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Sorc/Sage 1.2 Discussion --> Nerf


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I have many alts of various classes and two 50's Commando (gunnery spec for grav spam) and Sorc 0/13/28.


My commando can hit for 3500-5k+ per grav round shot single target and does decent aoe stationary for mortar round. (Inmostly cent gear!!!)


My sorc who is BM in 5 pieces/champ, force lightning ticked for 300-800 depending on the class/gear I was fighting in wz. My chain lightning on wrath proc was my hardest hitting which offered 2k crits tops 2800. I used wrath proc for single target for crushing. Death field was decent aoe but sometimes button is not responsive and in time of need you missed oppurtunities having to reclick it.


Overall my opinion of sorcs- we werent OP. I get my arse handed to me by ops, mercs, jugs, assassins, and marauders. Healers, well that could be a 3 min fight 1v1 where eventually I run out of force and lose if I dont properly interupt ther heals. If another came along I was toast.


My name is Terani on my server, and I am one of the better sorcs on our server. But I assure you there arent a bunch of sorcs doing what a select few of us do. Some were actually not nearly as good.


These nerfs are simply that. Nerfs. There are many great players on my server that will hand me my arse on a plate. Now, I wont be much competition at all- and be completely torn apart. Whats dissappointing is I played sorc just for the lightning, and the feel of the force slinger. Now thats all that is left, the look. We will no longer be a threat to anyone.


With this new update I now know I wasted my time trying to get the 65 valor, the Bm gear, and the valor mount for a toon that is no longer viable for endgame pvp.


With these nerfs should have had a buff to the force speed cooldown removed, as all we will do now is RUN from everyone. Rock, scissors, paper? Um, we fit none of those now.


Those posting here, saying eveyr class got nerfed is just wrong. We are taking the BIGGEST hit and alreayd have with our dots no longer preventing objectives previously.


Why would anyone want us on their arena team? CC? Seriously? You know what our whirlwind is for? Its for trying to run......cause our arse is being handed to us.


Throughout mmo history a caster strengths was its ranged dmg and aoe dmg. Their weakness was if a melee was on them they were toast.


Now our dmg is nerfed, aoe dmg is gone since chain lightning no longer works with wrath- and too boot we get trashed by melee.


Then we have these people who say they have sorcs lvl 50 n BM gear coming on here saying we are OP????? Are you serious????


No matter whose right combat logs should have been here first and dmg meters to explain fights to people. Then it would be known that skill and not 1 button punch is why the guy kicked your teeth in. Not because he was OP. Because he knew his class AND YOURS on how to survive.


Half the posts in this thread are little children JUST LIKE SWG who crided JEDI was too hard to get I quit "WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" then BAM everyone had a dam Jedi.




You ruined the sorcerer class. Your class will be next. Its the evolution of mmo's when a developer listens to these crybabies whine because they are upset that they feel it isnt fair for person A who played and invested 600 hrs to obtain some rairty, while person B hits forums cause person A has something they dont want to work for. Person B gets rewarded for his crybaby posts in masses since majority of people are lazy and want everything handed to them on a silver platter w/o any effort.


Person A then quits because he did 600 hrs of gametime for rarity, whereas person B came to these forums and whined in mass and can now get the same item in 2 hrs.


Person A was the backbone of your server, the guy YOU ASKED what stat was best for this class? The person who knew the strats, the person who lived ingame.


Then people wonder why a game dies.......go figure.


This is an epic 1.2 patch alrght, its the death beginning all over again just like the vanilla wow was wasted, swg jedi nerfed and give to everyone, blah blah blah.


My sorc will now be shelved and my marauder will now be my main until hes nerfed to oblivion next patch as the new flavor of the month since the no skill people try to immitate the people they see kicking their arse in WZ. Next patch this will a Marauder nerf. Rinse and repeat fools until this game just blows and PVE content is so borked that nothing goes hand in hand.


I am sorry to my fellow sorcerers here, and that we have just became the loser class of swtor with little to none in viability.


I play 6-10 hrs a day. I just got donkey punched by bioware. ALL that time at fine tuning my character was just wasted. I have a BM geared dust collector now.


Thank you Bioware. I already quit my 50 republic commando because the SERVER IS FREAKING DEAD and theres ZERO PVP, and now the toon I got to pvp on all the time on sith side is no longer worth elephant piss.


You trolls can kiss my arse as well, because your just children who are happy at the misfortune of another that invested alot of time ingame whereas you played casually and were mad because you sucked.


Bottom line, if a person plays a ton and you play 1 hr a week, he WILL OBVIOUSLY BE BETTER then you in every aspect of the game.


Sadly, you want to be as good as him with next to no input of time.


