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Fix ravage!


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Fix ravage so when you interrupt the ability you arent stuck in the animation stage and basically just immobilized yourself. This has being going on for far too long, it is a pretty bad bug even in pve, where i'm stuck in place and cant run from a high damage effect, dot, or aoe cast by the operation bosses.
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It is pretty annoying, but charging someone as they knockback and getting stuck through the world and then disconnected (kicked out of your WZ) is a lot more annoying to me personally.


Even with some of the ridiculous bugs in the game, I still love it though.

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No way!? Ravage and our Charge is bugged!?!?!?!?! This is the first time I've heard about this. I should start another thread to get the word out...


Trust me, we've *****ed about this enough that BW knows about the problem. They're just stuck up EA's *** to far that they "can't say anything for sure until it's final. Which means its probably already hit the test server". Aka instead of communicating with us about the on going process of ideas or fixes, they'd rather just us stick our thumbs up our *** and hope that they know what they're doing. Which they don't.

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