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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm rather sick of these 'NERF THIS CLASS' posts...


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And what's most annoying is that Bioware listens to them and do what they say even when 90% of the time it's a l2p issue. Like jeez if this is what the PvP is going to entail over the next few years then god help us.


If it's not Operative it's Mercanery


If it's not Mercanery it's Sorcerer


If it's not Sorcerer it's Powertech


If it's not Powertech it's Marauder


What's ironic is people seem to have this mental attitude of 'if this class beats me then it needs nerfing so I can kill it' as if classes aren't allowed to be countered by others. Ugh it's just frustrating as hell.


Edit: I think this post is a perfect example of what I'm trying to say when it comes to the insane amount of ******* that post on these forums and get what they want. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=364722

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And what's most annoying is that Bioware listens to them and do what they say even when 90% of the time it's a l2p issue. Like jeez if this is what the PvP is going to entail over the next few years then god help us.


If it's not Operative it's Mercanery


If it's not Mercanery it's Sorcerer


If it's not Sorcerer it's Powertech


If it's not Powertech it's Marauder


What's ironic is people seem to have this mental attitude of 'if this class beats me then it needs nerfing so I can kill it' as if classes aren't allowed to be countered by others. Ugh it's just frustrating as hell.


Edit: I think this post is a perfect example of what I'm trying to say when it comes to the insane amount of ******* that post on these forums and get what they want. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=364722


Whats really ironic is how the forums are now filling up with "X type of complaint thread is annoying" complaint threads.


Also, BW is not making changes based on the type of threads youre talking about.

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Whats really ironic is how the forums are now filling up with "X type of complaint thread is annoying" complaint threads.


Also, BW is not making changes based on the type of threads youre talking about.


Yes, they are. Each class will have it's FOTM with this game, every year.

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Whats really ironic is how the forums are now filling up with "X type of complaint thread is annoying" complaint threads.


Also, BW is not making changes based on the type of threads youre talking about.


What's funny is, you're wrong. Look at the patch notes and look at this forum. Everything getting nerfed has been cried about, everything getting buffed has been cried about in a different manner.

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It's all part of the plan. Frequent nerfs to create FotMs which make people re-roll and continue playing so they can keep focusing on the sub counts.


A plan that caters for idiots?


And I mean 'idiot' in the classical

Greek sense.

Idiot as a word derived from the Greek ἰδιώτης, idiōtēs ("person lacking professional skill", "a private citizen", "individual"), from ἴδιος, idios ("private", "one's own").


Edited by Scudmungus
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