1.2 is a joke, and so is swtor. You want see me here much longer, as I have no desire to "REROLL" every 2-3 months because I mastered a class, obtained the gear, and invested my time to be the best of the best.


Pointless, timesink. Your efforts will be rewarded with crap. Sorc OP? Well dont worry little boys and girls Sorc is definitely at the bottom of the dog pile now. Your whiny crybaby threads have accomplished their goal. Congratulations. Your class is next...........enjoy.

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AND the only thing you were actually good for - AoE - is gone.


But....changes are great! (do i get BM commendation now?) :rolleyes:


People like you are the reason there are so many bad sorcs, they keep thinking the only thing sorcs are actually good for is AoE.

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People like you are the reason there are so many bad sorcs, they keep thinking the only thing sorcs are actually good for is AoE.


Yup, thats the reason :rolleyes:


Good players shelved sorc long time ago FYI

Edited by GrandMike
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People like you are the reason there are so many bad sorcs, they keep thinking the only thing sorcs are actually good for is AoE.


Hmm. Let's see. Full Lighting is a joke. Full Madness is a joke. DoTs are a joke. Burst is a joke. Jolt is a joke. CCs are nice but let's face it. CDs are very high for just a few secs of CCs coupled w/ "why my CC failed on empty resolve bar?" So, bottom line, CCs are a joke. Not to mention ya have to infest many skill points in CCs.


Yup, Warth Chain Lighting was the only viable thing. Not to mention it was used very often on single targets due to lack of better single target dmg skills.


Ofc, defensive pull is nice but it can be countered. Pretty much is unique to sorcs.


Ya are probably one of those BM geared sorcs that I owned in 1v1 in my cent geared sorc.

Edited by Scav
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Hmm. Let's see. Full Lighting is a joke. Full Madness is a joke. DoTs are a joke. Burst is a joke. Jolt is a joke. CCs are nice but let's face it. CDs are very high for just a few secs of CCs coupled w/ "why my CC failed on empty resolve bar?" So, bottom line, CCs are a joke.


Yup, Warth Chain Lighting was the only viable thing. Not to mention it was used very often on single targets due to lack of better single target dmg skills.


Ya are probably one of those BM geared sorcs that I owned in 1v1 in my cent geared sorc.


Nah, he is one of those terribads that tab dots everyone, so you cannot effectively cc, and thinking he is doing something important, while in fact he is lowering chance for winning.

Edited by GrandMike
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Hmm. Let's see. Full Lighting is a joke. Full Madness is a joke. DoTs are a joke. Burst is a joke. Jolt is a joke. CCs are nice but let's face it. CDs are very high for just a few secs of CCs coupled w/ "why my CC failed on empty resolve bar?" So, bottom line, CCs are a joke.


Yup, Warth Chain Lighting was the only viable thing. Not to mention it was used very often on single targets due to lack of better single target dmg skills.


Ya are probably one of those BM geared sorcs that I owned in 1v1 in my cent geared sorc.


It really is a shame that they are nerfing this type of mentality in 1.2, I'm going to miss pooping on Chain Lightning sorcs.

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You know i really never wanted to be like everyone else when i rolled both a marauder and a sorc...


Seems now that its obvious that sorc is a support DPS (like you help others DPS) and CC harass class...yes im pretending theres no heals like every other damn sorc who still has the ability to toss a heal but never does, and completely choosing to ignore that theres a heal tree since mabey 5 people use it in wz total on fatman....everyones movin on up to the old gimp class marauder.


I never thought sorcs needed any form of nerf however.


Its going to be interesting when people figure out that snipers are this games glass cannon (thick cut glass though) sadly its my 3rd class. I fully intend that this will be the next OP FOTM class. People told me im bad for thinking this, these are the people who laughed at me for having a marauder main...whos laughing now?

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People like you are the reason there are so many bad sorcs, they keep thinking the only thing sorcs are actually good for is AoE.


These nerfs are great. It's weeding out all the fotm people who thought they were good because they put up huge numbers I'n wz. I tried the hybrid spec and was easily getting 280k minimum 500k max games. But it was fluff damage from wrath/chain lightning.


Same goes for the tracer missle spam/ ops double dippers/ pyrotech grav spam/ and assassin tank crowd. Gimmick pvp does not make you good.


I for one will miss all the easy kills I got from sorcs an bh's. Hope they don't all quit!!

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You're right at some point. Sorc was the easiest managebale class to achieve the easiest managle dmg amounts.


I've tested about 15-20 different kinds of possible spec in 1.2 both in PTS and live servers. My conclusion is:




I was able to manage 700-1000k dmg in EVERY single 15 min warzone with pre-1.2 specs. Wheter it was 7/18/16 0/25/16 or 0/18/23 this would be possible.


