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Low level sent - Am I doing enough damage?


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Hi fellow sentinels,


I've been reading tips and strategy on this forum quite a bit and understand that, until level 40, we don't exactly shine as well as we do in later levels.


In voidstar under pretty much ideal conditions, I got 218k tonight. This is at level 25 (with level 20 gear). I am continuing to work on improving my rotations, but I was wondering, generally. . am I doing enough damage?




Specifically I've been having issues with mercenaries and sorcerers that heal. Even timing my interrupt / force charge to the maximum extent possible, I'm finding it very difficult to dps them down without help. Yes, I am using my heal debuff.


By the way, I am 14/2/0 right now. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbkMZ0M.1

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Well I do not think DPS is a good indicator.


218k is generaly good for sents that do not have/use Force Camo, GbtF, Awe, Pacify etc.


I mean you do not live long, obviously you'll do less dps. Then your talents are not full potential either so don't worry abt it.


Then if you have a healer and a tank playing with you, 218k may not be that good. It really depends on the situation but 218k is not bad.


For healers, well, force kick is good but not exceptional. Indeed you have absolutely no hope of killing a healer if you do not use your kick but using it is not enough. My advice abt it is to kick the most profitable heal they have. IE for sage, try kicking delivrance (or the opposite name in Empire ^^'). Because it's their spam button they may lose one or 2sec realizing it's not working anymore =p


Then well, stasis to interrupt, move away Blade storm (10m range) and then force leap for an other interrupt. It's little details that can help, but when you will have close quarters/watchguard it'll be much easier.


As a final note, sents are bad at low level. Because most of our awesome skills come late compared to other AC, we tend to lag a bit in the early days. Don't worry abt it

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Doing just fine dude, keep up the good work. I almost broke my 600k cherry last night in Voidstar, so we're always continuing to develop our skills and reaction times + counter attacks to certain situations. Until you have all the base abilities you need, I wouldn't worry too much. You'll skyrocket at 40 with Merc Slash. Then go even further when you can afford Dual Wield Mastery and Focused Leap for more Focus. I'd say you're doing it right.
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I have to add something about the bounty hunter who topped me. . I remember spending 10 minutes just trying to contain him. What is the deal with tracer missile? It's like they have one skill and, when they aren't using it over and over they are just kind of running around waiting for heat to dissipate. Seriously, all I saw while he was targeted was that tracer missile induction, repeating. I was able to interrupt a few of them but he just kept it going over and over. :/
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I have to add something about the bounty hunter who topped me. . I remember spending 10 minutes just trying to contain him. What is the deal with tracer missile? It's like they have one skill and, when they aren't using it over and over they are just kind of running around waiting for heat to dissipate. Seriously, all I saw while he was targeted was that tracer missile induction, repeating. I was able to interrupt a few of them but he just kept it going over and over. :/

Why does everyone think that? Unless he was terribad he wasn't just using tracer missile. I have a commando, which is the mirror. Grav round/tracer missile give a debuff that stacks 5 times and gives a buff to some of the other abilities. Yes it's used frequently, but it's far from the only ability getting used. You just need to pay more attention and learn what the other abilities look like.

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I have to add something about the bounty hunter who topped me. . I remember spending 10 minutes just trying to contain him. What is the deal with tracer missile? It's like they have one skill and, when they aren't using it over and over they are just kind of running around waiting for heat to dissipate. Seriously, all I saw while he was targeted was that tracer missile induction, repeating. I was able to interrupt a few of them but he just kept it going over and over. :/


Lots of them are just terrible and when you lock down tracer missile, they're a free kill.


Just the way it is until they change tracer missile/grav round (which they are, as per the guild summit.)

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Lots of them are just terrible and when you lock down tracer missile, they're a free kill.


Just the way it is until they change tracer missile/grav round (which they are, as per the guild summit.)

It's not our fault. It has to be used a lot. The whole skill tree revolves around it. We're losing a lot of damage from our other skills if we don't get our stacks up. A BH/commando only using tracer/grav is just as bad as a sentinel only using strike though. You shouldn't have any trouble beating them.


got a 50 sent that keeps finding her way into same WZ as me (every freakin time) who seems to average about 35k damage per WZ, your doing good id say :)

I'm pretty sure I could beat that on a naked lv10 using a white lv1 weapon. What is the sentinel doing the whole match, just sitting in a corner AFK?

Edited by Game-Hermit
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Why does everyone think that? Unless he was terribad he wasn't just using tracer missile. I have a commando, which is the mirror. Grav round/tracer missile give a debuff that stacks 5 times and gives a buff to some of the other abilities. Yes it's used frequently, but it's far from the only ability getting used. You just need to pay more attention and learn what the other abilities look like.


I guess I don't know that much about the class or its mirror. . . But it was the same skill induction over and over and over. I didn't realize you had to stack it up. That sounds like a really boring class if you have to repeat one skill that much to be effective :/ I guess it would be less terrible if you didn't have to do it back-to-back 5 times.

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At that level 200kish is pretty normal and i'd say you're doing fine, voidstar especially can get a bit silly when you have healers even at low level. Once you get into the 40's you'll start seeing 300 to 400k regularly without a single person healing you. I'm still leveling my Sentinal and was quite surprised at that, even Alderaan matches where the rest of the players have 150k you easily end up with 300k.


Scoreboard damage on a Sent seems in line with what my Sorcs was while leveling, that was something that completely took me by surprise. It kills people much more efficiently and isn't as boring as the Sorc though :p

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