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Truth about gear disparige between new 50 and veteran.


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Truth is that people like to cut the problem with a chainsaw this half and that half...


when in reality the problem should be analyzed with a chirurgy knife



a) do you play alone or with an half/premade

b) do you play a class that fight front line or u play a class that hide or that stand back and pew pew or again do you play an healer?

c) are we talking of world PVP or minigame if we are talking about minigame which one


there are situation and class where gear make little difference and honestly it's not a big deal and there are situation where gear make a world of difference class where or u are well geared or u die superquick...


So people is right saying gear matter the most (in certain situation) gear mean nothing (in other situation) you both are right but you both dont see the point the complexity behind the problem


and because of this complexity i blame people that say "gear dont make difference" way more because it's true that sometimes they dont but actually the big deal is when they do

of course if you play with your premade team u are a player that sit back and pew pew with an op class gear wont matter much to you but try to be a sentinel in a random group with no healer and tell me if gear dont make the difference.


People just see what they want to see take 1 case and ignore all the rest or look at their own OP class (usually people that say gear doesnt matter casually always play an OP-SOLO class)

Edited by Pekish
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In my opinion instead of keep on adding to the expertise, becase it does make a difference. more dmg, healing, less damage taken. even if it is 5% like someone posted on the first page its 5% in more then one direction.


I will agree with the above poster also though. As far as Kelamare post goes I can see this just depending on the set bonus and mods. The only stat that pvp gears beats pve is expertise. So you do have naturally better stats, but your set bonus itself may be more useful you may have stats on your pve set that contributes more towards healing aside from expertise like alacrity or crit/surge enough anyway that those stats are outdoing what the expertise would do. I would challenge you (before 1.2) if you have BM gear to throw some of your mods on your bm gear and see how you do as far as deaths, dmg and heals. It could also be that your probably in general just a better healer then those others in bm.



I don't think its worth changing it at this point. I do like what they are doing in 1.2 for new players. But honestly a new pvp set isn't necessary at least at this time.

Edited by Anrew
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Yeah, it seems PvP at level 50 is not a whole lot of fun.


Utter garbage.


Yesterday I had the more amazing game of... Huttball -_-


It went like this:


1-0 to them


2-1 to them


2-3 to us :eek:


4-3 to them


4-5 to us :p

4-6 to us :cool:


I was PUGing it. There was a mix mash of folks on my side; some with health around 12k so they were possibly fresh 50's. Naturally it doesn't always happen, but the point is we scored by using great passing and having people run into space to pass to.


Each to their own though, if you don't like it you're free to do something else.

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Ive said this many times before, expertise stat dosnt need to be in the game.

Its just causing a mess and 1.2 is merely lessening the mess, but its still a mess all the same.


Yet the fix is simple, and Bioware just dont seem to get it:


Simply remove the stat from the game entirely. DPS will learn to DPS, Tanks will learn to Tank, Healers will learn to heal with the talents they have without being supported or hindered by a stat thats not required in the game.


Keep giving warzone comms, as those can be used to buy unique looking gear from PVP vendors. PVP vendor gear that has comparable stats to PVE obtained gear (rakata/tionese/columni). This means players can then choose the path they wish to go down to obtain their next shiny piece of gear:


1) PVP for a week and build up enough comms to buy a new piece of gear, or

2) Do a HM raid and hope the item drops from a boss


The best of both worlds. Not everyone likes to pvp, so they go do raids, not everyone likes to pve, so they go pvp. Some people (like myself), like both pve/pvp, so when we get bored of pvp, we go pve, but still, either way, we can get some kind of gear progression from either source, where the gear rewarded ties in with each other.


No one is left out or feels gimped purely because their gear isnt right for the job.


Good players will still be winning, bad players will still be losing, but at least it will be down to lack of skill and not gear, for the most part.

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People leave out the fact that experience in pvp in this game is something you cant measure.


Pre-valor increase patch, the small group of people i ran with, were a 95%+ win ratio. We would run alts through etc, gear wasn't the issue, experience was. Most of our mains were pushing Conqueror status pre-valor change, that is a lot of games. Gear wasn't the difference, executing was.


The current gear system is ridiculously easy, one of our guys leveled a toon to 50, within 4 days full champ. If you want the gear you can get the gear, which is how it should be.


The other super power/ secret skill that people don't often take into account: not being a derp. With play time comes experience, comes doing things better/ more efficiently, etc. Anyone that has pvp'd knows what I am talking about. We have all seen, "undergeared" people crush a geared derp (see what happens when you don't make people earn their gear?), that scrub then comes and cries on the boards about nerfing people.


It's all just a vicious cycle. But keep on handing out the shiny objects, and people wont ***** much.

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I agree with you, especially about the less of a mess after getting more pvp info on 1.2

It is hard to tell which gets people more upset about. Them getting killed, losing or where they rate on the boards. I think people will be happier with not having to get wins to get gear with changes to dailies if I am actually remembering them right.

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:pBah :p

Gear is nada I roll in my pve gear All rakata gear

Im a BH Healers an out heal most the BM geared healers Plus i have more health on average then other healers aswell i lol an the Mara's an Fellow BH who catch me an attempt to solo me down it just doesnt happen


I use my PVP points to gear my compaions :D


If gearing wasnt so easy oon 1.2 you would probably quit pvp. IF what you say is true ofc.

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People leave out the fact that experience in pvp in this game is something you cant measure.


Pre-valor increase patch, the small group of people i ran with, were a 95%+ win ratio. We would run alts through etc, gear wasn't the issue, experience was. Most of our mains were pushing Conqueror status pre-valor change, that is a lot of games. Gear wasn't the difference, executing was.


The current gear system is ridiculously easy, one of our guys leveled a toon to 50, within 4 days full champ. If you want the gear you can get the gear, which is how it should be.


The other super power/ secret skill that people don't often take into account: not being a derp. With play time comes experience, comes doing things better/ more efficiently, etc. Anyone that has pvp'd knows what I am talking about. We have all seen, "undergeared" people crush a geared derp (see what happens when you don't make people earn their gear?), that scrub then comes and cries on the boards about nerfing people.


It's all just a vicious cycle. But keep on handing out the shiny objects, and people wont ***** much.

I agree with u / more practice = more efficeny,faster reflex,more apm much better player overall..just like in fps games u play more = faster u react


And yeah ,2bad BW listen to all these scrubs...thats just sad

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What gear grind do you speak of? if you want a gear grind, please go play WAR and level to RR100.


SW:ToR has absolutely butt **** all in terms of a gear grind. It takes you about a week to get full Centurion and about three weeks to get full Champion.


That is not a grind, it's progression is the loosest possible sense (as it is so easy).


yeah you are right here. I was playing WAR for 3+ years and reached rr92 on my main - mainly to lack of time but still it took long.


In TOR I mainly PvP but still I didn't even noticed when ALL my companions had full champ and I just realised I have almost full Columni gear (just from helping guildies in FPs/OPs) and crapload of pvp/pve tokens rotting in my bank. Not to mention I have full BM on my main.


I must point out that I do not do all dailies, usually 3-5 dailies per week + weekly.


If BW was to make gear "grind" any easier they would have to start sending it in mails.

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Yeah, it seems PvP at level 50 is not a whole lot of fun.


Oh man its the complete opposite on my server, Kellers Void.


sub 50 nobody knows what resolve is, they 1vs1, dont know where mid is or why we need to control it, no clue about side speeders, break cc when capping, and the list just goes on and on. Its super frustrating sub 50 without a premade.

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