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Just hit battlemaster, and I've been using stalker gear ever since. Stalker is still the best for sorcerer's because the set piece has 3 Recklessness charges, right? Or am I better off going with Force-Master or Force-Mystic?


I usually heal, DPS occasionally. What do you think?


Any input is welcome.

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I'm hybrid but i went with both the force masters and mystics 2 piece set bonuses.


The shield is obviously a no brainer and the extra heals from crushing darkness is nice because I use it on CD.


To me the stats on the different sets of gear have a big deal to do with the choices though.

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To me the stats on the different sets of gear have a big deal to do with the choices though.

You can switch out the mods/enhancements, picking effective set bonuses are more important.


I'm a tri-spec and I love the stalker set. 35m snare and interrupt and 3 recklessness charges for burst dps/healing. I tried 2pc mystic/master and it felt underwhelming.

Edited by _Minmaxer_
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You can switch out the mods/enhancements, picking effective set bonuses are more important.


I'm a tri-spec and I love the stalker set. 35m snare and interrupt and 3 recklessness charges for burst dps/healing. I tried 2pc mystic/master and it felt underwhelming.


I don't really get focused too much, and if I do I can usually get away. There's plenty of damage here and there that goes around and this keeps me topped off.


The only thing that I would consider is the third recklessness proc. I have recklessness macro'd to hit with my power relic and power adrenal so a third stream of crits of forced lightning could be nice.

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Nevermind, I just looked up the set bonuses again. The stalker set bonuses are garbage.


The 2 piece is 5 yds on an interrupt? LOL


The 4 piece is the extra recklessness and who's going to go for the full 4 piece when you can get 2 good 2 piece bonuses?


Shield debuff duration by 3 sec is huge when you have the shield blind talent and it's a huge help at all times cuz you constantly use the shield and it might save your life or CC that Op at just the right time to be able to get away.


The extra 5 yds on the interrupt helping? Very rarely.


So the question becomes what's the two best 2 set piece bonuses and that's easy. Shield and reducing GCD of crushing darkness and passive heals from it is obvious.


No question.

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As a (tri-)hybrid dps sorc, I definitely like the Stalker set bonuses. 15sec and one extra charge on Recklessness is the best dps bonus available for the sorcerer, and more importantly it helps boost our burst which is needed. Furthermore, I actually like the 5yard range bonus on the interrupt (mainly); it makes it a lot easier to remain in a good position while still being able to interrupt a healer or a grav round commando as well as performing other situational interrupts.


If you're not running with Lightning Effusion I would possibly consider the PvE force master 2piece bonus and complement it with PvP force mystic 2piece bonus, but I haven't tried it out to see what difference it makes myself. Similarly, if I was full madness spec I would consider going for the PvP force master 2piece bonus to complement whatever else I went for, because as a full madness the cooldown reduction on Crushing Darkness is more important than it is when you have CL, and the trickle heals should stack up to make it overall better.


As you can see, my opinion is that it probably depends on your spec, but with the spec I'm running I really like the Stalker 4piece.

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it's the increased force slow that is awesome, interrupt doesn't hurt


and recklessness cooldown is also decreased 15 sec


i admit the mystic two piece is nice to max WP and add a little survivability but you learn to live without it pretty easily


pro sorcs use stalker

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