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BH Need An Interupt !


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Now I usually wouldnt post about charcters abilites and what not but this is not a compilant its a need. Its really sad to see that our only interupt is on a 1Min cooldown. I literally sat at a fight for 30 min trying to kill and NPC that was able to heal constanly. Serious give us a real interupt.
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Mercs have high damage, a stun and a knockback. They can additionally spec into a second knockback so this is hardly a problem. Mako can even end up throwing off the cast time with her little zappy CC.


Powertechs actually have an interrupt.


A stun athat is a on 1 min cooldown and a knockback ? What knockback are you refering to Missle Blast that idoes nothing at higher levels. Mako is not used in a 4 man heroic or higher so she doesnt count. Plus our damage is being reduced and close range attacks are really worthless Range interupts are what is needed

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The arsenal merc has absolutely nothing but their dps. They are a gun turret. Nothing more. Nothing less. As a result, unless additional abilities are added to diversify their capabiities, an arsenal merc that doesn't dish out more damage than the other dps classes and specs that do have other uses is underpowered and superfluous.
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The arsenal merc has absolutely nothing but their dps. They are a gun turret. Nothing more. Nothing less. As a result, unless additional abilities are added to diversify their capabiities, an arsenal merc that doesn't dish out more damage than the other dps classes and specs that do have other uses is underpowered and superfluous.


Dead enemies are interrupted by being dead. Kill them and stop worrying. If it's a healer, stun them, kill them, and stop worrying. If they have full resolve, get a bud to help kill them (because several classes have trouble killing a full resolve healer alone), and stop worrying.

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Dead enemies are interrupted by being dead. Kill them and stop worrying. If it's a healer, stun them, kill them, and stop worrying. If they have full resolve, get a bud to help kill them (because several classes have trouble killing a full resolve healer alone), and stop worrying.


I agree we ned a class that doesn't worry about the bs and just murders things in the face. So then, we are on the same page that the best way to make sure the arsenal merc is not superfluous relative to other classes laden with more diverse capabilities is to significantly buff rather than nerf their damage then?

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Dead enemies are interrupted by being dead. Kill them and stop worrying. If it's a healer, stun them, kill them, and stop worrying. If they have full resolve, get a bud to help kill them (because several classes have trouble killing a full resolve healer alone), and stop worrying.


I agree we ned a class that doesn't worry about the bs and just murders things in the face. So then, we are on the same page that the best way to make sure the arsenal merc is not superfluous relative to other classes laden with more diverse capabilities is to significantly buff rather than nerf their damage then?

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Bounty Hunters have TONS of interrupts - Quell, Electro Dart, Carbonize, and Jet Charge. They just happen to all be in one advanced class.

Agreed, give Merc/Commandos a 12 sec, 30m interrupt with a 4 sec lockout like Sorcs have. It's impossible to shut down a healer 1v1 without this.
Yes, because classes are totally balanced for 1v1 play :rolleyes: Edited by hulkweazel
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You do realize that Powertech's Quell interrupt has a max range of 4m? So as a Mercenary, your saying you want to be up in everyone's grill.


I'd rather lose my range advantage to get an interrupt on a battle I'd otherwise always lose than have literally worthless heals.

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mercs/commandos should have a true interrupt ability (stuns and knockbacks are irrelevant in pve bossfights), and they also need an in-combat revive. I'm rather disappointed that bioware would actually launch the game with such glaring flaws.


Adding those capabilities will not increase dps in any way, they'll simply add utility that should have been there in the first place.

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An interrupt is needed for Mercenaries.You may say L2P etc but its all BS. In pvp if i'm alone on a healer there is no way for me to kill him.Yes game isnt about 1v1 but not having an interrupt is a really big deal in pvp.While every other melee/ranged/healer/tank everyone else gets it Mercs doesnt have that important skill.Using electro dart to interrupt is just stupid and we cant use it if resolve bar is full.



There really is no need to discuss it.Mercs need a PROPER interrupt that locks the spell , is ranged and isnt affected by Global , you know LIKE every other interrupt (and remove rocket punch knockback when we get that interrupt thou i like doing Shoryouken on low hp ppl and knocking back their dead bodies of high places its so much fun :D)

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No they don't need one. You mean Mercenary, btw. Powertechs have an interrupt. You have any target CC, Knockback and a stun. 3 out of 4 is the good. No one can do everything.


Sorcs have that and an interrupt so you're wrong.

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No they don't need one. You mean Mercenary, btw. Powertechs have an interrupt. You have any target CC, Knockback and a stun. 3 out of 4 is the good. No one can do everything.


Sorcerers have 1 Knockback , 1 Ranged Stun , 1 Break-on-Damage CC , 1 Ranged Interrupt in every spec.

Mercs have 1 Knockback , 1 Ranged Stun , 1 Break-on-Damage CC and if you are arsenal and put points into it a another 3-4 meter Knockback.

Snipers have (im not %100 sure about these correct me if i'm wrong) 1 Knockback while in cover , 1 Melee Range Stun , 1 Ranged Interrupt , 1 Break-on-Damage AOE CC and maybe something else if they put points into it in a spec


None of the skills mercs have can be used on boss fights and in pvp that second knockback cant be used as a interrupt because it uses a global + and you have to be in melee range.


Do you think we should run/jump down/just look at if he is above or on catwalks while dps/healer is killing us/healing himself/others?


Interrupt is needed.Its a core mechanic that every class should HAVE NO MATTER WHAT.

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I would be willing to put up a challenge. My level 50 Merc healer vs and other rank 50 Merc or Commando DPS.


Without an interrupt, I guarantee that the fight will last for minutes. With both classes being range, knockback won't even come into play. It will come down to the commando using stuns and dps vs my Merc using those same stuns and healing.


If the two classes are truly balanced neither player should have the advantage and the fight should go one indefinately.


But mix it up. Give one or the other an interrupt and somebody is going to be dead in less than a minute.


That is how important an interrupt is in this game.


Why Mercs and Commandos don't have the most basic of skills is beyond me.

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