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So pyro gets nerfed?


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I was happy with the patch notes. The damage reduction to power shot is a minor bummer at worst. As a Pyro Merc you should already have Muzzle Fluting so the increased cast time is not an issue. Personally I was expecting a hard nerf to us but I don't believe pyro recieved any significant nerf.
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Power shot is a filler for pyro. Not a go to must. It is stupid to nerf but not a kick in the groin by no means... I prefer an unload rail reset.


I think we all prefer an unload railshot reset, however if the RNG gods deem it not so, or once it does and unload is on CD, pwrshot is the next logical skill. I do not think the nerf is going to be spec breaking by any means, when it comes down to it, all it ends up being is a 10% dmg reduction, my question is why did BW feel that pwr shot needed to be messed with at all.

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Soooo... PS now has a 10% chance of proccing instead of 30 and Unload 20 instead of 60. Merc Pyro build just got useless or what?


Uhm no. PS proc chance goes up from 30% to 45% and Unload goes up from 60% to 75%. It now can't proc more than once per 6 secs though.

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I don't care.


80% of my powershots are with combination with that skill makes it instant with no casting time and usable when moving, half a sec of casting time means nothing when attacking someone who has no idea I am about to cast powershot. If he is aware, his "interupts" is causing 2sec from current 1.4-1.5 anyway.

10% less damage? I don't care, I will compensate this with better gear (even I can use full champion and have full BM except bracers and belt I simple don't want to use BM or Champ helmet coz it looks horrible, I have something I like which means currently with lev.58 mods and ehnancments but with 51 armoring, same for belt and bracers where it is not really visual but there isn't custom one for me)

I am not on PTS so this is just theory from release notes, I have a feeling -10% powershot for my style means actually -5% or even less.


Looking at my results of several full time (15minutes) voidstar or huttball I can se my total output damage is differ by 100k depending how am I playing and against who and with which team.

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in 1.2 it will be 45% chance for powershot and 75% chance for unload, same + 15 % as for PTs.


Every pyro spec will now be forced deeper into arsenal to pick up the cast time decreasing talent for tracer and power shot, but thats about it.


Muzzle fluting will sit in the same exact place from what I understand.


Also, NOT taking muzzle fluting and Upgraded Arsenal in just about any DPS spec seems unwise to me, even with the current setup. I don't like that we're pigeon-holed into taking anything, but fact of the matter is that it's not gonna change much of anything.

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"in 1.2 it will be 45% chance for powershot and 75% chance for unload, same + 15 % as for PTs."


Well if this is true as a pyro merc this looks like a significant buff. I generally only have heat problems when I go through a dry spell of unload/powershot reseting RS. This bump in chance should really help with this. I will gladly take the 10% decrease in PS damage for the increases in RS reset we are talking about.


Edit: well now knowing that there is a 6 sec min between resets going to have to rethink this. So lets say I IM > TD > RS > Unload > RS (on reset) > ....(6 sec) ???? > profit. So what is the best thing to do in those 6 sec post RS reset? This looks like less of a problem in fast action PVP where burst is king but in long PVE boss fights this could be a damage nerf.

Edited by _DaGreat
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"in 1.2 it will be 45% chance for powershot and 75% chance for unload, same + 15 % as for PTs."


Well if this is true as a pyro merc this looks like a significant buff. I generally only have heat problems when I go through a dry spell of unload/powershot reseting RS. This bump in chance should really help with this. I will gladly take the 10% decrease in PS damage for the increases in RS reset we are talking about.


Edit: well now knowing that there is a 6 sec min between resets going to have to rethink this. So lets say I IM > TD > RS > Unload > RS (on reset) > ....(6 sec) ???? > profit. So what is the best thing to do in those 6 sec post RS reset? This looks like less of a problem in fast action PVP where burst is king but in long PVE boss fights this could be a damage nerf.


the 6s timer starts at proc, so if you hit RS immediately with a 1.5s GCD you are down to 4.5s on cooldown.


personally i think they are doing it to make people use their full Unload... no more hitting unload and then moving to break it to cast the procced RS


so if Unload procs and you let it fully fire and then hit the RS that is 4.5 sec into the 6s limit leaving you only 1 gcd from the next possible proc.

