do you know how our class works? you've seen ops perfom in warzones. so that gives you the knowledge to tell what we ware capable of?

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I guess, you didn't see the first guy not being able to play the game at all?


Actually what I saw was a guy that simply got outplayed. He was not perma-stunned but maybe I didn't watch the video you watched.

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No, he said ANYBODY. One more time - ANYBODY. That is a lie.


It is not a lie. You can do it to ANYBODY that is not guarded if you have all of your cooldowns.


It doesn't matter what class they are, what spec they are, how good they are, if they happen to not have their CC breaker up.


Take the best geared players on the server and these are the numbers in optimal gear/mods with operatives.


HS-about 4k and acid blade is ticking, shiv, 2.4, acid, vanish/hs another 4k which most likely will proc the extra HS that is in this game (bug) for a total of 15k, throw in a backstab and they are dead .



my bad 4 shots not 3.\



If the extra hidden doesnt proc then yeah, you will probably not 3 shot them, but it happens enough. And even if it doesn't proc, what you have to add in 2-3 more attacks. Game over lights out.

Edited by Cwild
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