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few tips to killing BH healers


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1) Interrupt the second heal always.


Mercs have 2 casting heals, thats it. One of them (Healing Scan) has a 9 second cooldown and makes their spam heal(Rapid Scan) cost less heat. What does this mean? It means every merc will open up with their 9 second cooldown heal and follow it up with their spam able heal. 90% of people will interupt the first heal with the 9 second cooldown which allows the BH to switch to his spam heal. Instead let them get their first heal off and interrupt the second heal, now the BH is completely locked out of healing and will be forced to blow cooldowns. In other words, always interrupt rapid scan.



2) CC them when they use Power Shield


You know that blue shield they use that makes them take way less dmg, more healing, and makes them immune to interrupts? Its basically the only defensive cooldown they have and its very powerful BUT only lasts for 10 seconds. When they pop this cooldown dont even bother trying to DPS them..they will spam heals until full hp. Instead stun them, use your 9 second CC, use your knockback, anything that will cost them valuable shield uptime. Think of it like a Pally bubble from WoW but without stun/CC immunity. This will drive them nuts trust me. Most will even use their CC breaker they love this shield so much.



3) Unlike sorcs, they WILL run out of resources so keep the pressure up.


So many times people will be beating the hell out of a merc healer, makes them blow all their cooldowns and eventually give up and move to another target thinking mercs are god tier. Little did they know his heat was near MAX, that means the end was near even if they have full hp. THey have one long cooldown which reduces heat but if they don't have it up and their heat is high they can't do a damn thing.

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Yeah, this. It's still a rough fight and they're hard to drop 1v1 but I figured that if the fight continues on like this long enough eventually they overheat and you can drop them.


Another tip along the vein of item #1, familiarize yourself with the Icon for Rapid scan. A good healer who recognizes you will try to pull a quick one on you and switch them around if they know you always interrupt the second one.

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I could counter your post with my shield last longer then 10 seconds, I have more then one ability that blows off heat. And the said ability also finishes the cool down on one of my heals. Cycle through all these things and its still pretty hard to kill a good merc healer. Something I found out a long time ago is I don't stand still if I am being focused I have enough instant cast heals to keep me alive for a very very long time. Usually the person will give up or die from another team mate of mine. But I will say a lot of your points are good. And the heal your suggesting to interrupt isn't the heal I open up with, but I do use it in my rotation.
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Don't get me wrong I like your strategy, and I'm sure it's effective. I'm just wondering if you feel this is an example of skill or having knowledge over your opponent. Serious question.


Knowledge. Skill begins to factor in when the merc begins to fake cast (or not), if he tries to fake you out with what heal he casts and if he tries to juke/kite you.

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I could counter your post with my shield last longer then 10 seconds, I have more then one ability that blows off heat. And the said ability also finishes the cool down on one of my heals. Cycle through all these things and its still pretty hard to kill a good merc healer. Something I found out a long time ago is I don't stand still if I am being focused I have enough instant cast heals to keep me alive for a very very long time. Usually the person will give up or die from another team mate of mine. But I will say a lot of your points are good. And the heal your suggesting to interrupt isn't the heal I open up with, but I do use it in my rotation.


without a doubt they are still hard to take down, Also I think you misread which heal I said to interrupt. I know nobody opens with rapid scan, thats why I suggested NOT to interrupt the first heal because its almost always the heal with the long cooldown anyway.

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Good post, i play a merc healer and these are all valid points.


I should add this: always try to not resolve cap them if you think their shield CD is up, if you resolve cap a healer, then he will pop shield and be in god mode for 15 seconds.

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Knowledge. Skill begins to factor in when the merc begins to fake cast (or not), if he tries to fake you out with what heal he casts and if he tries to juke/kite you.


Cool! I'm fairly new to MMO's and was unaware that you could do this.

