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Game Update 1.2: Legacy is on the Public Test Sever!


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All these new things coming up in the 1.2 update have blown my mind, but It would be pretty awsome if crossing two races on the legacy family tree could possibly result in a new race for that class (like if i crossed 2 things, I would get a trandoshan and such). Other than that, it looks amazing and will more than likely move some new players into the game.
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So uh... I really didn't have the patience to read ALL of the comments but I did notice that some people had the same question as me and that's how the species unlocks are going to work... Does this mean that the fact that I already have a full server of characters basically f's me over and I won't be able to convert them to a species I unlock? XD


One of two ways. Either you level up another character of that race to 50 or pay a crapload of cradits.


I'm just happy there's an option.

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This is a huge bummer. SWTOR is turning into WoW in space minus the balanced classes, interesting boss mechanics, and varied environments. But hey, at least we get new mini pets, an alt grinding incentive, and a broken pvp system that caters to neither casual nor hardcore.


They are trying so hard to be like blizzard while still "standing out" that the things they copy from WoW are obvious and numerous while the things they take a stand against (macros and meters) or try to do new (legacy) just seem disappointing.

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Maybe my question has been answered already but, does this whole legacy system not transfer across servers? i.e. I have some characters on a west coast server that are a part of a legacy, but I just started running some new characters with my brother on an East Coast server, will they not be a part of the same legacy? If not can I transfer one set of characters to a different server? :ph_thank_you:
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Game Update 1.2 for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will be released for public download soon! Entitled Legacy, this latest update to the game will allow players to experience brand new in-game content, including a new Flashpoint, a new PvP Warzone and a new Operation. All of this new content is now live on the Public Test Server so if you’re currently a player, we encourage you to check it out and give us your feedback! Be sure to visit the Star Wars: The Old Republic Test Center to learn more, and you can also take a look at many of the new features coming in Game Update 1.2 in our New Features video.


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I am excited to see it there. But without having premade end game characters with legacy or the ability to copy characters from the live servers I really will not be able to do much in the way of testing on either legacy or the crafting changes.


This unfortunately means that having 1.2 on the PTR is really of no interest to me since I can not actually participate in testing the new content.

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This is a huge bummer. SWTOR is turning into WoW in space minus the balanced classes, interesting boss mechanics, and varied environments. But hey, at least we get new mini pets, an alt grinding incentive, and a broken pvp system that caters to neither casual nor hardcore.


They are trying so hard to be like blizzard while still "standing out" that the things they copy from WoW are obvious and numerous while the things they take a stand against (macros and meters) or try to do new (legacy) just seem disappointing.


Really now? How?

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Maybe my question has been answered already but, does this whole legacy system not transfer across servers? i.e. I have some characters on a west coast server that are a part of a legacy, but I just started running some new characters with my brother on an East Coast server, will they not be a part of the same legacy? If not can I transfer one set of characters to a different server? :ph_thank_you:


I would like to know this too. Now with this system, I would like to transfer my characters to my main server.

Edited by Skyraven
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BioWare should really start giving us the Patch notes prior to the actual patch day so we can prepare ourselves what is to come.... it's annoying to get a vague video that tells us nothing specific about class balancing, how about we feed the actual notes into an ongoing post like Camelotherald does for DAoC .... im just saying you're wasting your time and you're wasting your players, more and more players drops every day because they dont know if you're about to salvage the sinking ship or whether you are just going to let the game crash and burn....more info ....PRIOR to the release of a patch thx


Id rather they just fix bugs and stuff before releasing new content

Edited by Ushela
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It's really annoying how people who hate the game and left or have made the decision to leave soon keep coming to the forums. Going to another game? Fine. You do know they have sites as well right? Don't know why you bother posting here anymore.


Cannot agree more!


You paid for the game..you played the game..you loved the game..they nerf a class and you act as though someone stole your bottle..stop posting about it and get a life..too much free time you bums, this is what..not even 4 months into the game? Stop being impatient idiots..shutup and leave actual useful feedback "they nerfed BHs!!! i am unsubbing :(" Have you not played an MMO before?


It seems as though you guys complain just for the hell of it, ..i am not even a Star Wars fan, but this game has enlightened me to that aspect.


Alot of content is not here because it hasn't been added yet,..stop trying to get results out of an already awesome game, which will add in future..god..damned..whiney..people..hurt my brain, someone amputate an appendage of theirs! That will give you something to whinge about.


