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The strategist: most annoying teammate in PvP


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As more and more people in good gear show up in pvp as time go by, there's another.


This is the OMGDPS guy.


This guy has good dps and he's gonna let the team know it. Is he part of a 2 person group defending a turret against 5 players in civil war? Well there's no time to call out incs while letting the team know how awesome that 6334 crit he just did was. Usually the second part of his sentence will be typed out in the spawn room.


If you want to know where to find him, your best bet is to look at whichever pit is furthest away from the ball carrier, where he will be fighting 1 on 1 against a healer to raise his damage totals.


OMGDPS guy also likes aoe attacks, ALOT. If there's a place with more than one enemy player OMGDPS guy wants to be there so he can hit them all at once. On occasions he may ACCIDENTALLY help your team by scoring large amounts of damage on enemies near an objective, but if a clump of players all ran in the opposite direction away from the ball carrier you can be certain OMGDPS guy will follow.


After the game is lost 6-2, OMGDPS guy will tell your team about how great his dps was and how if they just stepped it up then you certainly would have won.


The OMGDPS guy is usually at least an okay player. It's hard to have a high DPS total without accidentally doing something useful. Even if he's 1on1 against a healer the whole time, then he at least neutralized a healer. The OMGDPS can't be counted on to help you in anything objective oriented, but if the rest of your team is always near an objective, then he'd have no choice but to accidentally help you because the enemy ought to be near too. If the enemy isn't near the objectives either, then you just traded one OMGDPS guy for an enemy OMGDPS guy, so no loss there.

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As more and more people in good gear show up in pvp as time go by, there's another.


This is the OMGDPS guy.


This guy has good dps and he's gonna let the team know it. Is he part of a 2 person group defending a turret against 5 players in civil war? Well there's no time to call out incs while letting the team know how awesome that 6334 crit he just did was. Usually the second part of his sentence will be typed out in the spawn room.


If you want to know where to find him, your best bet is to look at whichever pit is furthest away from the ball carrier, where he will be fighting 1 on 1 against a healer to raise his damage totals.


OMGDPS guy also likes aoe attacks, ALOT. If there's a place with more than one enemy player OMGDPS guy wants to be there so he can hit them all at once. On occasions he may ACCIDENTALLY help your team by scoring large amounts of damage on enemies near an objective, but if a clump of players all ran in the opposite direction away from the ball carrier you can be certain OMGDPS guy will follow.


After the game is lost 6-2, OMGDPS guy will tell your team about how great his dps was and how if they just stepped it up then you certainly would have won.


I hear what you are saying... One point though "where he will be fighting 1 on 1 against a healer" .... actually this is not a bad trade off in most WZs. As a merc pyro, I have danced 1 v 1 behind the action in Voidstar with healers more then once and I actually think I am helping the team in doing so by keeping the healer occupied away from the rest of his team. Usually good healers don't stick around long because we are basically stalemated but some do stay for 30+ seconds of pillow fighting.

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You're completely wrong. The current map designs are a complete joke in terms of actual real pvp. The first team to take two nodes in civil war has a 100% chance to win despite gear if they know how to play. All you have to do suicide over and over for the remainer of the game to stop caps. You could die 50 times each with the other team not having a single death and still win if you manage to cap the first two nodes and know how to hold them. This game's current design does not punish death, and it significantly rewards baddy's that can just zerg objectives while getting roflstomped in the actual REAL pvp aspects (ie, fighting other players).


Legitimate PvP is so much more than just fighting players. You loved the hell out of arenas in WoW, didn't you.

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sorry, OMGDPS guy is the guy that runs off chasing a traget while letting the enemy sneak by to cap the objective. :p


This also happens with COCKYTEAM... You know that team in Voidstar that comes to meet you at the ship spawn point immediately and one of your stealthers sneaks around them and plants a bomb 15 seconds in to your offensive stage.

Edited by _DaGreat
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The thing about MMOs that I need to remind myself about is that there are many people playing that I am forced to play with that I would never ever chose to deal with in real life.




That pretty much sums it up quite nicely.


I'd say the critic that is a pretty terrible player is even worse than the quitter.

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I think guy was talking about situations when you cant beat the math. This game based on numbers and there are situations when you actually cant counter disadvantage.


No matter how increadibly skilled gun fighter you are, you cant win a gun fight without a gun.


