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TheFatman the "NEW" Starsider ???


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The worst is that "The Fatman" was one of the best balanced servers, that is until Ruin decieded to bring its 600+ group of casuals and socials to our server. Ruin is a prime example of a server destroyer. If they went republic It would have balanced our server to 50-50, or somewhere close to that. But like the OP said it's the issue he described plus ruin = The Fatman server downfall.


If it was already balanced, how would adding 600 to the republic make it balanced?


Also I think people are referring to the 'late' SWG Starsider, when it was just a dump for all their closed down servers. Most of us had already quit before then, so we remember Starsider being the 'unofficial RP server' (those of us that actually played there before all the merges).

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Yet at launch everyone cried and said Bioware was the worst company ever because there were queues to log in. If they only had a few servers people would complain they needed more. There is literally no way to appease this bitter (forum) community.


you hit the nail on the head. it makes no difference what bioware does, people will whine. Too few servers, now there's too many servers. People need to shut up honestly and pick one complaint and stick with it.

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