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Bodyguards in 1.2


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My merc is currently pyro (I'm probably 1 of maybe 3 on my server)...


I run BH/Merc Pyro as well because it's much more fun in PvP albiet a little less effective in PvE BOSS burning.


I was planning to dual spec healer/Pyro in 1.2, but now I'll probably dual spec Arsenal/Pyro.


I'm a little pissed because I have invested in quite a bit of Medic gear in anticipation of dual specing healer/DPS.


Unless there is a significant change to proposed BH/Merc Bodyguard nerfs, or stat upgrades to offset the nerf with gear choices/mods, I don't see BH/Merc as being a compelling healer class.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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I'm not even sure what to say about the 1.2 changes.


Did anyone actually see us being nerfed THIS hard?



I can live with the % nerf on our abilities yes its hard but we can live with it.On the other side what scare me the most is the heat changes.

Maybe it they could buff our autto attack heal (help us manage or heat , more heal to others and still cripple our survivability)

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I have decided to join the Healers Protest Movement started by RuQu and have unsubscribed from the game.


Let's see if we can turn back the clock on these unnecessary nerfs.



The Swiftsure

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Hi! Sorc healer here! ^_^ We got a huge hit now :( I wish I had an endless resource like you guys! With the Consumption nerf, we suddenly have the worst long term healing ability. I would LOVE to have a skill that gives us back 50% of our force every 3mins. :(


you can have that if you are willing to have only 100 force power


I have a sorc and a BH and sorc is fine, they can gererate force power at will and use AOE heals to cover the health lost in the process

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I'm not even sure what to say about the 1.2 changes.


Did anyone actually see us being nerfed THIS hard?


I can agree that we needed some more heat generation. I am almost always near 0 heat. But these changes just seem to go way overboard. I expect that some of them will be pulled back before 1.2 goes live. I'll continue playing my BG for Ops and wait for updates to the PTS to make this nerf a bit less harsh. But in the mean time I'll be leveling my PT and Sniper in my free time rather than continuing to work on my Merc.

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I can agree that we needed some more heat generation. I am almost always near 0 heat.


Sorry, but you either aren't doing the hard stuff, or you are not the main healer and you end up just topping things off. My Vent Heat is either constantly on cool down while trying to keep my 8 man team alive, or people are dead and the raid wiped.


I have the option of running full columi gear or a BM/Champion mix, so I am pretty close to the max stats available to my class. Some stuff has augments slots filled with AIM.


Rakata upgrades would give me a small stat improvement here or there (usually extra power), but not enough to tip the scales into an OP condition.


Nerfing the Merc/Commando makes absolutely no sense. I don't have the time or desire to roll another toon to run as healer, and frankly I shouldn't have to.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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Sorry, but you either aren't doing the hard stuff, or you are not the main healer and you end up just topping things off. My Vent Heat is either constantly on cool down while trying to keep my 8 man team alive, or people are dead and the raid wiped.


I have the option of running full columi gear or a BM/Champion mix, so I am pretty close to the max stats available to my class. Some stuff has augments slots filled with AIM.


Rakata upgrades would give me a small stat improvement here or there (usually extra power), but not enough to tip the scales into an OP condition.


Nerfing the Merc/Commando makes absolutely no sense. I don't have the time or desire to roll another toon to run as healer, and frankly I shouldn't have to.


You aren't doing hard stuff either if you do not have access to Rakata gear.

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You aren't doing hard stuff either if you do not have access to Rakata gear.


Sorry, but an 8man OP is just as hard as a 16man OP, which provides Rakata drops. We don't have enough people properly leveled to run the 16man OPs yet. If we build a team with randoms, it's the randoms who drop after a wipe. :(


In fact, IMHO, an 8man OP is harder because there is less room for error and the loss of a single player will usually cause a wipe. Hell, if we lose two players we all try to exit to avoid the freakin' "credit sink" gear damage bill. Thanks for reminding of that little gem built into the game, Lord knows having too many credits is just the worst thing for a MMO.

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Sorry, but an 8man OP is just as hard as a 16man OP, which provides Rakata drops. We don't have enough people properly leveled to run the 16man OPs yet. If we build a team with randoms, it's the randoms who drop after a wipe. :(


In fact, IMHO, an 8man OP is harder because there is less room for error and the loss of a single player will usually cause a wipe. Hell, if we lose two players we all try to exit to avoid the freakin' "credit sink" gear damage bill. Thanks for reminding of that little gem built into the game, Lord knows having too many credits is just the worst thing for a MMO.


Normal mode is easy on 8 man or 16 man it can be 1 healed in 8 man and 2 healed in 16 man. Hard mode and nightmare mode drop rakata, it doesn't matter what raid size you are doing.

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