Its not positive thing when you see some dude trying to blame everyone around that they are not listetning of him and because of it loosing. He usuaaly announce obvious things, every one knows but cant achive in this curret mix against overwhealming team.

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You're completely wrong. The current map designs are a complete joke in terms of actual real pvp. The first team to take two nodes in civil war has a 100% chance to win despite gear if they know how to play. All you have to do suicide over and over for the remainer of the game to stop caps. You could die 50 times each with the other team not having a single death and still win if you manage to cap the first two nodes and know how to hold them. This game's current design does not punish death, and it significantly rewards baddy's that can just zerg objectives while getting roflstomped in the actual REAL pvp aspects (ie, fighting other players).


I agree 100000% with your post. People don't realize you can just graveyard zerg the enemy. I've had it happen to my team when we were just destroying them but they kept coming back from the dead over and over and over. They won.

Edited by HBninjaX
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I think you missed the part where I said we had a 6 on 4 that we lost.


This is well beyond what is organizable. The enemy could've 3 capped this fight from the start if they really wanted to, but they stopped attacking and let us took middle.


There's a difference between giving up early and recognizing an imminent 3 cap.


You could lose a 6 on 4 even if you outgeared them if your team was full of idiots allowing their healers to freecast. (which is, i guess, what happened).


Your "strategists" point - hell, it might have been me, since i remember having that argument yesterday at least four times - was that you should never have zerged the mid in the first place. If you'd send 2-3 to snow and hit grass, their 4+ guys would have hit mid.... and stood there... while you blew grass out in a 6-on-2. You'd have capped it by the time they thought to redeploy from mid to help.


You'd have had to two outsides, which are easy to hold by leaving 2 D at each and keeping your other 4 roaming under the mid to respond to attacks.


The mid-faceplant almost never works for the team who cant target and effectively shut down healers. The outside-cap strat will work with undergeared idiots if they just do it.

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I've actually come to the conclusion that anything you say during a WZ is the wrong thing because there are always people that ***** at you. I'm probably the guy you're ************ about, trying to get the team to do something cohesively after the initial strategy failed. Saying things like "Hey group up before charging in to mid solo when they already capped it".


I don't give up trying because we got beat badly a few times, sometimes your group can rally, morale plays a large part in how the game turns out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't ... I haven't quite given up talking yet, but I'm getting closer - generally because of people with this attitude.

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I've actually come to the conclusion that anything you say during a WZ is the wrong thing because there are always people that ***** at you. I'm probably the guy you're ************ about, trying to get the team to do something cohesively after the initial strategy failed. Saying things like "Hey group up before charging in to mid solo when they already capped it".


I don't give up trying because we got beat badly a few times, sometimes your group can rally, morale plays a large part in how the game turns out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't ... I haven't quite given up talking yet, but I'm getting closer - generally because of people with this attitude.


So much is about how it is delivered... "Hey guys lets try this" will almost ALWAYS get a better response from the other players then "You F***** ******* we need to do this". But there is no guarantee people will be on the same page or listen.

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So the thread is basically don't tell be how to win I want to continue with the general consensus being "let's Zerg mid and hope that we win". Idk I usually agree with the strategist as long as it doesn't become the "everyone in here sucks" banter that everyone is all too use to seeing. Either way 9/10 I call strats in the beginning and few listen then due to the fail of not listening it results in an insta loss. Not saying I know how to win match with a group of under geared bads, but the warzones are so simple adding any little bit of strategy with execution usually results in a win, case in poInt being premades. Either way communication is key in organized pvp and complaining about someone trying to make the group have a little direction is lame. Even if you dont win that specific match it's possible that the mob could be inspired to imploy those tactics and get a win next time.
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Had a game yesteday on Voidstar where we scored 2 on O, and then the enemy blew through our 1st door almost immediately, and then had a guy just hide stealthed somewhere saying people weren't dumb and didn't defend the door and why we suck, and he came back to fight when it was clear we can actually defend the second door. We ended up losing because ties in Voidstar is decided by voodoo magic, though I'd think we'd have a higher chance of winning the lottery if the guy returned to help earlier.


I think some people think having your character spasm uncontrollable is some kind of emote and clearly has no effect on your ability to pass the ball.


Thank you, this gave me a good laugh :D next time I hear anyone say "pass the ball noob" if I've just been whirlwinded/jolted etc

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I agree with the OP. Sometimes it's just not gonna happen.


