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This game's community is really starting to sadden me. I was just in a warzone with a pompous douchebag that felt necessary to shout in general every single time he got Unbeatable, Invincible, and Immortal. Big deal, he just has no humility is all. Well come near the end of the game, the imps have left and right turrets and we have mid.


just prior to this, I was the only one defending the left turret when I got swarmed by 4 stealthers. I was dead before I even had time to call an incoming. so I mention left is lost, hit right, and as I get off my speeder I see the last person defending the middle die, and someone is capping the turret. so I suicide run in and throw a droid leg at him, which stops the cap just short of finishing. shortly after, I die of course, but not before more of my teammates arrive for backup.


as I'm getting on the speeder again, the guy from earlier says in general "(his name) is Immortal!" so I respond with "cool story bro. by the way we almost lost mid" mostly as a joke, because we were already far enough ahead to win with 1 turret (he and a couple others had just regained the left turret). he decides to say "I just got left turret back, retard."



really? I mean, really? no, it's not what he said that gets me, I'm clearly not mentally challenged or else I probably wouldn't be able to know how to properly use a computer. no, it's simply the fact that he felt the need to insult me just because I said we almost lost mid after he decided to gloat again. and this is when we were WINNING


are we seriously already descending into the kind of community you find in games like WoW? where you're apparently the best player, you deserve absolute praise from every single person you come in contact with, and anyone that even slightly condescends you is whatever random insults you can think at the time?


can't we have some class in this game? show some respect for your fellow players! fight the type of people that can't grasp the concept of kind words and constructive criticism!





tl;dr: don't let this game's community go to ****. show some kindness and respect every once in a while

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My sympathies. Unfortunately, you have run into one of the louder variety of rude people that infect every game.


I encounter them once in a while, myself. Happily they represent a minority of players. The vast majority are good, helpful people. I hope you encounter more of the latter than the former.

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I know exactly what your are feeling OP. I have mentioned this in previous threads... from my perspective, being an "older" gamer (approaching 40) I started my online experience with the ORIGINAL Everquest. I have played many MMO's since then and have sadly watched the community transform into something very different. I don't really know how to explain it, but I have a theory. My theory is based loosely on the age demographic. Mind you, I have no facts to back this up, hence "my theory". Watching my 15 year old son play the game with his friends is much different than how it started for me. My son and his friends: "Haha, we just ninja'd that guys chest!" Back in my day we went out of our way to help people and try and make the game more inviting... it's just not like that anymore. Just like society in general, things have changed. Unfortunately for me it's getting more and more difficult to enjoy myself like I once did. I don't really want to spend time in a hobby shaking my head and getting angry with people. Although there are jerks in all age groups, with more and more kids having their own PC's and the invention of x-box live, it has turned into a young players hobby I fear. I could be way off, just the way I perceive it.


/Rant off

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I know exactly what your are feeling OP. I have mentioned this in previous threads... from my perspective, being an "older" gamer (approaching 40) I started my online experience with the ORIGINAL Everquest. I have played many MMO's since then and have sadly watched the community transform into something very different. I don't really know how to explain it, but I have a theory. My theory is based loosely on the age demographic. Mind you, I have no facts to back this up, hence "my theory". Watching my 15 year old son play the game with his friends is much different than how it started for me. My son and his friends: "Haha, we just ninja'd that guys chest!" Back in my day we went out of our way to help people and try and make the game more inviting... it's just not like that anymore. Just like society in general, things have changed. Unfortunately for me it's getting more and more difficult to enjoy myself like I once did. I don't really want to spend time in a hobby shaking my head and getting angry with people. Although there are jerks in all age groups, with more and more kids having their own PC's and the invention of x-box live, it has turned into a young players hobby I fear. I could be way off, just the way I perceive it.


/Rant off


"punks" is the word you're looking for. :D

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I'm not sure age is as much of a factor as some people think. I also count old-school EQ in my MMO resume, and I recall a number of rude, mean, selfish, and even stupid players. My personal favorite (not the worst example, just my favorite) was a guy in a pickup group in Paludal Caverns, who left the group because I inssissted on typing double SS whenever my Ikssar sspoke, becausse he wass a lizsardman.


Basically, in game as in real life, avoid the people who piss you off, and associate with the people you like. Either the people who piss you off will get the hint and stop doing things that piss you off so people will interact with them again, of they won't be able to interact with anyone except people who piss other people off. Win-win.

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