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★★★[ARENA] - benefits of adding ARENA to SWTOR★★★


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Don't you people who are screaming for arena PvP get it? The game has small scale PvP, we don't need more instanced PvP crap where further imbalances are exploited. We need large scale PvP where tactics and strategies proliferate, oh who am I kidding, carry on...


won't happen, the engine is too limited. arenas are the only thing to save the pvp part IF NOT THE WHOLE GAME from certain death due to lack of motivation.

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Personally i HATE warzones. You sit for hours learning how to play your char, gear him up and for what? Getting ganked by 5 peeps and instadie.


I want battlegrounds, i want one vs one, two vs two. I don't want a gankfest. Everytime i get into a warzone i just klick everything that shines and im sick of it. Some people may enjoy this but for me it's only a waste of time and there is never any fair and square battles. Only Total Empire win or totalt Republic win.


For gods sake FIX this and give us skilled players the opportunity to actually play pvp.

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I guess most people screaming NO to arena are 1500 rated WoW players. I see a lot of WZs heroes, full WH and valor 80/90+ acting like they're good because they run premades 10 hours a day facerolling pugs but when you jump them alone they don't really know what to do and just die.
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Might as well- if for no other reason that to see how some classes dominate the 2v2, 3v3, etc...


Of course- that doesn't matter, BW would see one AC with 30% of the top 10% of players- and another AC with 2% of the top 10%, and do absolutely nothing.


Adding arena won't magically make BW competent at pvp.

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Guys, guys (op and others): you are way to rational and forgiving, have to much tolerance for others.


"We" should act like they do : like spoiled brats who think that they are the only ppl playing the game that matter, and if it doesn't go their way they threaten to quit.


Its the language Bioware understands . Bioware is not "scared" of rational people, because even if they quit, some will return even if unhappy. They are afraid of moody brats who quit the game because they died once in wz (lol team of operatives)


I have yet to see people who ask for arena, demand the removal of WZ, PvE, World PvP.... simply because they do not enjoy those. On the other hand, people who do not want arena want the removal and or stopping the implementation of ANY content they do not enjoy or agree with.


This game should offer something for Everybody , and ppl should stop imposing their will upon others. Do not want to participate in some of the game's content? fine. But don't prohibit said content to every one.


Jeez, you guys sound like religion, "you are not ok with just believing in something unless every other person on the planet is subjected to your belief system and its generated "rules".


Learn to be tolerant of others, and remove that stick from ure azz.

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You have my full support, especially for 1 vs 1 arena :D

well that would be the only arena setting to catch my interest. small group pvp only open up for fotm comp anyway. and arena have a tendency to get very static after short while in every season. what i really would like to see is rated single ques in warzones, i think that would be really fun. especially if there are big servers, battle groups, or cross server ques. you never know what team you gonna face. the ultimate pvp setting :D

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1. Arena is far more competitive and skill-oriented than rated warzones.


Matter of opinion? Different skill sets are different.


2. Arenas will help keep PvPers subscribed to this game


Until they get jaded and angry enough to stop doing it. See WoW, where arena participation has declined nearly every season since the system was introduced.


3. Arena will help balance this game's PvP


Holy Yoda, you've got to be joking. If WoW showed you anything, it was that an arena system introduces massive, irreversible imbalances into every aspect of the game.


4. Arenas are breeding ground for skilled players


The only point where I can agree. At the very least, it teaches people positioning and situational awareness.


On the other hand, it's also a breeding ground for win trading, paid carries, and queue dodging. In other words: cheating on a massive scale.


5. SWTOR arena will be EASIER to balance than WoW


Given that people already beef about imbalances and broken mirrors, do you really believe that small scale PvP in this game will be immune to FotM comps?


C'mon. You can't be that naive.


6. Adding arenas will be FINANCIALLY productive for bioware


"Blizzard as a company, for some unknown reason, did not appear to like arenas." LOL, I wonder what that reason could be?


Maybe because it became impossible to manage, permanently introduced class imbalances, fueled customer complaints and made every successive developer's life a living hell for the last five or six years?



Arena's destroy classes in both PvE and BG/WZ experiences. I did my time, grinded up my arena rating, paid millions of gold for constant respecc'ing from my preferred class of prot warrior to mortal strike faceroller because of the need to get gladiator rating and gear for BG's and world pvp. It was *********** terrible. I endured the constant balance destruction arenas brought to the game, the steady participation decline, the massive fotm re-rolling of classes and team comps.

Friendships destroyed because they wouldn't roll and level a new class in order to stay competitive with whatever comp had the balance pendulum swing in their favor that season, guilds fall apart, and the general attitude of the community go to complete and utter garbage all because of arenas. Arenas were the worst thing to ever happen to WoW. Period.

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The OP must be a sent/mara, assn/sdw or a pyrotank.