I get the feeling that some people are "disagreeing" with him because they want to feel like a special snowflake that always does their best and is just a super-dooper-awesome-person.


Or maybe they don't play a healer in PuGs and get focus fired, without guard or peels, against every pre-made and even a lot of half-competent PuGs. Pretty easy to get jaded when that happens.

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I know most people thought they're the one who invented the 'take both sides' strat but that's actually not true. I've plenty of games when middle/side beat side/side especially now that the 3 second delay on side speeders prevents side position from being nearly impregnable.


The fact is that sometimes you will lose the game no matter what strategy you took. Let me put it this way, suppose you go both sides and so does the enemy, then what? Only one side can win. So did the losing side had an inferior strat even though both side did the exact same thing? You can talk all you want but at some level you need the personnel to execute a strat, and sometimes your characters are just way overmatched compared to the enemy.


What do you propose as a strat when your entire team is behind the Voidstar respawn barrier as the enemy bombs a completely undefended door? Employ the 'don't die' strat?

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I completely disagree with this. This may be in part because I am usually the strategist. What I find annoying though is that teams with a plan (one or more vocal strategists usually come along with this plan) have a substantially higher chance of winning a WZ than someone just derp missiling whichever objective he feels like. In my opinion anyone who actually takes time to asses situations and at least attempt to formulate a strategy is just a better WZ player bottom line.


I have been attacked by my team mates on chat more than once saying how my strategies are just bull because we are going to lose anyways. All I have to say to them is at least im trying. Making strategies doesnt lose you warzones, but giving up and or quitting them sure does. Once I had my entire team attack me on chat because I simply called out the enemies healer for attacks. I respawned 3 times after saying that only too see the healer being unhindered for the entire match. I then said again "THIS PERSON IS HEALING. ATTACK THEM". My team then proceeded to turn their focus from the game to flaming me. This is not the kind of response someone who is simply vocal in a helpful, non annoying manor in warzones.


Quiet warzones are losing warzones, fact

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Honorable mention to the "PASS THE BALL NOOB" guy in huttball when you die with the ball while the victim of a CC chain where you never had control of your character.


On the flip side of this situation, I hate those lying sacks of crap that run run run with the ball and then just die, and when you tell them, "DUDE, PASS THE BALL!!" their immediate response is, "I can't pass the ball when I'm stunned!!!" Yeah, because we all know that players totally keep running around the catwalks while they're stunned.

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Your "strategists" point - hell, it might have been me, since i remember having that argument yesterday at least four times - was that you should never have zerged the mid in the first place. If you'd send 2-3 to snow and hit grass, their 4+ guys would have hit mid.... and stood there... while you blew grass out in a 6-on-2. You'd have capped it by the time they thought to redeploy from mid to help.


Except they can see you drop down to go hit their side node. That's when they send most of their force at mid to your side node. They're all not just going to sit there and cap. While you may take grass, you'll lose snow and mid.

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Maybe if people actually tried a winning strategy, the strategist wouldn't have to repeat simple things every game- like 'we have two nodes, don't leave one of them without a defender', or 'call incs' followed a minute later by us losing a node, followed 15 seconds later by 'inc west'.


Or my favourite 'killing the ball carrier is more important than half the team chasing down that assassin running around who's just gonna stealth when he's almost dead anyway'.

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I've actually come to the conclusion that anything you say during a WZ is the wrong thing because there are always people that ***** at you. I'm probably the guy you're ************ about, trying to get the team to do something cohesively after the initial strategy failed. Saying things like "Hey group up before charging in to mid solo when they already capped it".


I don't give up trying because we got beat badly a few times, sometimes your group can rally, morale plays a large part in how the game turns out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't ... I haven't quite given up talking yet, but I'm getting closer - generally because of people with this attitude.


I generally like to lone wolf it. Wait for the derp zerg to hit a node then go kill the 2 people guarding their other node.

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At least the stratigist is trying to win. The folks I hate are the Pvp "mopers" the onces that if the fight doesn't immediately turn your way skulk in a corner ensuring your team loses. The mopers now are actually the ones in team chat after the first setback emploring everyone to let the enemy team win so the Wz is over faster. /rollseyes


Railing against people trying to organize a PUG means that no one wil do it ensuring you lose ALL THE TIME.


Grow some, fight hard, work together, quit the qq.


This. People give up too easily. And to be honest OP, you sound like one of the ones that gives up easily.

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