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i know they used to be able to wear hoods in Beta. I was a twilek sith inquisitor in beta. and your lekku would come out of two holes cut in the back. So like the indiana jones looking hat....from the opening cinematic.....they can wear those as well correct?
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My Twi'lek Jedi cannot wear hoods, but with most headgear the lekku clip through no problem. However, I have one orange headpiece that I use for raiding (modded with lots of end game purples) that removes my lekku entirely, making me look like any old human in a bondage mask. Er, yeah. That's what my guild calls it. No zipper fortunately. No mouth unfortunately.


Its the only one that does that and I have NFI why

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My Twi'lek Jedi cannot wear hoods, but with most headgear the lekku clip through no problem. However, I have one orange headpiece that I use for raiding (modded with lots of end game purples) that removes my lekku entirely, making me look like any old human in a bondage mask. Er, yeah. That's what my guild calls it. No zipper fortunately. No mouth unfortunately.


Its the only one that does that and I have NFI why


Probably because it goes all the way around your head if it's that freaky mask you're talking about that I got on my Shadow.

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