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The Bouncing Lightsaber!


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Hello, everyone!

I know this might sound stupid, but I was wondering whether you have experienced the following problem - the lightsaber bounces oddly in the hand of my character when running.


It is more irritating on characters with body level 2 or 1.


It is much more noticeable with double lightsabers.

The whole problem is very irritating. The lightsaber handle bounces up and down asynchronous to the movement of the hand, thus the lightsaber looks like poorly glued to the character's hand.

Is there any way to deal with it or I should just make my final Sage with body type 3?


Thanks in advance for your replies!

Edited by Petyofi
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Hello, everyone!

I know this might sound stupid, but I was wondering whether you have experienced the following problem - the lightsaber bounces oddly in the hand of my character when running.


It happens on my female characters (various races) with body type 2.

It does not happen on my male human Sage with body type 3.

It does not happen on my female twi'lek Sage with body type 3.


It is much more noticeable with double lightsabers.

The whole problem is very irritating. The lightsaber handle bounces up and down asynchronous to the movement of the hand, thus the lightsaber looks like poorly glued to the character's hand.

Is there any way to deal with it or I should just make my final Sage with body type 3?


Thanks in advance for your replies!


I have experienced a similar problem on my Sith Sorcerer. To be frank it

looks pretty silly. I can haz proper graphics plz?

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I noticed the same thing on my male Shadow, body type 2. It ran smooth at first on Tython but then started everytime I took out the practice saber, and continued on with the double-bladed saber. I thought it might have just been lag since my computer isn't amazing or anything but kinda glad to know I'm not the only one with this since, really, I cant look away from it and it bugs the crap out of me Edited by z-monty
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Happens when I have my DBLS off, then use Kinetic Ward - the lightsaber becomes desynchronized with the model. Male human, body type 2.


Other than that, it's smooth.


What is "DBLS" ?



I started leveling up my female twi'lek councilor, body type 3. First few levels were ok, but suddenly after climbing up the ramp to the Jedi Council hall, the practice saber got desynchronised. Logged off and on again but the problem persists.

So it seems this is not simply a body type issue. Even with the larger body types there's some very minimal bouncing which under unknown circumstances increases to the point of dpffgl;hjpfgjdfgpj. :w_mad:


I'll send an in-game ticket and then post what info I have received.

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There's some other sync issues as well btw. Anyone noticed what happens when riding those birds on Alderaan? First you move up and down like you should (up when the bird moves wings down), but after a while the movement gets desynced and looks kinda silly (sometimes it looks like the only thing keeping you there are the robes hehe). Could be related (game loses the sync at some point).


Btw, does any of you DBLS user have problems with putting the saber off with blade still active? Dunno if that's related as well, happens on companion every time if using the dot stance.


Edit: At the poster above: DBLS = Double Bladed Light Saber, the shadow weapon.

Edited by Freor
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Damn you. Now I have noticed it, too... It will haunt me forever now.


It's just a synch issue from what I can tell - the hand and saber bounces in opposite directions, but it's hard to tell.


Female body 1 Shadow.

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Just made a consular (female, body type 3) on the Public Test Server and I'm happy to say that it has a steady grip on the weapon. Not even slightest desynchronization. :)

I'll level it up a bit tomorrow so I hope the issue doesn't reappear. If anyone has made a Consular or Sith Assassin on the PTS, please let us know how's the situation with the weapon wielding!

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I received an answer from a Customer Support representative:


"Thank you for contacting us to let us know about the in game graphics bug with your lightsaber.


I can confirm that this is a known bug and will be fixed in the upcoming 1.2 patch."


So hopefully, the issue won't be around for much longer! :)

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Good to hear that it'll be gone in the upcoming 1.2 patch.


I get this same problem with my Consular, he's body type 1 and to fix this problem I just pull my lightsaber out, then back with "Z" key. Seems to fix it for me anyway :)

Also sometimes the lightsaber stays extended even when I sheath it.....

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The title of this thread always makes me giggle, not that it wasn't a bad bit of animating that needed fixing, but it just always makes me think of a sing-along with the bouncing lightsaber :p


Like there are a bunch of younglings in the jedi temple singing along with yoda and the bouncing lightsaber.


At any rate, I am glad it's being corrected, we hope :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, I'm SO glad to know it's going to be fixed in 1.2! It was irritating on my assassin, sorcerer and juggernaut but I could try looking at something else. On my marauder and sentinel however, with dual wield lightsabers I just couldn't stop noticing it. It was so obvious with two blades that it really started to get on my nerves. :mad: Thank you for the fix Bioware! :)
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You're not crazy, it's permanent with me.


I don't know why it happens, and I do despise it's stupidity, but I'm guessing its just lag.


I really hope Bioware fixes it.


It happens on the weapons of any character when drawn. It was introduced in 1.1.5. It is being fixed in 1.2.

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I have experienced a similar problem on my Sith Sorcerer. To be frank it

looks pretty silly. I can haz proper graphics plz?


Maybe when you finish sentences with proper English.


I've noticed the same thing a lot on my Shadow. I thought it was just me. While I can't say I'm glad to hear its not just me (I'm not one to wish bad on others) I am relieved to know that it might get fixed. I mean, my one complaint probably got ignored.

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