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I want to love my sentinel! Help me achieve this!


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Hello guys!


I recently rerolled from imperial side to repubic scum side and I can actually say I enjoy it a lot!


The leveling is great again, the community, bla bla!


I started a Sentinel and I am currently lvl 29!


As much as I know and I've been told and I've felt it on my own skin, I know that sentinels/marauders are squishy classes, at least up until higher lvls, and I know they actually scale with time invested in learning the class and gearing it up.


As I already said, my current lvl is 29! I am enjoying the game so far but I am not yet loving the class at its full !


This is actually from a pvp perspective so pvp-ers, if you can feel for me and hear me up and maybe help me with this I would appreciate the honor!


I am no noob and I consider myself a competitive pvp player!


In ever MMO i've played so far I've lead guilds that managed to top up as the best PVP guilds on a specific server/realm etc.


My first toon was a rank 73 mercenary and even if I know there is a big difference between a ranged dps class and a pure dps melee class, I can tell you that I can't find it uncomfortable as I repeat: I dont consider myself a noob!


I am using keybinds for like 6 years now, I usually accomodate really fast with every class that its given to me but in this case, and that is, playing my sentinel in PVP I have some issues and I will mark them as points:


1. I don't feel the RAW POWER of this class yet! I mean, I can kill even lvl 40+ classes in 1v1 and I can actually get a good contribution to my team in most of the warzones I play , and I usually deal decent amount of damage for a mid lvl melee class but I dont feel that raw power for this class yet! Its like I dont feel like a ****** at this lvl and usually when I get focused I die quite fast (well we are even here as this goes for every other class in the game and its normal)


2. lvl 29, full twinked up gear wise and I STILL dont get the 2,5k hit but very very RARE and this is with the expertise buff. I see other classes like snipers/gunslingers that get 3,5k+ crits @ lvl 15 or even at lower lvls (yes yes I know they are a glasscannon type class but still)


3. I am using FOCUS spec atm ! Is this the best viable pvp spec right now or should I respec?


4. When are sentinels/marauders really starting to pwn and be ''feared'' in 1v1 encounters ? (even tho this game is not ballanced around 1v1 I am interested about this). After 40+ lvl?


Thanks for your time and hopefully you guys will open my eyes ;)

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Well like you said, we don't really shine until 40+ at which we get all our needed skills. At 29, you have just enough to have Felling Blow, adn Singularity to buff your Force Sweep bombs. So if you don't max those 2, I suggest you max it as that would be the easiest way for that 2.5k medal. Once you reach 40 and you get Force Exhaustion the amount of your bombs will double.
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First off, your level 29.

Second, your focus spec - which has aoe emphasis.

Combat is burst damage, but its underpowered.


The notorious 1 vs 1 spec is watchman.


And again, your level 29 - so you are pretty much lacking decent abilities and you can expect to be quite squishy for a while longer.


Pre-50 pvp was somewhat fun when I played, but the real results will come when your level 50.

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First off, I want to say welcome to the light side, cookies will be sent to your in game mail :p


Yeah, i'm having trouble with my sentinel, but, I just love the class. I've always been a fan of dual wielding, that might be part of it lol.


What really got me interested in the class was watching my buddy play his lvl 50 Champ/BM geared Marauder. It was just insane, topped quite a few warzones in damage, as Annihilation spec. What really made it great IMO was the fact that we are in Iraq, getting 800-900 ms ping. If he can do that with almost a full second of lag, imagine what could happen with a sub 100ms connection.


Knights and Warriors just don't have it very good until the later levels, i'd say, stick with it :)

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I am not interested in medals mate :) Maybe I expressed myself wrong!


I was trying to say that my most powerful ability atm is blade storm and that barelt goes over 2k!


I am speaking about raw damage and big numbers :)

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Yeah, I was talking about that 2.5k hit you wanted, just though you were aiming for the medal specifically.


But if you want front end, raw damage, go combat, my personal favorite. But it's seriously gimped atm, but if you really want to.


Run up to someone, ZS, pop Precision, then Blade Rush, follow up with Blade Storm, then Blade Rush away. Combat also has a smaller primary rotation compared to Watchman.

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I am not interested in medals mate :) Maybe I expressed myself wrong!


I was trying to say that my most powerful ability atm is blade storm and that barelt goes over 2k!


I am speaking about raw damage and big numbers :)


Oh, I wasn't speaking about the medals specifically, just that he was putting up big numbers over all. Focus is the right choice for the burst (I had a focus spec guardian, before I switched to tanking) Watchman doesn't have the big numbers, but the damage over time can't be matched.

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I am not interested in medals mate :) Maybe I expressed myself wrong!


I was trying to say that my most powerful ability atm is blade storm and that barelt goes over 2k!


I am speaking about raw damage and big numbers :)


Eh, other than the focus bombs, our class really isnt much for massive spike numbers. Our mechanic is set for us to be more consistant than anything else if properly played. Im not saying we can't put out big numbers with gear/buffs/relics etc, but as it is, our dps is better suited for long haul encounters where other classes would have to monitor or begin to limit their resource consumption.

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Merciless slash with all buffs stacked will also hit for over 2.5K pretty reliably on crits. That and focus bombs are you largest single hits, although I've had the final tick of master strike hit for over 5K once with my current combat build.
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