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Mail boxes


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Dear SWTOR Devs:


Why is it so hard to find a friggin mailbox in many places and then in others its like the land of milk and honey and mailboxes. In Nar Shadaa, for instance, all the vendors, trainers, auction houses, and cargo holds are on one level, as well as the cantina. If there's a mailbox on that level though, I can't find it. On DK, the mailboxes closest to the cantina are over near the auction house and out front near the taxi. Why?


Are you punishing us or something? Are mailboxes hard to do? Why do make me search so hard for a mailbox? What do you think I'm going to do with all this stuff I'm making -- especially since there's not a guild vault I can put it into. Somehow I have to get my craft stuff to my guild and the only way to do that atm is via mailboxes. Is it too much to ask for more mailboxes? In convenient places?


TYVM and have a nice day.

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There's a mailbox on Nar Shadda just around the corner from the GTN. Filtering for mailboxes on your map can help locate them when you can't find them. Edited by sjmc
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doesn't show up even when i filter. and regardless... one lousy mailbox and its not even right outside the cantina? why do i even have to search for it? i mean really is it such a big deal to have more than one mailbox on that level given what else is there? Edited by VivianneDraper
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