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the 6s timer starts at proc, so if you hit RS immediately with a 1.5s GCD you are down to 4.5s on cooldown.


personally i think they are doing it to make people use their full Unload... no more hitting unload and then moving to break it to cast the procced RS


so if Unload procs and you let it fully fire and then hit the RS that is 4.5 sec into the 6s limit leaving you only 1 gcd from the next possible proc.


IM (1.6 sec) ... TD (1.6 sec) ... RS (1.6 sec) ... Unload (reset) (3.1 sec)... RS (1.6 sec)... PS (1.6 sec) (reset)... RS (1.6 sec) ... now what? I am 12 to 13 sec into a fight, am I stuck with with rapid shots for the next 2 GCDs and then reapplying IM?


As I say, with the pace, movement and other variables (filling in with stun, jetboost, perhaps fusion missile etc) of PVP this may not present a big problem but in long boss fights I see this as a damage nerf.

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IM (1.6 sec) ... TD (1.6 sec) ... RS (1.6 sec) ... Unload (reset) (3.1 sec)... RS (1.6 sec)... PS (1.6 sec) (reset)... RS (1.6 sec) ... now what? I am 12 to 13 sec into a fight, am I stuck with with rapid shots for the next 2 GCDs and then reapplying IM?


As I say, with the pace, movement and other variables (filling in with stun, jetboost, perhaps fusion missile etc) of PVP this may not present a big problem but in long boss fights I see this as a damage nerf.


the problem is balancing for pvp, 3% at most of the server population comes regularly to the boards, 80% of those are pvpers, so you get a skewed adjustment.


look around at the posts, pvp this, pvp that... the only thing easier than pve in this game is pvp. it is a new game, I have been in a new game many times and they can have their time to tweek things up a bit, but they seem to be on the wrong track, and they seem to think the people on the boards speak for the masses, sadly they do not.

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You must really hate Arsenal Mercs, i se you spam on almost every thred on this section about your absurd hate for Arsenal, i dont see Arsenal Mercs throw that much hate to Pyro.


I have played Pyro alot, its ok, but inferior to Arsenal, aresnal is also more fun! imo

I have no problem 1v1 agains most classes, i shine in pvp and in pve.


You seam to think all we do is spam TM, this is obviosly ingnorant from your part and its clear you havent played arsenal much.


If you like pyro that much, then play it, im happy for you, now go out in IRL do somthing fun and let your hate vent on real problems.



I do like pyro so much. What I don't like is looking like I've gotta crap every time I use fusion missile and losing damage on my powershot because all the arsenals can't do anything but spam tracer all the time (which you do, admit it or not, or it wouldn't have driven this nerf). It is your fault, you nerfed pyro, point fingers all you want, it's true and that's it. Thanks for that.

Edited by bahdasz
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My main is a Lvl 50 (Battlemaster) Pyro Merc on Shadowtown and was both surprised and disappointed by the nerf to Powershot as I think the Pyro Merc class is fairly well balanced. I don't use Powershot all that often and when I do I typically make it an instant cast via Power Surge to keep mobile. Therefore the increase in cast time would make little difference but the damage reduction might make me scrap altogether. If Pyro Merc's do lose PowerShot and crit of Combustible Gas is increased we have 3 pts from Arsenal (Ironsights & Upgraded Ars) to play with. For me 1 of those will need to take Hired Muscle from 2 to 3 (which still lowers my crit chance by 1% due to the nerf to this skill) but not sure what to do with the other one as the throw away skills in the Pyro tree aren't very useful.
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What do you guys think about stabilizers now that hired mussle is being nerfed? I hate to spend 3 points on a skill that only gets me 3% increase to crit and was looking to change with 3 points in hired mussle. I've really gotten fond of powershot but hate the pushback so I thought this might be a good trade. Thoughts?
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What do you guys think about stabilizers now that hired mussle is being nerfed? I hate to spend 3 points on a skill that only gets me 3% increase to crit and was looking to change with 3 points in hired mussle. I've really gotten fond of powershot but hate the pushback so I thought this might be a good trade. Thoughts?


