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A (very short) list of missing features


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Hello all,


I've been playing for a few days now and I love every second of it, well almost every second. The game is amazing but a few essential systems seem to be missing from the game.


1) Voice chat. This is severely needed for pvp where in the time it takes to type "heals please" you've already been killed. Its also very useful for pug groups and even just for chatting with friends while playing. I don't know of any other modern MMO that doesn't have this feature integrated so I hope Bioware adds it in soon.


2) Target forwarding. Again, a pvp concern mostly. I find it very difficult as an Operative to heal someone getting pounded on by a group of enemies because I have to circle targets until I get to them or attempt to click on them in the middle of that mess. It would be very nice if I could target and enemy and then heal his target or target a friendly and attack what he's attacking.


3) Warzone healthbars. The healbars on the side of the screen don't seem to be updating very often. I had a friend of mine die right next to me and his healthbar still read full, I would have healed him if I had seen it dropping.


Would be very nice if these things got adressed in the first couple of updates.

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Invite people to your vent if you want. Games have tried the in game VC and it never catches on.


any game with voice build in that I have played is never used. why would they take the time to put it in.


have you tried focus targeting yet?

Edited by icengr
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1) Voice chat. This is severely needed for pvp where in the time it takes to type "heals please" you've already been killed. Its also very useful for pug groups and even just for chatting with friends while playing. I don't know of any other modern MMO that doesn't have this feature integrated so I hope Bioware adds it in soon.


2) Target forwarding. Again, a pvp concern mostly. I find it very difficult as an Operative to heal someone getting pounded on by a group of enemies because I have to circle targets until I get to them or attempt to click on them in the middle of that mess. It would be very nice if I could target and enemy and then heal his target or target a friendly and attack what he's attacking.


3) Warzone healthbars. The healbars on the side of the screen don't seem to be updating very often. I had a friend of mine die right next to me and his healthbar still read full, I would have healed him if I had seen it dropping.


Would be very nice if these things got adressed in the first couple of updates.


I agree on all counts, especially on voice chat. My guildmates and I were/are all amazed that it is not there. I have not seen the number 3 issue yet, but if it is a problem, then it certainly needs fixing. Otherwise, great game so far.

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i think 2 and 3 are just personal style and lag issues for you. I've been healing on my SI and I've had no problem just clicking frames of those I want to heal and using the tab key to hit an enemy. But I also have had almost no lag so I see the hp dropping in time.


However, some of the dps is very bursty and squishy people can get one/two shot by a marksman.


as for #1, only Counter Strike Source has had a working in game VC that I have liked. WoW's is just epic failure. You're better off running vent or teamspeak in the background.

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I agree on all counts, especially on voice chat. My guildmates and I were/are all amazed that it is not there. I have not seen the number 3 issue yet, but if it is a problem, then it certainly needs fixing. Otherwise, great game so far.


You guys were amazed? A vent server is like $6.00/mo it definitely will not break the bank.

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