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Comunity in this game is deteriorating


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Same old thing we had in WOW, so much abuse towards other players. I just dont understand why people have to be so mean to each other. In warzones especially this is bad, somebody always gets blamed for something. After all we all we only human and just play the game for a bit of fun. Im getting fedup with it and thinking of ending my sub and never play an mmo again. Some of the language i see in the chat is apalling, So frustrating cos i love this game. And if im gonna be forced to turn off all the chats then whats the point of playing and MMO. Edited by Smudgersmith
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Why don't you shut up? We're not all human. Didn't you know that game developers are actually demi-gods that just think up an idea and it's produced into code? That idea is then always 100% balanced, 100% fair, and 100% fun to everyone of every type of gameplay? Go back to WoW.... *ends faux troll*


But seriously, I agree. The community here has always been ridiculous and why I never played MMOs before December 13th. It's also why I probably won't ever play another one. I've noticed that it's the same pack of people moving from one game to another.


P.S. I should've added more spelling errors to my first part as well as some bold and a different colour. I could've said bro once or twice too. My trolling is just shameful.

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You should report those players. Moderation on the forums alone are quite strict. Take a proactive stance. Don't just sit and let them get away with it.


Because everyone is on the same server, there will be more accountability. The more abusive they get, the more people will realize how obnoxious they are, and news will spread.

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I don't really see much deterioration. The SWTOR community has been one of the worst, most venomous I've ever seen all the way back to beta.


*spits a flame ball*


Yeah, things were pretty rough back in beta, but I've got to say that it's mostly on the forums. People in-game are much nicer (usually). The forums are just asking for trouble. May whatever god(s) exist(s) have pity on these moderators.

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Same old thing we had in WOW, so much abuse towards other players. I just dont understand why people have to be so mean to each other. In warzones especially this is bad, somebody always gets blamed for something. After all we all we only human and just play the game for a bit of fun. Im getting fedup with it and thinking of ending my sub and never play an mmo again. Some of the language i see in the chat is apalling, So frustrating cos i love this game. And if im gonna be forced to turn off all the chats then whats the point of playing and MMO.


Check this, alot of forum people went there, and i have 0 problem with community being immature etc.


Spread the word!

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You ain't seen nothin yet.


Wait till they merge up to 16 servers into a large pool, introduce an anonymous queueing system that groups you for FP's OP's and WZ's with players you have never seen before and will never see again.


Wait till the only place you see players is the fleet and there is no reason anymore to be even partially polite to players on your own server because you don't even need them in order to progress through PvE or PvP content.


Wait until they start handing out free epics just for walking through a door and there are so many tiers of PvE OP's that in order to catch up to current content in terms of skills and experience a player needs to work through up to 6 months of raiding before they'll be up to the challenge of current content.


Wait until the bots start infesting the game and 95% of what you see in chat is currency sales advertising.


Wait until all the players who actually give a **** about being part of a gaming community leave for greener pastures in disgust and all that's left are the same elitist ***holes you came to this game in order to escape in the first place.


Wait until there is nothing left in this game but a jaded acidic remnant of what used to be a community that was steadily murdered by years of class homogenisation and an ever increasing number of handouts and conveniences added for lazy players who thought that parking their asses in a chair for 8 hours at a time was too much work.


Wait until this game is just a extension of 4chan with less illegal explicit imagery and a few over zealous admins who ban players for swearing.




This game is still fresh as hell. If you think it on the downhill slide already then you best leave before the harsh reality of MMO gaming catches up with you.

Edited by Sentry_gun
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