Since you will probably be using Power Shot less, and ok with stopping an Unload early if it pops Rail Shot I don't think Stabilizers is a good spend.

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I have seen a few of you post that when you do use pwr shot its usually coupled with the skill that makes it instant, is it really worth it to use that long CD skill with pwr shot? I usually save that skill to use with thermal override anf fusion missile since fusion cast is so long, makes it easier to put a fusion on a grp before they scatter.
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Since you will probably be using Power Shot less, and ok with stopping an Unload early if it pops Rail Shot I don't think Stabilizers is a good spend.


That's just it. With the higher proc rate I don't think I'll use unload any less post 1.2. I'm just really hung up on spending 3 skill points for a +3 stat when I don't have to pick it up to unload tier two skills.

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What do you guys think about stabilizers now that hired mussle is being nerfed? I hate to spend 3 points on a skill that only gets me 3% increase to crit and was looking to change with 3 points in hired mussle. I've really gotten fond of powershot but hate the pushback so I thought this might be a good trade. Thoughts?


I've already got it and I like having it. In certain fights, it isn't very useful, but in others it is. I only have 2 points in it though, find that to be plenty.

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I have seen a few of you post that when you do use pwr shot its usually coupled with the skill that makes it instant, is it really worth it to use that long CD skill with pwr shot? I usually save that skill to use with thermal override anf fusion missile since fusion cast is so long, makes it easier to put a fusion on a grp before they scatter.


Not the best use of the instant cast ability but I will do it on occassion for bigger burst damage (Fusion will do more dmg overall but PS is higher burst).

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I have seen a few of you post that when you do use pwr shot its usually coupled with the skill that makes it instant, is it really worth it to use that long CD skill with pwr shot? I usually save that skill to use with thermal override anf fusion missile since fusion cast is so long, makes it easier to put a fusion on a grp before they scatter.


this is the better combo if the target is heading under 30% health and running away since the FM dot takes off if used at this point. i find myself using this scenario more often as well, TSO/power surge/FM.


i think the folks that burn the power surge instant with powershot are trying to front-load burst (while mobile) by linking it up early in their rotation, e.g. TD/IM/RS/power surge/powershot/RS (if it procs).


both approaches are valid, just depends how you play.

Edited by scootle
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Not the best use of the instant cast ability but I will do it on occassion for bigger burst damage (Fusion will do more dmg overall but PS is higher burst).


I haven't used fusion often at this point. This is mainly due to the heat cost and cool down compared to power shot. I'm also only leve 40 so I don't have the skill points in burnout which is where I think fusion missle can be a huge difference maker. That said, I need to start trying it more.

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I haven't used fusion often at this point. This is mainly due to the heat cost and cool down compared to power shot. I'm also only leve 40 so I don't have the skill points in burnout which is where I think fusion missle can be a huge difference maker. That said, I need to start trying it more.


Once you get Thermal Sensor Override, Fusion Missile becomes a normal action you will use. Making it cost 0 heat and hit like a truck on targets below 30% health are just too good.

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Once you get Thermal Sensor Override, Fusion Missile becomes a normal action you will use. Making it cost 0 heat and hit like a truck on targets below 30% health are just too good.


Indeed. I usually put the insta-cast in the mix with fusion and TSO.

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Power shot is a filler for pyro. Not a go to must. It is stupid to nerf but not a kick in the groin by no means... I prefer an unload rail reset.


Unload is on a 15 second CD. Nothing else besides Power shot resets Rail shot with the proc. It is way more than a filler. What do you do if Unload doesnt proc? Wait 15 seconds for Rail shot to finish CD? Even then you will pay heat without the proc effect.



Like it or not we took a nerf.

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