The sorceress was nerfed EXACTLY because of the reason you behold, that sorceress was FOTM class. The problem is, SORCERES IS SUPPOSED TO DO 300-500k EVEN BY NOOBS; SINCE THE CLASS IS SO SQUSIHY WHEN TOUCHED; AND STRONG WHEN UNTOCUEHD.


If bioware doesn't fix the sorceress immediately they will just get an EXACT same problem just with another name - the marauder.


The made me laugh so hard i almost pissed myself. LOLs

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At last they nerf sorc! It's good for sorcs too because they will now have challenge not spamming lighting only:)


Im not sure how you got this idea, but its far from the truth.

Edited by Theobeo
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At last they nerf sorc! It's good for sorcs too because they will now have challenge not spamming lighting only:)


Eh? This is how much terribads know about sorcs.


But its great for you! Game is balanced around terribads, its really your day!

Edited by GrandMike
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People like you are the reason there are so many bad sorcs, they keep thinking the only thing sorcs are actually good for is AoE.


Well, our AoE is gone now- we have one decent hitting aoe ability on a 15 second CD in any half decent build now- that's not enough to call in an aoe class- ****, juggernauts can hit harder with aoe smash and hit more targets too. In fact, this makes sorcs one of the weakest aoe classes in the game now.


We already were the weakest single target burst class in the game- and they just took out our highest single target burst ability (yeah, CL does more damage than any single target ability we have).


We even have weaker dots than dot spec snipers and marauders.


We're a glass canon class without the canon part. So what do we actually have?


CC apparantly- CC that breaks on the dots that now make up 70% of our half viable madness spec. CC that doesn't even put us above most other classes for CC. Easiest escape mechanism to cancel out with a root, stun or grapple.



This leaves us with essentially two things- extrication for ball caps, and bubbles. I'm surprised BW didn't nerf bubbles- considering they listened to the whiners for every other nerf, and sorc bubbles apparently shield 10k damage.

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Here is the irony.


If Bioware made this nerf because of complaints/metrics then they did not understand the very class they made.


What did Bioware expect PvP Sorcs to do? They either specced heals or specced hybrid. THat was the only way to go.


Now they've nerfed both at the same time without doing the ONE THING that could have validated the nerds: FIXING THE 31 POINT TALENTS


Everyone knows they are broken. Everyone. So if you are doing a balance pass you would imagine Bioware gaming professionals would carefully analyze the changes and assess what the ramifications are going to be.


Bioware, if you read these at all, PLEASE fix the top of the trees so that the Sorcs either don't get crushed in pvp or reroll.

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Is this you?





Or is THIS you?




Then you've come to the right place.


I just want to share my thoughts upon the Sorc/sage and why I think this nerf is isanely overhanded, and why I believe that sorc is going to be perhaps the hardest class to play, if you wish to become side-to-side with other ranged dps (obviously not mercs,) but gunslingers.




- The new changes to Calcify and Disinterigation in the madness tree, including the wrath proc changes, has completely made the madness tree USELESS as for the lack of force-lightning damage which was the major single-target dps damage ability. Madness provides NO aoe damage possibilities any longer.


- The lightning tree will stand as it always did, but it has INSANE problems as for the reasons no one wants to play it. The lightning tree will require INSANE timing and knowledge when it comes to positioning, and I am also willing to say, that sorcs will become more static than gunslinger/snipers now. The problem is that sorcs will on lightning tree have NO abilities that deals sufficient damage on instant casts, unless u use ur polarity shift.


Any mobile DPS can simple run around a pillar in fx. voidstar or the civil war, literally avoiding ALL damage the sorc can do. Yes, the sorc can use a stun, but it cannot root since there is no longer value levelling madness up.


My Opinion:


I didn't feel sorceress were overpowered pre-1.2, as they were INSANELY not insanely but INSANELY easily countered by proper CC and couldn't do **** without proper support, and is probably the most squishy class.


I believe that Bioware has made unintionally huge nerfs to sorc and may reconsider what it is they're REALLY doing instead of responding to brainless idiots on forums.


Sorc DPS combo utility:


The sorc did pre 1.2 benefit from procs. All damage-comboes, all posiblities to win 1vx and 1v1 fights was single-handly based on the chance to get your proc, whether its Wrath or Lightning Storm proc.


For instance, a standard sorceress can initially do this when entering the first 2 minutes of a warzone:


--> The sorceress decides whether her/his position is strong enough to avoid being targeted by ranged DPS

--> The Sorceress starts to Force-lightning a squishy target, usually targeting non-marauder to avoid the 30% damage reduction

--> The sorceress procs the wrath after 3rd tick, and casts the chain-lightning, followed by a 6 second cooldown, so does therefore channel Force Storm to quickly produce another but -20% chain lightning cast on the nearby targets for AOE.