One thing i do agree with is this, it will help identify op classes. not that folks can't be good but still, you'd loose some things like who wants to go up against a healer? Or who wants to go up against a mara/senti? BW can look at the stats of win, loose but i think more importantly they need look at gear. can't say it is a really fair fight with recruit gear and wh gear in the arena. I think you should be able to decide which tier you go in of the 3. Otherwise, you will have people camping out in the arena.


In all honesty, this the is really the best opportunity to learn how to fight another class of similar gear. You can really fine tune your skills on one v.s. one. As we already get enough practice in group pvp.

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You have my support for Arenas. I play E-Sport in every game I played and this game needs more PvP modes, like Arenas (4v4 in this game would be awesome), sieges, good outdoor or something like that.
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After reading the first couple posts, i tend to agree with the benefit of arenas


however i'm having a hard time agreeing with the association of team based objective play being casual, with the deathmatch being more complicated.


I agree that deathmatch would provide better balancing statistics, but the coordination required for objective based includes killing opponents (thus adding another factor - not simplifying)


baring that i generally agree w/ the op

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benefits of arena


1 create never ending class QQ

2 create never ending class balance nerfs

3 create never ending pve imbalance among classes to balance for arena

4 kill SWTOR pvp


a 1v1 duel pit on fleet i'd go for, but we already have arena, it's just 8v8 here. Nothing more is needed but an incentive to do open world pvp


DO NOT WANT EVER, keep the QQ pit in WOW

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benefits of arena


1 create never ending class QQ

2 create never ending class balance nerfs

3 create never ending pve imbalance among classes to balance for arena

4 kill SWTOR pvp


a 1v1 duel pit on fleet i'd go for, but we already have arena, it's just 8v8 here. Nothing more is needed but an incentive to do open world pvp


DO NOT WANT EVER, keep the QQ pit in WOW


So basically same as now? but with accurate data?

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So basically same as now? but with accurate data?


no WAY WAY worse than now, for every "QQ this class needs a nerf thread" on the forum now, X10 if we get arena.


and arena numbers because of variances in gear will make the data more or less worthless yet people will take what numbers they got in in 1 arena match to be proof of " im fine nerf everyone else" i can prove it with a SS of some random arena



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"Warzones = objective oriented (casual) PvP. Arenas = survival/killing oriented (competitive) PvP"


I find this statement pretty funny.


Competitve gaming on the professional level has been objective based for years, and i've never ever EVER EVER seen a statment that has said otherwise until reading this post.


CPL counter strike was always objective based

MLG halo has a mix of slayer (Team DM) and objective based games.


Having pvp be objective based does *NOT* take away from competition or lack of skills. I prefer objective based play and always have. FPS, MMO, whatever Im playing, I've always prefered objective based. Sometimes, I might jump into a DM style game type for a change up but not because its more competitive.;

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No no no no nope. Arenas are bad, they breed trolls, elitists, and complaints from people who dont know their classes. 1v1 balancing that is needed in arenas RUINS ALL OTHER BALANCE, other PvP, PvE, all of it. Unless you design the game from the start with an arena system in mind its nearly impossible to add later without severe side effects. blizzard devs even made a dev post on their blog about the huge headaches it causes, the unbalancing of other areas and show regret for adding it. The problem with post launch arenas is this the devs have to either keep arenas balanced or pve and other pvp balanced as its nearly impossible to do both.


So again, no nay never, no nay never no more.

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No no no no nope. Arenas are bad, they breed trolls, elitists, and complaints from people who dont know their classes.


Arena doesn't breed anything. People are just people.


Just like they said they don't want addons like recount or an proper combat log. Because it made it easier to recognize bad players, and slackers.


Did not implementing said measuring tools improve players game play? hell no. It just made it harder to babysit each individual and see if is worth bringing "that guy" in ops groups.


Its just like saying : Guns kill people. Where its people that kill people. Don't hate the tools.


Arena does not imbalance the game, Bioware and EA does. Arena is just a tool to measure the performance of classes and team setups. (from player pov is a competitive pvp environment)


What the devs do with that information is not Arena's fault. In fact, without arena... they can't tell if the changes they make each patch are good or bad for pvp, because they have nothing to measure class performance in pvp.


Player feedback is unreliable, which results in balancing the game according to pve "metrics", because there are no pvp ones.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Arena would be a very wise addition to this low-skill capped game.


Arena, is the gift that keeps on giving.


Warzone (battlegrounds) / OPS (raids) ... get stale after a while and need to invest new resources in new wz/ops that get stale after a month.


Arena's never get dull, played them for YEARS in wow, and was the only reason i still played that game after vanilla wow.


If Arenas were removed from WoW, and only rated BG and pve was left, it would lose half its subscriber base in less than a month.

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Arena, is the gift that keeps on giving.


Warzone (battlegrounds) / OPS (raids) ... get stale after a while and need to invest new resources in new wz/ops that get stale after a month.


Arena's never get dull, played them for YEARS in wow, and was the only reason i still played that game after vanilla wow.