Out of every MMO i have played which is a long list...this game has provided more to what the audience (me mainly) wants and needs in a game, they have did a good job at providing a rich filled Star Wars universe which i can see will only get better and better in time. Only things i would like to see added in future which will probally come..maybe not..but either way, more guild integrated content..as in encouraging people to join a guild and to participate in a guild with bonuses,achievements,reputations ...opposed to a billion different guilds with no real purpose other than having 3-4 members that just PVP and talk crap in general. Maybe some sort of cross server feature for the servers that seem to be lacking in PVEers or PVPers...at times i que up for a Warzone and the wait is well.. until i logout.Other times i get a group together for a FP travel all the way there (even know FPs are not too bad considering where it is placed all together)..then they bail.. -_- But using a cross server function to link the low population servers with the higher ones so that Flash Points, Operations and Warzones are qued and teleport you there so you can go about your business instead of specifically being in a certain place to do these things..but yeah.


...stop comparing games that have been around for 5 years +.. just stop complaining unless it is an actual bug,glitch or lack of. Whiney people..FFS!


Bioware should be stating...LIKE TO SEE YOU MOFOERS DO A BETTER JOB! That is right complainers..have another bong or mountain dew

Edited by Skawnt
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Cannot agree more!


You paid for the game..you played the game..you loved the game..they nerf a class and you act as though someone stole your bottle..stop posting about it and get a life..too much free time you bums, this is what..not even 4 months into the game? Stop being impatient idiots..shutup and leave actual useful feedback "they nerfed BHs!!! i am unsubbing :(" Have you not played an MMO before?


It seems as though you guys complain just for the hell of it, ..i am not even a Star Wars fan, but this game has enlightened me to that aspect.


Alot of content is not here because it hasn't been added yet,..stop trying to get results out of an already awesome game, which will add in future..god..damned..whiney..people..hurt my brain, someone amputate an appendage of theirs! That will give you something to whinge about.


Out of every MMO i have played which is a long list...this game has provided more to what the audience (me mainly) wants and needs in a game, they have did a good job at providing a rich filled Star Wars universe which i can see will only get better and better in time. Only things i would like to see added in future which will probally come..maybe not..but either way, more guild integrated content..as in encouraging people to join a guild and to participate in a guild with bonuses,achievements,reputations ...opposed to a billion different guilds with no real purpose other than having 3-4 members that just PVP and talk crap in general. Maybe some sort of cross server feature for the servers that seem to be lacking in PVEers or PVPers...at times i que up for a Warzone and the wait is well.. until i logout.Other times i get a group together for a FP travel all the way there (even know FPs are not too bad considering where it is placed all together)..then they bail.. -_- But using a cross server function to link the low population servers with the higher ones so that Flash Points, Operations and Warzones are qued and teleport you there so you can go about your business instead of specifically being in a certain place to do these things..but yeah.


...stop comparing games that have been around for 5 years +.. just stop complaining unless it is an actual bug,glitch or lack of. Whiney people..FFS!


Bioware should be stating...LIKE TO SEE YOU MOFOERS DO A BETTER JOB! That is right complainers..have another bong or mountain dew


I agree. People should stop comparing SWTOR to other MMOs. I've played WoW and YES, there are similarities. Some people complain that they should've followed the mechanics more that WoW used, but seriously? Do people really think Blizzard would just hand over the coding to Bioware? I'm happy with this game and I believe it'll only get better. It's only 4 freakin' months old!

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I am the biggest SW and MMO geek. For me, this is a match made in heaven. Keep it coming BW! My biggest hopeful for future content is a "Jump to Light Speed"-like expansion! 8) Edited by nosculio
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when I saw this Public Test for the update to come I was happy, I click on the Testing and downloaded it.


I know I would have to unlock Legacy on the test but I didn't feel that bad about that.


I was happy to try it, YET! there was a downer when I saw about the Race's I can not play them Unless I get a char of that Race to level 50...


unlike others I try to have fun I can not level up fast to level 50 cause I have other things to do, yet I try to make alot of time to play the Star wars the old republic game.


the race are close unless you got level 50 char of them THAT really made me mad, I spent over 3 hours waiting for the download and installing, THEN I find out I can't have a Twi'lek Sith warrior to start with. or a jedi Sith race as a start I have to get a char to level 50 to unlock them.


WHAT the POINT? to make get a char to there only to delete them just so I can make the race on the char I want, I know other games did the level 50 thing but Star wars the Old Republic is more than a game its like making a Life a story of your own in Star wars.


SO WHY the LOCKS, a choice of a char race and choice of light and dark I see that is what the game is aim for, as well a choice of the Design and colors of your outfit and weapons as well.


I was happy when I haired of the update I was more happy seeing I was right about the powers you can learn with Legacy's family tree from the clip they shown.


BUT if I can not start at the beginning with the race of who I want for a story, then I feel the game fails to be full to what it meant to be, as they said its about choice your own Story to full out your own as a Star wars char to be in the story.


I been trying to figure out the rolls I like and want.


so far I got some set, yet there 2 races I want for 2 chars story's so I can feel it better.


