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Tank or Healer?


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In pvp do you guys often attack the tank who is guarding the healer or attack the healer first? I know marauders can be very effective in taking a healer out of a game (and its always fun to see healers spit on you etc. for ffing them) but would be more optimal to attack the tank would throwing interrupts on the healer every now and then or just attack the healer? And I would be trying to take them on 1vs2, this would be in like a voidstar or civil war match where there's a lot of fighting going at a door or a turret.
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In pvp do you guys often attack the tank who is guarding the healer or attack the healer first? I know marauders can be very effective in taking a healer out of a game (and its always fun to see healers spit on you etc. for ffing them) but would be more optimal to attack the tank would throwing interrupts on the healer every now and then or just attack the healer? And I would be trying to take them on 1vs2, this would be in like a voidstar or civil war match where there's a lot of fighting going at a door or a turret.


That's a lose situation for ANY class unless you really out-gear them or you get unbelievably lucky.


Attack the tank - healer heals tank.

Attack the healer - tank starts mashing your brains in.


In the situation though, I'd almost always go for the guarded healer since we can keep them almost permanently interrupted and be damaging both at the same time.


Killing tank + heal debuff is also a viable solution if you've got the burst to do it.

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Being rage, I sit on the healer and force the tank to sit in the aoe. I don't think I've ever fully 1v2'd against equally geared players with functioning brains, but the pressure on the healer with damage and interrupts plus the aoe and transfered damage to the tank inevitably forces the healer to choose saving himself or the tank, someone always dies.
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