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Subscription Cancelled - Combat Medic Nerf


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My brother already cancelled his account due to the Combat Medic nerfs on test at the moment. He won't reactivate until they're changed. Since he's the only reason I play this game, my account will end up cancelled as well (although I've got 2 months left on it).


I hope the developers realize how ridiculously hard they just hit commandos and retreat a bit on that. We were enjoying this game and looking forward to many of the other changes in 1.2 until this nerf was divulged.



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There are other classes than the commando-- but having said that, I will say the commando is what kept me playing SWTOR. I'm not unsubbing, I have too many awesome guildies for that, but I will be finding another class to fill my time with until this is fixed. I can DPS very well on my commando, however healing is my first love with the commando and until it is viable completely again... I'll be working on Kaze, Sabathia or Daenar. :p
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Hello Everyone,


To help us keep the Trooper forums organized, we're going to ask that any discussion on changes to Combat Medics be redirected to this thread: 1.2 - Combat Medic - Major Nerfs.


Remember that the Patch Notes are always subject to change and will not be finalized until testing is completed.


We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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