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Pyrotech and Flamethrower


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Is there any tangible perk we get by using flamethrower with pyrotech as a merc? I can't see anything in our skills tree but it strikes me that it should be better synergised as it is with powertechs. I've always left it out of my arsenal rotations but have started including it now. Good fun but a wasted opportunity. Edited by Diddley
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Is there any tangible perk we get by using flamethrower with pyrotech as a merc? I can't see anything in our skills tree but it strikes me that it should be better synergised as it is with powertechs. I've always left it out of my arsenal rotations but have started including it now. Good fun but a wasted opportunity.


Two reasons to use flamethrower.


1) You have that rare opportunity (maybe not so rare in pve) where 3+ enemies are stacked on a friend attacking him.


2) You have an enemy (preferably a player as it is more enjoyable) almost dead and stunned. Obviously this isn't the most efficient way to finish him, but it is :D

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the reason for this is because the mercenary is a ranged character while the powertech is a melee oriented player.


I can understand your fustration about the name pyrotech may sound like flamethrower would be part of your major attack, but sadly its not. so you'll just have to reroll powertech or change your expectations

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It does seem asinine, doesn't it? I thought the same thing when I started rolling pyro.


It's okay though, I promise that you won't miss it with all the other tools at your disposal. My merc is now level 45, and I've raised him as a pyro for a vast majority of that time. Its a fun class with a low to moderate amount of challenge in it's playstyle with a lot of damage.

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