This is probably the most common usage of the sorcs in any warzone in any situation. I am intentionally not including the CC's of the sorceress as they are, IMO, completely useless unless you wish to counter overpowered scoundrels popping on you.


This combo, as it has been looking like pre-1.2, can easily be countered by following situations:


--> 90% of ALL sorceress will loose a fight against a full BM marauder as the marauder has 90% dmg reduction buff, bleeding effects and -30% aoe reduction.


--> Scoundrels has the ability to lockout double stuns on ALL sorcs who has forgort to shield themselves, usually killing them while they are under the effects of a stun.


--> Assasins/Shadows has the ability to slow the sorc, follow them with force speed AND resist ALL kinds of abilities while they do, usually 5-8k dmg in the process. Including the fact that they can stealth and AGAIN get close to the sorc.


This is all kinds of 1v1 situations in which hybrid specs are completely useless.


Please note, that the sorc WAS able to cast whirwind without generating resolve - although this will be harder to maintain in 1.2 as the madness skilltree now requires a significant more use of dots.


For AOE/Big fight situations:


--> The sorc can EASILY be silenced multiple times by JUST TWO sages, literally removing all damage from the sorc.


--> The Sorc can easily be plaffered down by the non-nerfed mercs/commandos, if they are in multiple numbers.


--> Powertech and Vanguards has insanely high crowd-control possibilities, as well as single target damage, and can easily outbeat sorcs in 1v1 and CC them to insanity.


How does theese counters / changes affect the sorcerer in 1.2?


Terribly bad.


The sorceress is now:


--> 2 if not 3 times EASIER to crowd control if specced lightning.


---> 3-4x less capable of doing AOE dmg outputs, as well as doing single-target dmg with force lightning.


--> Bioware attempted to improve affliction and shock dmg, in which most common/casual sorcs (Which bioware apparently prefer to listen to) doesn't use or doesn't use correctly.


--> Forces sorcs to engage fights in VERY specific terrains, as mentioned earlier, the positioning of sorcs now requires that ur opponent has no wall to hide against.




I totally believe the sorceress is going to be insanely hard to manage when specced lightning (Which I presume is the best spec ATM, not entirely sure), and Im willing to give it a go and trying to theory-craft new comboes and playstyle-situation-dependent things and tips for the sorcerer given the new nerfs. However, I may totally re-roll a new class as I believe this is just insane nerfs on sorc.


What I recommend is that Bioware EITHER resets the sorc spec as it was before, OR removing the (once per 10 sec) cast on Lightning Storm when procced by lightning strike, OR making infinite force on madness tree including increased force lightning dmg as it was before


OR removing the cooldown of thundering blast and then removing the fact it crits from afflicition. (And make lightning storm and wrath proc make thundering blast cast insant.)


Thanks for reading.


Typos are free.


Hardly game breaking and your conclusions are just LOL. I'm still gonne break 400-600k dmg in WZ rated or otherwise.

Edited by BoDiE
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At last they nerf sorc! It's good for sorcs too because they will now have challenge not spamming lighting only:)


You are a good example what is wrong with bioware. They are listening to bad players(which is the majority) and trying to satisfie them. I mean, if you loose to a sorc only spamming force lightning then you really and i mean REALLY suck. Same goes for tracer missiles . It's so easy to counter or avoid but the bad players are to dumb to do it, so bioware decided to nerf it. It's so pathetic und bioware will destroy the game if they don't stop to listen to the worst of the worse.

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I don't think you will find a lot of sympathy for a class that could do twice as much damage as anyone else by stacking alacrity and spamming force lightning. I think they probably need a rework the way all the WZs have been structured mobility is key, will see how they perform after 1.2
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I could not be happier.


Where are the hordes of Sorcs whining up a storm about how they were not overpowered?


Where are the Sorc talking points about how any class can beat a Sorc (but if you couldn't, you sucked)?


Where are the nonsense Sorcs declaring that any "good PvPer" would know they're actually "mediocre"?


Justice is served. Good game, fools.

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I don't think you will find a lot of sympathy for a class that could do twice as much damage as anyone else by stacking alacrity and spamming force lightning. I think they probably need a rework the way all the WZs have been structured mobility is key, will see how they perform after 1.2


Once again, another player who does not know what they are talking about concerning the sorc class. Sad that BW catered to them.

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I could not be happier.


Where are the hordes of Sorcs whining up a storm about how they were not overpowered?


Where are the Sorc talking points about how any class can beat a Sorc (but if you couldn't, you sucked)?


Where are the nonsense Sorcs declaring that any "good PvPer" would know they're actually "mediocre"?


Justice is served. Good game, fools.


Im right here baddie!!

Edited by Ushela
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