If Arenas were removed from WoW, and only rated BG and pve was left, it would lose half its subscriber base in less than a month.

Oh I so like you.

Multi-glad here missing her arena madness.


My main issue with this game is that the *skill* cap is very low.

Defending nodes, capping huttballs, getting these lame objectives doesn't take half a brain.

There's nothing impressive about them in any shape or form.


This is why (Despite being excited for 8-man) am not thrilled about the goal of rated warzones.

Simply because it's too easy and anyone who wants to step into PvP for just a few days can

get a solid grip on the weak PvP.

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So, i will start by saying i am a huge advocate for arenas in TOR. I think it would be just splendid.


The idea of resolve does go a long way toward helping to balance arenas. As coordinated CC is no longer class dependant. It is Static.


The two abilities classes can only use in PvE go along way toward seperating PvE and PvP damage. Bioware can simply tweak certain abilites that cant be used in PvP to make sure everyone is "worthy" of being in a raid group.


These two points are what make TOR completely different from any other MMO that has tried arena's.


To all the people saying "NO ARENA", ask yourselves why not? Is it because you had a bad experience in this one game and never want people to see how bad you really are. Well were not asking it to be a requirement. No one that does not want to participate will not have to.


As is in outlaw's den, you have to G-quit just to be able to attack guildies. We are constantly leaving guild, passing out invites to party to rez people, dropping party, then 4v4, or 2v2ing, or whatever the number of people may be. My point is, just give us a que system and a 140mx140m room, So we can effortlessly que and play via interface. Its becoming quite a pain just to get a couple deathmatches in amongst friends.


Alot of the MMO community is getting older now. What we really need is a good system in place so that we might log in, get some games in, and go do our thing. As is there is so much organizing going on that it leaves little time for actual gameplay.


PLEASE PLEASE give us a que system via the interface so our gameplay is seamless and sensible. Honestly as is Bioware is asking alot from their customers. Its 2012 and people dont want to have to organize everything from the ground up for some PvP outside of the four WZ maps that we have played a million times.


Be reasonable Bioware, your customers are pleading with you, we dont want to be bored anymore, and arena's are exteremely dynamic and will provide countless hours of entertainment that will surely bolster the community and playerbase.


Thank you for your time. /cheers

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So, i will start by saying i am a huge advocate for arenas in TOR. I think it would be just splendid.


The idea of resolve does go a long way toward helping to balance arenas. As coordinated CC is no longer class dependant. It is Static.


The two abilities classes can only use in PvE go along way toward seperating PvE and PvP damage. Bioware can simply tweak certain abilites that cant be used in PvP to make sure everyone is "worthy" of being in a raid group.


These two points are what make TOR completely different from any other MMO that has tried arena's.


To all the people saying "NO ARENA", ask yourselves why not? Is it because you had a bad experience in this one game and never want people to see how bad you really are. Well were not asking it to be a requirement. No one that does not want to participate will not have to.


As is in outlaw's den, you have to G-quit just to be able to attack guildies. We are constantly leaving guild, passing out invites to party to rez people, dropping party, then 4v4, or 2v2ing, or whatever the number of people may be. My point is, just give us a que system and a 140mx140m room, So we can effortlessly que and play via interface. Its becoming quite a pain just to get a couple deathmatches in amongst friends.


Alot of the MMO community is getting older now. What we really need is a good system in place so that we might log in, get some games in, and go do our thing. As is there is so much organizing going on that it leaves little time for actual gameplay.


PLEASE PLEASE give us a que system via the interface so our gameplay is seamless and sensible. Honestly as is Bioware is asking alot from their customers. Its 2012 and people dont want to have to organize everything from the ground up for some PvP outside of the four WZ maps that we have played a million times.


Be reasonable Bioware, your customers are pleading with you, we dont want to be bored anymore, and arena's are exteremely dynamic and will provide countless hours of entertainment that will surely bolster the community and playerbase.


Thank you for your time. /cheers


Why not? Cause if BW adds arenas I'm unsubscribe. I won't ever play a mmorpg that has arenas. It's like asking for a death match only fps game. You want arena go play wow. They give you a queue system and next thing you want is rewards, then a ranking system. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.


Besides it's not like arena is popular even in wow. Arena is never going to bring/draw in the number of subscribers compare to other more profitable avenues like a true 3d space. Thus, why would BW invest resources on an arena system that won't produce very good results in terms of subscribers compared to lets say upgrading space or even adding more pve content?

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Disagreed. Lets see 2v2 ;


Marauder/sentinels x2 = win

Marauder/sentinels and Powertechs/vanguard = win

Powertechs/vanguards x2 = win


Rest = less win.


3v3 ;


Any of the above combinations with an ops/scoundrel healer = win


rest = less win.


Ide say add more objective based + huttball maps. See how ranked pans out.


The only reason im playing this game and not wow is that the team objective gameplay aint dead yet.

that and lightsabers are really cool. blaster pistols/ rifles too

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