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I will also say as a merc healer I spam my ability to make one of my abilities instant cast when ever its up when I am being focused also, that and the ability to make skills heat costs 0 so there is a lot of utility to consider also when going after a healing merc.
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Interrupting the no CD heal is exactly what the Merc wants you to do.


Mercs are a resilient class. They're not in danger of dying just because their heals are locked out for a few seconds. They can use Kolto Missile, Emergency Scan, or just build more stacks of Supercharged Gas in the 3-4 seconds you lock out their main heal, and they will still have the proc to reduce the cost on their main heal. The only way you beat one is to make them bleed resources and you have to stop the proc from Healing Scan to do that. There is virtually no way you can attempt to just interrupt enough heals to DPS them down like any other healer because of their survivality.


Energy Shield is basically invulnerability. The best way to deal with it is start hitting someone else. Under Energy Shield, the merc mitigates better than almost any class in the game and gets +20% to heals, so he's a very bad target to attack. Energy shield lasts 12-15 seconds (depending on set bonus) which means it's completely out of the question to try to CC someone through that. You absolutely have no chance of killing them while it's up unless you got at least 4 people focus firing at the same time and even then it's still pretty unlikely (especially if he's guarded).


Fighting a Merc boils down to 3 phases:


1. Get them out of their fast regen heat. This involves not letting them getting cheap heals via casting Healing Scan. Make them use 25 heat per Rapid Scan and they'll get above 40 heat soon enoguh.


2. Now that they don't have the fast regen it's actually possible to burst them down to a health % where they'll feel uncomfortable and use Energy Shield. You still should focus on maximizing their heat gain as opposed to your DPS done to them, because a Merc has multiple ways to vent heat and if he ever gets below 40% you have to start over again.


3. When they use Energy Shield, attack someone else because attacking them right now is a waste of time.


Usually after Energy Shield ran out they'd have full health and even vented enough heat below 40. So you go back to 1 again, except this time there is no step 2 because Energy Shield is down, so you might be able to kill them too. Or not.


Killing a Merc is a time consuming process. Sometimes, it might be enough to just put a DPS to harass him long enough so that he can't heal effectively without actually being able to kill him, because that's about as much as you can expect.

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1) Interrupt the second heal always.


Mercs have 2 casting heals, thats it. One of them (Healing Scan) has a 9 second cooldown and makes their spam heal(Rapid Scan) cost less heat. What does this mean? It means every merc will open up with their 9 second cooldown heal and follow it up with their spam able heal. 90% of people will interupt the first heal with the 9 second cooldown which allows the BH to switch to his spam heal. Instead let them get their first heal off and interrupt the second heal, now the BH is completely locked out of healing and will be forced to blow cooldowns. In other words, always interrupt rapid scan.



2) CC them when they use Power Shield


You know that blue shield they use that makes them take way less dmg, more healing, and makes them immune to interrupts? Its basically the only defensive cooldown they have and its very powerful BUT only lasts for 10 seconds. When they pop this cooldown dont even bother trying to DPS them..they will spam heals until full hp. Instead stun them, use your 9 second CC, use your knockback, anything that will cost them valuable shield uptime. Think of it like a Pally bubble from WoW but without stun/CC immunity. This will drive them nuts trust me. Most will even use their CC breaker they love this shield so much.



3) Unlike sorcs, they WILL run out of resources so keep the pressure up.


So many times people will be beating the hell out of a merc healer, makes them blow all their cooldowns and eventually give up and move to another target thinking mercs are god tier. Little did they know his heat was near MAX, that means the end was near even if they have full hp. THey have one long cooldown which reduces heat but if they don't have it up and their heat is high they can't do a damn thing.



Why did you say that to them? I have enjoyed to be unkillable as they always fill my resolve on full health and i can heal to full without any problem with shield. They also never interrupt my rapid scan. I dunno if most dps even bound their interrupt or just dont have time to use cause they are busy doing damage.

And after that they run to the forum making nerf BH healing they are unkillable threads.

Edited by BrutalPain
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