I know alot of people love the game so I do, yet I have to say this unless on the big day I can choice the races at the start and do not need level 50 chars, I do not want to delete the chars I want to keep I do not want to Delete the chars I work so hard to get to that level. yet if I have to get a char to level 50 to unlock that race, then I feel I can not play the game anymore.


I enjoy playing it working on the right things for me to say my choices having fun making my char as he should be how I see him in look actions and all, so this is my thoughts so far.


I hope alot of you out there understand what I getting at, what the point if you can't enjoy the char's you want, why work so hard on a char story you don't want just to unlock the race for the story you do want.


Unfortunately this is an example of the IG generation. Instant gratification is not the end all be all you want something worth while you need to earn it. its kinda like respect you have to earn it it is not just given.

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Lately I've been sick and tired of all these negative people who can't enjoy the game as it is, yes there is a lot of things which could be better and i understand that the gameplay and ect is not the same quality like WOW or other MMORPG's. personally i enjoy the story which is unique and can't be compared to other games but its a wate of time and energy to ***** about its flaws ... i like SWTOR as it is and im looking forward to all the updates and new features that will come in the future.
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Purple Trandoshan doesn't mean he's a playable. It that section of the post they are talking about raids and i'm 100% sure that that it's a picture with a pack of mobs from that raid. Don't get your hopes high and get overexcited.

IMO it would suck tho have a nonhuman character in this game where every characters are VO, to only hear him talk like grrrl, gnarrrl, snarrrrll, and to only get what his talking about from the subtitles. For an NPC that works but not for a playable character.


That's why they only made human like PC's.


Trandoshans are like Twi'leks, they have their own native language and can speak basic? Unlike i******ib wookies etc, i'd like them to bring out nautolans, Shivastens, camassi and cathar pc skins or even some of the more eosteric huanoid species

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To not give none force users does skills! It takes away the Star Warsy out of the game!


To not make Sith smugglers! It's just a bad idea! NOOOO!


To not make any more same faction PvP! Fix the problem! We join a faction to fight the other! WROOOOONG IDEA AGAIN!


To not nerf classes!!!!!!!!!


To not add more WoW/Final Fantasy/Crack smoking/horrible armour!!!!!!!!!!!


Focus on more content and fast! Take people from BW to make VO! Bring it! Fast!


Add more character options, like better hair, tatoos, voices. Less clones!!!


Give BH class to the Republic!!!


Give BH class BH missions on players!!!


Make the world BIGGER and more OPEN!!!


Option to dye the armour... Republic have like one color and that is brown..... !!!


Make it so people can't sell low lvl items for 80k at the market!!!!


Make it so people can't sell small quanty of materials at the market!!!


Make it so we can use our companions when we are short on players for WZ!!! SO WE DO NOT FIGHT OUR OWN PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F:F:S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rework and make the Republic compaions more cool and sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fix the hair/mask true hood error!!!!!


Give Twi'leks HOODS!!!!!!!!!


More Warzones!!!! NIIAAOOOOW!!!!!1111

Edited by Paralassa
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i dont know why it bloked part of my last post out i was spelling the name of a race not a swear word? i agree that people need to lay off, i am a massive star wars fan, i brought a brand new pc just for this game and i love it, its the first mmo iv'e played (if you dont count DC universe online on the ps3) yes i'd like to see more done in terms of able races and content, but i am sure that in time it'll come, this is a great star wars game for fans new and old, it is NOT World of Star WarCraft it is its own game so just enjoy what we have


Peace is a lie, there is only passion


but passion uncontrolled makes us weak

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I really hope they won't allow cross character skills in the PVP system.

I would hate to have to try and kill a Jedi Knight that can force heal himself while in combat, due to the fact that his main was a Sage.


The only time you would have to worry about that would be open pvp where companions are allowed, because the legacy abilities are linked to your Heroic Moment and that ability requires your companion in order to use it.

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BioWare should really start giving us the Patch notes prior to the actual patch day so we can prepare ourselves what is to come.... it's annoying to get a vague video that tells us nothing specific about class balancing, how about we feed the actual notes into an ongoing post like Camelotherald does for DAoC .... im just saying you're wasting your time and you're wasting your players, more and more players drops every day because they dont know if you're about to salvage the sinking ship or whether you are just going to let the game crash and burn....more info ....PRIOR to the release of a patch thx


Really? First of all they do release the patch notes for those that are not so lazy they just want them emailed to them or something, they are called PTR patch notes. Secondly you must be kinda delusional if you think the game is dying already, it is still just getting started only 4 months into the game you can not expect everything to be anything and everything you have ever wanted.


Bioware has done a great job and many people (the ones that are not anal retentive) love the game they have given us, but if you compare it to older games that have had to add the little thing then yeah go back to that game. Else SWTOR is EXCELLENT if you allow it to stand on its own for what it is.

Edited by Robbygoof
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