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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Over Powered healing killing PvP


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The problem here is the problem with most QQ about game balance.


Everyone is fixated on 1v1. "I should be able to 1v1 this!" or "That shouldn't happen in a 1v1!"




Use your team ffs, stop trying to run around soloing everything. This is what's killing pvp. Nobody plays objectives and they sure as hell don't have a coordinated team.


This essentially. Sure there are good players who can kill healers 1v1, but the game is all about team play.

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I solo kill healers all the time. Just time your interrupts and burst right and you won't have a problem.


The problem comes when there are three healers and I'm the only one focusing on the healers. But this is a L2P issue, not an overpowered issue.

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Some people just have quick reactions. They may use the terrain to their advantage. Besides, if a DPS attacks me it's wrong that I outheal his damage when I can't do as much damage in return? Isn't that sorta the healer way: to heal damage?


Please bare in mind that this is my opinon. I do not want an argument. Let's keep it cool :cool:


Argument. Argument argument, argument. ARGUMENT!? Argument, argument argument; argument. Argument: argument!

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I solo kill healers all the time. Just time your interrupts and burst right and you won't have a problem.


The problem comes when there are three healers and I'm the only one focusing on the healers. But this is a L2P issue, not an overpowered issue.



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The problem here is the problem with most QQ about game balance.


Everyone is fixated on 1v1. "I should be able to 1v1 this!" or "That shouldn't happen in a 1v1!"




Use your team ffs, stop trying to run around soloing everything. This is what's killing pvp. Nobody plays objectives and they sure as hell don't have a coordinated team.


Actually no, the problem is everyone is fixated on how this are now.


As I said, now things are fine. But come 1.2 that will change.

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A team of bad players is bad. Even if there teamwork is good.


The healers should still be dying if the focus fire and CC is there. If not, the team work probably isn't there or they're just straight up better players. Healing isn't OP, people just whine because they have no idea what they're doing.

Edited by dschlan
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lol. gl with that. Bad game looks bad.


Yup, it just looks awful. No grind, no holy trinity, skill mattering more than gear, a great Open World PvP system, open world bosses that 100+ people can fight. Such a bad game


/sarcasm off.


Compared to this game, how can you really say anything is bad? Especially when you haven't played it.

Edited by dschlan
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Yup, it just looks awful. No grind, no holy trinity, skill mattering more than gear, a great Open World PvP system, open world bosses that 100+ people can fight. Such a bad game


/sarcasm off.


Compared to this game, how can you really say anything is bad? Especially when you haven't played it.


Oh so you played this unreleased game and have seen all of this implimented? From what I have read it looks like a world for carebears.


Sorry I enjoy MMORPG's because they are MMORPG's. So gear, healers/tanks/dps, etc are all things that I enjoy. If you dont like the genre why are you playing it?

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Assuming GW2 didn't flop, it's either going to be biggest act of kindness where a bunch of guys made a game that can beat WoW ($1 billion/year revenue) but decided to not get any money for it, or the game is going to have microtransactions built into the game that makes F2P look like a good bargain.
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Assuming GW2 didn't flop, it's either going to be biggest act of kindness where a bunch of guys made a game that can beat WoW ($1 billion/year revenue) but decided to not get any money for it, or the game is going to have microtransactions built into the game that makes F2P look like a good bargain.


Cash shop and pay to win are already detailed for this game. Also, their "open world" pvp is just an instanced battleground.

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As opposed to nothing dying. Yeah I'd go for your version if I could pick.


I'm a combat medic trooper, champ gear only, and I get roflstomped 1v1 sometimes, other times I can survive 1v2, and others I can keep a tanky friend and myself up against 3-4 for a while, but it all depends on CDs, skill and timing.


If you can't kill a healer by yourself, stop whining and go practice. When I'm playing in DPS spec, I can kill a healer 1v1 no problem - again, I have no BM gear, and im talking about fights against people sporting their fancy "War Hero" titles.


Healing is in no way OP. healers should be able to prevent deaths of allies. That's their intended purpose.

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If a healer can outheal a good dps and throwing heals into his group then something is wrong.


If a healer outheals your DPS, you are simply bad. Really. Melee have NO difficulty outDPSing my heals using a couple of cc's at their disposal. As a sorc healer I've got whatever the equivilant of 700 force power is in healing. It's a bit less in my PvP gear, but after expertise it's not much. Healers can't heal if you stop their skills.


Every class has interrupts, stuns, mezzes, knockbacks. USE THEM. Stop being bad. I am leveling a marauder. He's 28 now. I solo healers of all classes most of the time I try (in 10-49's). Some of the better ones take longer, but I've got tools to wear him down if left alone with him. Sometimes I lose. That's okay. Healers aren't supposed to be walking batteries.


Merc healers are pretty surviviable, but you should not, 1 vs 1, be able to get out HPS'd by any healer one on one unless you're simply a facerolling dps masher who's only adequate with following an optimized DPS button sequence.


Now, if you want to complain about not being able to 2v2 2 healers as 2 dpsers, that argument I'll hear. Although I'm not sure exactly how those two healers would actually kill you two if they are focused on just healing whoever's taking damage. It'd take a good while, I suspect.

Edited by islander
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Dps deathmatch's are far more boring and much less skill. ill take coordinated fights and cc any day. so looking forward to 8 man pre so dont have to play with folks of the OP mind set Edited by Cythis
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Its funny to think that the same people hoping for GW2 wont be the same ones crying and tearing it down also when it comes out.


You guys are kidding yourselves into believing that it wont have bugs/balance issues/pay to win problems etc... Now this I find funny. :p

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Its funny to think that the same people hoping for GW2 wont be the same ones crying and tearing it down also when it comes out.


You guys are kidding yourselves into believing that it wont have bugs/balance issues/pay to win problems etc... Now this I find funny. :p



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